Chapter 12:

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I woke up to a scream. I checked my phone and it was 12:43 A.M.

I climbed out of bed and went into the hallway. "What the fuck!" Jacob yelled from his room. I walked over to his room and walked in. "Oh, hey." He sat up on his bed. "Who was screaming?" Asked standing in front of him. He shrugged, "Lets find out." He stood up and we went into the hallway. Then we went into the living room to see a very happy Addison and Travis.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Travis proposed!" She screamed and ran over and hugged me. I was stiff, and looked at Jacob over her shoulder.
"Great." She let go. "Now, me and Travis are going in the pool, have fun sleeping." She walked passed me and went to her room. "Do you want to go swimming?" I asked Jacob. "Sure, go get you're bikini on." I turned around and started to my room and Jacob threw a towel at my head. "Thanks." I
rolled my eyes and picked up the towel.

I changed into my bikini and went outside. I ran up to Jacob and jumped into his arms. "Where's Addison and Travis?" I asked. "Addison was too tired to put on her bathing suit and Travis didn't want to be without her, so it's just us." He smirked. "Yeah, not today." I chuckled. "I wasn't referring it sex. I was referring to this." He ran closer to the pool, still carrying me and throwing me in.

"You're so nice!" I shouted as I swam back. I saw the lights turn on next door and I looked at Jacob. "It's because you're too loud." I told him. "Sure, whatever." He rolled his eyes and went into the jacuzzi. I went in with him and sat on his lap. He put his hand on my face, leaning in and kissing me.

We stopped and he stood up, while I wrapped my legs around his waist.
He carried me out of the jacuzzi, and carried me into the pool. We went back to kissing. He put one of his hands under my butt and one on my back.
He pulled me closer to his "area" and I ran a hand through his hair.
We stopped kissing a couple times to breathe.

He moved his hands down to my butt, putting his hands into my bikini bottoms. We stopped kissing and gazed into each other's eyes. "You're so damn sexy." He said as he carried me out of the pool. He set me down, sliding his hands out of my bottoms.

We dried off and went inside. I took a shower and went to bed. I've had a long day.

Hope you liked it😊 I'll try to update when I can

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~ Michela💐

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