Chapter 9:

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"Can you get me that volleyball over there?" Hailey asked me. "Sure." I grabbed the volleyball and handed it to her. I went in the jacuzzi and sat next to Georgia. A couple minutes passed and I almost fell asleep. Until Addison threw up.
"Are you ok?" I asked Addison. She shook her head. "It would have been great if you threw up in the toilet." Dylan said with disgust. I reached behind Georgia and hit him in the back of the head. "Ow!" He rubbed the back of his head. "You deserved it." I got out of the jacuzzi and helped Addison out of the pool. I handed a towel to her and she sat down. 

"Just relax, it's ok." She nodded. "Well I know it's because of the baby." I nodded. I instructed Sage to clean up Addison's throw up and told Travis to keep her company.
I put my necklace that my dad gave me  back on and looked at the picture inside the locket. Memories started filling my head. I started thinking about when I was 6 and my dad left for the military, saying goodbye at 6 years old was hard. It was in the middle of November...

My mom buckled me into my car seat and kissed me on my forehead. "Mommy, where are we going?" I asked as my mom got in the passenger seat of my dad's car. "The airport."
I felt the car shake a little as my dad put a duffle bag in the back of the car. He got in the car and turned to me. "Love you pumpkin." I smiled. "Love you too daddy." He turned back around and started driving to the airport.

I looked out the window and saw all the trees and cars pass by. Once we got there my mom took me out of the car seat and we walked into the airport. My dad checked in his bag, and we waited. "Where is daddy going?" I asked fumbling with the end of my pink dress. My mom never answered, but only started tearing up.

My dad walked over to us and I stood up. "Where are you going daddy?" I asked again. "Italy." He bent down and I hugged him. "I'll miss you pumpkin." He said. He let go and stood up. He kissed my mom and said goodbye. I finally realized why he was leaving. My eyes started tearing up, and my dad did a goodbye salute. Me and my mom did the same. Tears stung my face. My dad started walking in the direction of his flight and I started crying more, and turned to my mom and she picked me up. I cried into her shoulder, and played with her long black hair to help me calm down. We left the airport after a couple minutes.

I started crying at the memory, the first time I realized why my dad was leaving. I sat in the toilet and put my face into my hands. I started crying even harder, but I stopped when I heard the door open for the backyard.
I stood up and cleaned my face with cold water. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Dakota?" I turned around to see Jacob. "Yeah?" I smiled, but he didn't smile back. "Why are you crying?" He ran has hand through my hair. "I'm just thinking of my dad, the first time I realized why my dad was leaving." Tears started running down my cheeks, but Jacob whipped them away. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head. "No, I just need to relax for a little bit." He nodded. "We can go into the living room." I nodded and he hugged me. He then lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me downstairs and we sat on the couch.

"Love you." Jacob said, I lifted my head off his shoulder. "Love you too." I smiled and he smiled back. How did I gets so lucky?

Poor Dakota😢 guess where the picture of the little girl is from, just guess
hope you liked it😊 please

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