Chapter 10:

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"It's going to rain later today, what should we do?" Hailey asked. "We should go to the Palm Beach Outlets, but we need to wake up Addison also." I told her. "Ok, I'll wake her up now, to give her enough time to throw up." She got up and walked to Addison's room.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Is Addison ok?" Jacob asked after hugging me. "I hope so, I know she's excited to have the baby." He nodded.
"She was telling me yesterday if it was a girl she would name it Bailey." I smiled.
I heard loud walking upstairs, probably Addison walking to the bathroom.

"I'll go get dressed." I told him. I started walking away and he slapped my ass. I turned my head around and rolled my eyes. I went to my room and changed. I went upstairs to check on Addison, and she was already changed. "Are you ok?" She nodded. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch next to Georgia. "Where are the guys?" She set down her phone. "They didn't want to go shopping, so they're staying here." I nodded. 
"So, wait. She actually told you to shut up?" Kyra nodded. "Yeah. Mrs. Foster is bitch." I nodded. "Today was a good day." Addison said. "So is Travis really excited about the baby?" Sage asked.

"I guess, but he's always bringing up the marriage subject." She raised her eyebrows. I looked at Kyra and she looked back at me with a smirk. "Me and Kyra are going to Bath and Bodyworks." I said starting to leave with Kyra. We eventually got away far enough to talk about what just happened. "Oh my god! He's going to propose!" I said excitedly. "That's why the guys didn't come!"
"Yes, we're smarter than the guys, we figured it out!" We laughed. "But where would he get a ri-" She paused, and smirked. "What?" I looked at her. "There here, some how there here, getting the ring." I thought about it. "Holy shit! You're right! We need to go find the ring store." We ran to a directory and looked for a jewelry store. We found it and started walking there.

"I'm so happy we figured it out." Kyra said with pleasure. "Me too." I smiled, and then we went inside the store.
"Hello, welcome to Kay Jewelers." A smiley lady said as we walked in.
"May I help you?" I nodded. "Did about six young men come in here, and look at engagement rings?" The lady thought about it. "There actually still here, I'll bring you over to them." I looked at Kyra with wide eyes. We then followed the lady and thanked her.
"Let's act surprised their here." I told Kyra in a hushed voice.
"Oh my god!" The guys turned around, with wide eyes. "What are you guys doing here?!" We walked up to them, still acting surprised. "Nothing." Travis responded.

"I know what you're doing, me and Kyra figured it out." Kyra and I laughed and went up to the counter.
"Oh my god! You should get this for her!" I picked up this beautiful ring. "It's the one I picked." Travis said from behind me. "Good. Now get it." I shooed him away.
"So, you came here with him?" I stood in front of Jacob. "Yup. How did you two figure it out anyways?" He crossed his arms. "We just did." I winked, and hugged him.
"But I told the girls we where going to Bath and Bodyworks, so we should go. Love you bye." I kissed him on the cheek and found Kyra. We left and found the girls. We did a lot of shopping and avoiding the guys. It was fun.

Travis is one smart guy. Hope you liked it😊 please

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