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     "Gavin!" The cry barely escapes my lips before I run out into the traffic filled highway. I leave my gun, map, bags behind in the grass. A car speeds towards me. A cop car, "Oh no." They turn their sirens on, and come close to hitting me.

     But the car stops, inches from my body. Markings swirl around me, keeping me in the same purple veil from earlier. That's when I notice that the cop didn't stop. The car is still moving. Everything is still moving - but in slow motion.

     The car eventually hits me, but it goes right through me. So does the trucks and minivans following behind me. They all just drive through me. I'm transperant, with nothing but a purple lining around me. You can reach through me, it's like I'm a ghost.

     Gavin was touching me, so he has the lining around him too. I can see him, I'm Not sure he can see me though. I notice the purple veil getting smaller around us. Maybe I'm running out of power! I try to pick him up, but he's too heavy for my weak arms. I start to drag him, when the effects on the glow wear off.

     I sit him back in the grass gently. Kissing his lips, I try to give him the kiss of life, but I've never done this. And it fails.

     I start to cry, not just because I lost Gavin to a truck, but because my skin is burning once again. I check my ankle while trying to ignore the burning. Noticing the pain from twisting my ankle had stopped. A purple swirl is around it, making the pain go away.

     Everything that is weird, I poke. I poke this new shade of purple and it swirls my finger. It then zooms over to a cut on my forehead. What's this thing doing?

     When it leaves to touch another cut and another bruise I feel my head. The cut is gone, it's nothing but a small bump.

      Wait! I forcefully stop the thing from healing my cuts and put it on Gavin. It moves in all direction's fighting itself on where to go first. He must be that badly hurt. Eventually it starts growing and growing like crazy.

     It becomes more of a gas this time, the first goes under his shirt and into some cuts. A giant bruise on his forehead gets healed. His chest is still. It isn't moving whatsoever. I feel his heart rate, but I feel nothing. Hear nothing. And know that nothing is going on.

      The gas stops... I've given up and just start crying. It goes up to his face, in through his ears, nose, mouth, even his tiny ear ducts. I put my head to his chest and suddenly hear a noise. Like crunching glass, then just a thud. Another thud. A thud, a thud, and a thud. His heart! It restarted, I make a nasty sobbing noise even though I'm smiling.


     "Gavin!" I hug him, even though he should be careful. He just died, somehow - someway he's back. "I thought you were a goner."

     My face lights up lik a Christmas tree. I try not to seem so happy, but I cant help the giant grin.

      "Me too, but what happened back there. I heard a bang, then it all went dark. Now I'm here." He starts to smile, but I know he's still in some pain. I don't blame him, he just got done lighting himself on fire, jumped from a bus onto a highway then to an eighteen-wheeler bumper to the forehead. Yeah, he should be in some pain.

     "Well, we jumped from the bus. I grabbed a gun and tried to shoot the bus dri -"

     He cuts me off, "You tried to shoot the bus driver!?!"

     "Yeah. He's with the people hunting us."

     "You think you know a guy,"

      "Where to next?" I say wondering if people are looking at us. After we all we're sitting on the side of a highway. Plus I have a gun in my hand. Surely police are on the way, "I don't think going into the city, I mean look. Its San Francisco, California! is a good idea. Tons of people could be working with the people chasing us."

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