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Gavin? Oh my god! "Gavin!" I literally jump from the table and push towards the crowd. When I get to the bulk of the watchers, I manage to squeeze through. Not really caring who I push away at this point. "Gavin! I'm here!"

I come to a sharp stop, for a small flame is burning in front of me. Oh Gavin, why must you set ablaze everything you touch?

"I'm going to wish you hadn't done that, Fire-Boy." The attacker threatens.

Ugh, what to do? What to do? I rack my brain for answers but none come. With no thought I jump right over that small fire keeping me back and lands right in front of Gavin.

Pain intasntly takes over my face. I must've jumped in right when he was delivering another blow. A giant bump or knot is forming above my left eye, the pain tells it all. "I'm here Gavin."

"Two in one fight, huh? Is your little girl friend gonna save you, Fire-Boy? This is going to be good." He spits out. I don't know which hurts more, his punches, or his words. I bury my face into Gavin's shoulder to protect from any further damage.

The pain never comes.

Shocked, I look up. The first sight is a Nerissa, standing proudly in front of me, blocking the bully. The amazing part is that she's holding up a wall made of pure fire. Like she said, she can't make the elements, but she sure can use them to her advantage.

She then scans the room, locking eyes onto an open window with a large breeze coming in. Being the smart girl she is, she inhales deeply, then blows out a huge wind mass, that makes the fire wall come right at the attacker.

He falls to the floor, trembling with burns and fear. He squabbles away from us, mumbling some words I don't really care enough to wonder what they could be. If I had thirty seconds alone with that kid I would've killed him.

Nerissa helps both me and Gavin off of the floor. I dust myself off and try to Gavin's bruises. "Nerissa, you don't know how grateful I am right now."

"Its alright. That's what friends are for." She says accepting my big hug. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I should be fine." I just completely ignored the giant, probably purple, welt on my head.

"What about your boyfriend?"

"Oh! Gavin, this is my friend Nerissa. She's been extremely nice to me while I've been here. I think I can really trust her," I say winking, hoping he understands what I mean by that, "And Nerissa, that's my boyfriend."

"I already know this!" She starts laughing at the fact I stated the obvious. Which I do tend to do a lot.

"Hey Gavin, I wanted to ask you something. Where's Calvin?" The questions been on my tongue ever since I saw Gavin alone, I didn't want to ask since he was getting beat up and all.

He frowns, "I don't know. I haven't seen him since we got here. I lost him at this place where this guy scrubbed me down with a sponge, gave me this jumpsuit. Bunch of crazy stuff."

He really doesn't know where Calvin is. My facial expression shows that his answer disappoints me, so he tries to make me feel better by rubbing my bump. It hurts like crazy at first, after a while the pain becomes bitter sweet.

Slowly, we walk away from the scene and onto the other side of the cafeteria. The guards had came to clean up the mess, even put out the crackling fire. Why did the fire start? Something tells me I shouldn't ask. The guards here obviously don't care about our safety, for there was plenty of people around to stop the fight. Just none reacted, which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing.

My mind ponders on the subject of where Calvin is. I was so for sure they would at least stick together. There isn't much to do here. I haven't even seen any of my friends besides Gavin and Nerissa. I think I want to try and find Calvin.

"Will you guys help me find Calvin?" I blurt out while they're in mid conversation.

"Uh sure." Nerissa replies.

"Fine." Gavin says. We somehow slip out of the cafeteria unnoticed. Didn't want to make a scene.

This building is mainly constructed of halls, with the occasional room. For safety measures we duck every time we pass a door with a small peep window.

Eventually we get to that same glass window Lucy had shown me on her little tour of the prison. Crap! I forgot a out Lucy, she said to meet up with her. To be honest, I didn't really want to meet up with her now that I've got Gavin and Nerissa. I'm glad I blew her off.

The giant glass window looking overlooking the training room catches our glimpse.

Through the glass we can see a boy chopping up plastic dummies with a large sword. That probably is Calvin, "How do we get in there?"

"Follow me." Nerissa says walking down two different halls. I can't help but notice the way her curls bounce when she walks. I don't know why, but I wish my hair was like hers.

"This adventure never ends." I mumble under my breathe.

She stops at an elevator that has the words, "Training Hall" stamped on it. Nerissa inputs a key pattern code which gets me to some serious thinking.

Nerissa, herself has a code. How did she get that code? That makes me wonder if she's working with these people. Who would have a code down by heart unless you needed that to get around? Everyone else here uses the stairs. Should I just ask her?

"How did you get that code?"

"Funny story. I killed a security guy with his own gun, locked him up in the closet, then I patted down his body for some useful items. All total I got a security I.D card, a few codes, and some really cheap ear rings."

That kind of makes sense. We step onto the slow elevator, it then propels us downward at high speeds.

This place is supposed to be called the Training Hall. And its actually meant for only guards, but people still sneak in here to get some training in. I guess the motto is kill who sees you. Again, this place is harsh!

Lost in my thought the door's opening makes me jump. Down here it looks completely different. The rooms white, all white. White walls, white floors, white weapons, white everything. Nerissa and her dark skin and Calvin, with his tanned skin, they'd stick out like a sore thumb.

He doesn't seem to notice we are in here, just keeps cutting or stabbing he dummy. "Calvin?"

He turns around slowly, drops the weapon, and rushes up to hug me. "We've been searching for you everywhere!" Gavin says, "Well... Haley was. I was just tagging along."

"Yeah. It' so relieving to see you! We thought you were in trouble or something." I blurt out. "Oh yeah, you want to introduce yourself?" I turn to Nerissa.

She nods her head and starts to speak, "Hi. My name's Nerissa. Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot of you Mr. Calvin."

"Nice to meet you as well. If I can ask, why do you all look like you were in a fight?" He must be takings about our many bruises.

"Oh yeah. Some guy tried to beat Gavin up in the cafeteria. Speaking of which, where were you? And why on Earth did you not meet up with me?"

"Oh sorry. They had me come in to take a test or whatever."

"What kind of test?" Nerissa says getting all serious.

"They had me show them my gift. I didn't want to show it to them, because they would know I had previously escaped and locked me up in one of those tight small rooms."

"So what did you show them?"

"Oh, this nice girl plucked a piece of my hair then turned into me. She went in and did some weird stuff."

"Wait, what did she look like?" I say getting serious as well.

"Before she turned into me? Uhm, she was blonde?"

"Ugh! You got help from Lucy! I am really starting to hate he -"

"Oh, so now your talking about me?"

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