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Before I even have a second thought I've knocked over the complementarity water you get at every meal. It spills the ice and water all over the table, but I don't care.

I'm storming out of the place. Gavin and Calvin come after me. They don't need to run. I'm just standing right out of the door. Pacing back and fourth. Crushing my head with answers. Curses.

The thought.

That we could've been dead.

Not just us. But they could've blown that place to the ground. Just to get to us.

Me. Gavin. Calvin.

Almost dead. Along with thirty innocent people. No, not thirty. Twenty-nine.

I forgot. I was in there.

Without mind, I grab a glass from the empty table next to me and chuck it to the floor. The glass shatters in front of me. I watch it break into shards. Some fly up and cut my face, but never do I look away.

"It's okay. Calm down." One of them reaches for me, but I grab their arm and swat it away.

I look at my arms, another purple fire around it. The markings, swirl around. As they pick up speed, they give off a golden shimmer.

I'm furious. And it shows.

"Just let her cool off." Gavin for sure says. I turn around and start cussing at him. Just a mish-mash pile of swears.

He knows I don't mean it.

He knows I'm loosing it.

He knows I'm crazy.

This is just making me more angry. Like I need to stab something. I look out and see the entire city. Why me?

That's all that goes in and out of my mind. Why, why, why me?

I didn't have to be the person with this. I didn't have to have this life. It didn't have to be like this. There's no reason to this life. Or... is there?

I just sit on the step. Trying to sort all this mess up in my brain.

Let's try something out here.

I am Haley Anderson. Fifteen. I have a living Dad. A missing Mom. I have a boyfriend named Gavin. He's funny, at times. And we both have issues. I have anger problems. I get hungry way too much. Yet, still trying to maintain my "hourglass figure, or whatever you call it." What was the last thing? Oh yeah. I have magical hazel eyes that transform into purple eyes in the worst of moments. Also, I can manage to become a purple person, with gold markings all over my body. Some days I even become a purple flame. My life, could it get any better?

No. It couldn't get better.

Unless I do something about this.

I've made up my mind.

I'm going through with the plan.

We're just going to do a little more thinking before.


No more thinking. Just doing.

A lady comes down and sits next to me. She's in her mid forties, and as if she swooped out of thin air. She is wearing office clothes, patting my back. I guess to comfort me? It's not working. In fact I feel strange about it.

She nods and looks in my eyes.

"Everything will be alright. Just fine." She says scarily. Her breathe is, sad to say, bad. Her eyes are an unusual gray color. Not that I'm one to talk.

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