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     Me and him take off toward the smoke. Adrenaline coursing through our blood. Its a rather good feeling, even though we could be sprinting towards our very death.  

     "How ya feeling?" Gavin says, breaking the silence.

     "Great. Do you have a plan?"

     "I say we just but in the place. Who knows what we could find. We need those special outfits they had. So we blend in."

     "Agreed." We start run at a slower pace when the building comes into our view.

     It's massive. Made from concrete walls and sometimes steel supports. There are only a few windows. But all in the front of the building. Its got one smoke stack made from what I believe is also steel. Smoke pours out from it at a quick pace. Only three people guard the on entrance there is. Other than the smoke stack that is.

     "How are we supposed to get in?"

     "We should take out those guard before they have a chance to call other ones. Then after they're down, we steal their clothes."


     "I'll take lead and you take up rear." He steps out of the bushes, already lit on fire. The guards try and shoot him.

     Quickly I duck in front of him, a purple bubble pops up around us. It deflects the multiple series of bullets coming to us. It's extremely hot in this bubble, then I remember that the person behind me is a literal fire.

     He throws a fire ball, I bring down the shield for a good second so he can throw good. It works, taking out the first male. I pick up a gun and take out the female.

     Gavin throws one more fire ball just as the bullet comes close to hitting him. The guy goes down and we rush over to the lifeless bodies. Well, only the girl died. The other two are suffering intense burns. "I'll finish them off." I say picking up a gun, but Gavin pushes me aside.

     "No. Let me." He grabs the necks of both of them. I can see his hands turn a red, a bright red. Smoke comes out from the men's melting necks. I can't help but feel bad for them. Eventually their eyes roll back and they fie. "Pull the clothes off."

     We drag them into bushes. I put on the girl's outfit and he takes the smallest male's outfit. Gavin also picks up two guns, one for me and one for him.

     I realize that they will see our faces. I look around for an answer when Gavin points out something. On the ledge of the building is two people. They wear cool helmets that cover the entire face. The glass they look through is tinted silver, so no one could recognize you.

     Gavin shoots both of them. They hit the ground hard, surely killing the both of them. We snag the helmets and strap them on. One size fits all apparently. "Let's do this." I say to Gavin running to the door.

     Inside is a blank hallway with many doors on each side of the wall. Different sets of numbers are on those doors. But the rooms they lead to are empty. Each of the rooms have a bed, some water, and an empty food bowl.

     The walls are all white. Plus the shape of the room is an exact cube. The bed sits off in the corner of most, except when I come to a room where it's in the middle.

     "Hey, come look at this." I say softly to Gavin. He walks over and we stare at the fact that under the bed are chains, welded into the ground. They end in shackles, large ones at that. "Who would live in here?"

     "Not lived. Prisoned." The way he said it was so sternly. I was taken aback from that comment. But in all fairness, he is correct. A hundred percent correct. "Come on, let's keep moving. I think all these prisoners are at lunch somewhere. It's what schedule they have on the board. Now let's go."

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