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Silence is the only thing running through the air right now. What was I supposed to say? I turn around slowly. And walk in. I am so confused.

His eyes were piercing me.

He had eyes almost like mine. Instead of a vidid purple. They were an extremely bright green. But they quickly change to grey when I looked deep into them. "Can't you speak my friend?"

"Uh - don't call me friend." I said trying to act tough. It was failing because of the shuddering in my voice.

"Fine then. I'll just resume to calling you Miss Anderson."

"...What do you want with me?"

"Have a seat."

I stand tall. Not even wanting to sit down. I bet it'll be some kind of trap like in the stupid movies where the person puts his or her hands on the arm rest and metal bars latch them to the seat. They're gonna have to do better than that to get me.

My eyes swiftly look for an escape route. None. Except -

"I said take a seat." His voice became firm and a little intimidating.

"No thank you."

"Well then. I would want my guest to be comfortable..."

"I'm fine." I said also becoming stern.

"I'm not." He snaps his fingers with a flick of the wrist and two men, or henchmen come in. Grab both of my arms; prisoner style. And force me into an uncomfortable chair.

Not to self; Do not put hands on armrest.

"What do you want with me?" I ask with my sweet voice. "What do you want with any of us?"

"Oh little girl. Why do you worry so much."

The henchmen return. With Gavin in their arms. "Gavin!" Is the first thing I could think to say.

"what? Where am I?" He's groggy and k bet they drugged him or something.

"listen to me. It's Haley."

They set his body down on the otherwise of the room.

"Come with me now, Miss Anderson."


"Do it. Or else." I got up, let's be honest. My curiosity was getting to me. All the questions in my head had to be answered.

He stood up. He's a rather tall and lanky man. Nice body for a man of his age, maybe 40 to early 50s. Grey splotches of hair. High cheek bones. Grey eye brows.

I trailed behind him, looked back at Gavin and continued.

We got to a dark room. There was a table in the middle. He sat down and faced me. I again took a seat.

"Now. If you'd kindly listen to me. I have a... A proposition for you."

"what are you talking about?"

"For as long as I've been running this company," he slurred that a bit. "Ice never seen someone with you're kind of abilities."

"Get on with it."

"I want that power."


"I. Want. That. Power."

"How would you - why would you -" Gavin walked in, a little more conscious.

"Simple. I just drain all the life and power from your body. And put it into mine."

"I won't let you."

"I won't let her." Gavin said.

"Or really?" He pulled Gavin over and sat him on the floor. Gavin had to sit right by the man, to the point where titled his head onto the mans lap. He pulled his blade back out and put it to Gavin's neck.


"Shut up. Either say yes... Or..."

He pushed it closer to his neck.

"No!" Tears forming in my eyes.

"don't do it, Haley!" Gavin shouted

I pondered, but I only had seconds. The knife got closer and closer. Blood dropping, the strain on Gavin's face. He obviously couldn't use his powers and I couldn't use mine.

"okay! Fine!"

"no! Haley!"

I sat back, relaxed, "I'm so sorry, Gavin." The man picked me up by my arm. And led me out. I turned to Gavin. And blew him a kiss.

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