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The first thing I do is cry. I sit down, next to my tree, which is no longer a tree but just rounded panels in the shape of a trunk, with painted on leaves. "No. I've been tricked." I cry into my knees. "No! Somebody kill me!"

The grass shrivels up and into the ground leaving nothing but the silver, real, ground. The bright blue sky, and the shining yellow sun change rainbow colors. Then into grey plates on the wall.

Above me are glass windows. They are tinted, thought anyone can see the pairs of eyes looking down at me. Just look at those people.

Lab-coats. Writing down stupid notes on their dumb clipboard. "What? You think I'm crazy? Well I've got news for you! You guys can go -"

"Test subject hostile. Test subject hostile."

"You're damn right I'm hostile! You guys sicken me! I hope you all die, someone burns this place to the ground. You all tricked me!" I know all they can see is a girl with her lips moving, but I'm going to pretend they can hear my rant, "How could someone be so cold? To let a person believe they're free and let them be happy? When this is all some kind of sick trick?"

A door opens behind me, and the room gets dark. The only light comes from that room, that has spilling fog or steam, or dead peoples ghost. A shadowy figure comes out, so I walk back up against the panels. "Just come with us." A man says. At least he's not a robot.

"No! Get away from me!"

"We can do this the hard way?"

"What's the hard way? You gonna kill me? Good. Do it. Make me happy and kill me."

He pulls out a needle, that is so sharp it makes my eyes sting. "This, this is the hard way."

"Why do you want me?"

"I take it you want the easy way." He grabs my hand and pulls me into the foggy room.

I think to try and run, but what's the point? I refuse to live my life running. Either fight, or die. Flight isn't an option.

"Please, just let me go." I mumble under my breathe.

"No. Take a seat on this bed."

"This isn't a bed. It's metal, hanging from the ceiling. Like the place Frankenstein was born. Why not say the truth?"

"Fine. Get on the metal thing."

I climb on, furious, upset, longing to be back in that dream world. "What now?"

"Don't you ever shut up?" The man says. He's got pale skin, and a really long nose. His words are so sharp it makes me actually want to be quiet. The way he said it... it's something you can't describe. "Here. Take this." He hands me a small pill that I swallow easily.

On contact with my tongue my muscles instantly relaxed. Is this how it feels to be drugged?


"Your guide should be here." He says putting his needles and stuff back into the drawers. I really don't like him. I sound mean, but it's my opinion.


"Yeah. Around the facility."


Where is this guide person? Is this like a tour? A tour of the place my guts will be ripped apart and put on display at?

"I'm over here." A small girl with curly blonde hair and green eyes says to me. "I'm your guide."

"Nice to meet you?"

"I know. A little strange meeting me. I'm responsible for showing you around this place." so like my prison tour guide? "My name is Lusetania. But you can call me Lucy."

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