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The room is dark. I cannot see anything but black. "What are you -" I start to whimper out. I would rather have what is coming to me a surprise, rather than know what kind of torture or pain I will be put through.

I cannot give in just yet. Not yet. No.

My arms are chained, lock down to the arm rest of this comfy chair. My feet are still free. They will be my best bet. I kick around blindly, hoping there would be a switch to realease my arms. Sadly, I find nothing. Nothing but my feet cutting through an empty room.

Tears bubble up in my eyes, and I do my best to keep them back.

The door creeks open, letting just a fraction of light in the room. Someone walks in, judging by the noise their feet make, I would guess a female. Her heels click in a song like way.

She flicks on the light. I look around and get a good feel for where I am. A room. Four average, white, empty walls. No windows. No posters. No anything. Why would they have posters? This isn't a teenage girls bedro -- That is not the main focus!

My hearth is beating so fast, I feel like it will burst out of my heart. The woman comes around, and stands in front of me. Studying me, just as I study her.

I've seen her before, but I cannot place from where. "Who are you..." I mutter softly.

She doesn't respond, turns around and waits for two men to roll in a cart. On the cart are a series of tools. 




Okay. I am getting tortured to death. The tears bursts out now. At this point, who cares about looking brave. Either way, ill be cut open and dissected.

Next to the tools is a needle. A huge needle. She picks it up and fills it with a bright blue fluid. "This will knock her out huh." One of the brutish men boast.

"No! Stop!" I shout without control.

"Shut up you little brat." The woman snaps back.

She's probably forty or so, but has good skin. Blonde hair, glasses. Lab Coat.

"The fluid in here, will mix into your blood flow. And once it reaches your heart, it will completely take every last ounce of power you have left." She hisses. Me without powers? I guess I never imagined that. Ive thought about being normal. But never detail.

"It will also shut your heart down. That's why I'm mixing this red fluid in."

"Is it really smart to tell me your plan? This isn't a movie." I say with attitude.

"Shut up. I cant wait for this stuff to kill you."

"Isnt that against the boss's orders?" The other man says.

"Is the boss here right now? I didn't think so! I'm doing the dirty work. I call shots. I'm running the show for now. And if either of you tell the boss any of this, I will personally make you a mixture of red fluid."

"You only say colors? Is this preschool?" I might as well be rude and have an attitude. Im dying soon anyways.

"Its done." She grins eerily. Finishes shaking the mixture, and walks over to me. "Give me your hand." She laughs, "Oh wait... you cant."

The thoughts hit me at this moment.


My friends.

My parents.

My family.

I failed everyone,

Whats on the other side? My heart stopping... death. I'm shaking now. And I cant stop.

Gavin - I said this already, but if you can hear me. I love you.

She takes my palm, and right where the vein is visible, inserts the needle.

I feel fine for a second. Then the pain.

The blur.

The shaking.

Then nothing but black.


Twisted ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2014 ⏰

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