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I sit up in my bed, and yawn. I stretch my arms out above my head, glancing over at the clock. 6 am. Already? I'm grateful. I haven't slept that good in weeks. Even under the prison-like bed sheets. Probably by all that running last night.

"Nerissa, time to wake up." No response, "Nerissa. Get up."

I get ticked off enough to get up, walk over to her bed, and pull the sheets off. What? She's missing.

Where could she have gone? No one is supposed to leave their rooms until 6. Amazing what you learn in a day. I smirk, but think back to the pending problem. Something like a note would be helpful. But there's nothing to be seen.

"Attention, wake up. All persons must wake up." The robotic lady says over the intercom. She talks a lot, Im going to start calling her Nag-a lot-Nancy. Nancy for short. This time I can't help but laugh.

Look at myself, stuck in a prison. Probably going to die. But I still have room for laughter.

Something catches my eye. One outfit. A silvery, jumpsuit. Someone must've dropped it off. I bet Nerissa already took hers, the empty hanger gives me a good idea of that. The jumpsuit seems pretty cool, so I slide it on without hesitation.

It's actually an upgrade compared to the usual mess we've been wearing. Instantly, I feel week putting this on. I try to catch myself, but end up spilling all over the bed. In the mix of it all, there is a tag on the outfit.

Special outfits. Everyone gets one.

Haley, yours was made, just for you.

Well that's interesting. Just for me, huh? It feels like I can't even move in this thing. More or less my powers. My powers!

This outfit, cancels out my powers! I try to make a simple beam of purple, but it fails. Oh great, what am I supposed to do now?

At least I get a tiny taste of normality.

I open the door and walk into the hall. Expecting it to be empty, I halt in surprise. This hall is packed. It's dead silent. Probably morning crankiness. Bags under everyone's eyes, a slight frown across some faces.

Other student - prisoners make their ways out of the dorms. Identical outfits as mine. But the note says, mine was made just for me. As I'm making my way down the hall a voice calls out behind me, "Haley!"

Great. Whats-her-face is here. My "guide." I don't even think I need her anymore. Anything and everything I need to know my friends can tell me.

"What do you want?"

"Someones a little rude this morning?" She grabs my hand, but I quckly remember her little game.

"Don't touch me! Reading my mind and stuff. No thanks. My mind, my business."

"Sorry. Just follow me." She starts walking down the hall sorting her papers frantically.

"What's the rush?"

"Your meeting with - uhm, Your test was scheduled for today. I should say, right now."

"Serisouly? Can't I eat breakfast first? Where should I be?"

"With me. Your friends will save you a spot. Trust me, you don't wanna miss this."

"Yes. Uhm yes I do."

"If you miss it they kill you!"

"Wait. What?" I stop in the middle of the hallway. She frowns and keeps walking. "Stop! Come here."

"I've said too much."

"Uhm duh! You told me I might be killed?"

She nods, turns around, puts her stuff on the ground and runs at me. She's attacking me! Instinct kicks in and I start to run. Instincts like an animal.

Pushing kids aside to get away. When I think im safe a heavy force punces on my back, pushing me to the ground. "Get off of me!"

"Okay! In a second!" She puts me on my back, and puts one arm on my neck, keeping me locked to the ground.

"What are you doing?!?" She looks in my eyes, and I try and look away. They burn. Intensly. Her eyes flash brightly. "You said they would ki -"

"What was that?"

"Uhm, what was I going to say?"

My mind went blank. I have no idea what has happened in the last few moments of life. "Huh? What did you say?"

"Where am I?"

"Okay. It worked."

"What worked?"

"Oh, nothing."

The last thing I remember is putting these clothes on. Nothing before that. When I rack my brain I can see a faint flash of someones eyes. No more, no less. Like I've been - been - been brainwashed...

Was I?


She helps me off of the ground and continues to walk. I follow, still not knowing what is happening. "Where are we going now?"

"Shut up with all these questions." She mutters. I honestly would've stab her with a purple shard of mine, if I wasn't in this stupid jumpsuit. Yeah. I think it's safe to say I would kill her. "Kill me huh?"

I look down and see she was holding my hand. "Damn you!" I slap her across the face. A red hand print forms... But it turns a bright purple. Whoa, I look at my hand. And the mark it made on her face. Glowing purple.

I can't lie, I enjoy these powers now.

"Sorry for slapping you?"

"No you're not."

"Hah, You're right. You didn't even have to read my mind to tell I'm lying. Next time, don't tell me to shut up." I chuckle a bit and keep moving. Eventually we stop at an elevator. Two buttons, and she presses the top one. "Now do you want to answer my question?"

"You'll see, okay?"

"Next time, I can punch you, okay?" I say mocking her. I should stop with the trash talk. But I will kill her if she does anything else. I really don't care if she read my thoughts there. I kind of wish she heard me.

The elevator dings, knocking me out of my happy fantasy of killing her. "Go in." She says after the door opens.

"You first?"

"Im not going." She pushes me in, and it shuts quickly. I bang on the doors loudly. Uttering swear words.

"Going up." The robotic voice says.

The elevator shoots up, beams of light coming in. Nothing but me and my thoughts though.

"God, I hate her so much."

The elevator comes to a harsh stop. I didn't even realize we had gone so far up. The door behind me opens. Two exits to one elevator? Classy.

A mans presence is felt behind me. I turn around, and see a guy in a leather chair. With a wine glass in his hand, and blade in his other.

"Welcome Miss Anderson."

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