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No! This is the absolute worst time.

I sit up, seeing all of them move around my skin. "Stop it!" I command. Instantly they come to halt, unlike their usual dancing movements. How did I do that? That's so cool. "Go away." I whisper but pack a lot of stern tone behind it.

The markings disappear just as fast as they came.

"Hello Miss." Someone says. I look up fast and see who it is.

"Oh, hi." A new man comes in with a fake smile. "Who are you?" I ask him. Hoping he'll tell me what is going on.

"My name is Fitch. Or 900078."


"That's our facility I.D number."

"So it's like a cereal number on a product in a store."

"Well, when you put I like that -"

"Could you please just tell me what's going on? Tell me why I'm standing naked in front of you?"

"Its part of our procedure." He scans me with a red beam, that beeps out...


Maybe Hostile.

Possibly size 8

How did it know I wear a size 8 shoe? That's insane. What could it mean by, "maybe hostile?" Are they reading my thoughts? He stops the scanner and puts it back in the tiny drawer.

"Get me the usual outfit for females of her category." He says into a small mic pinned on his bright blue jump suit.

I have a category? That must be the whole, "hostile thing." Seconds later a woman with pink hair brings in a silver jumpsuit, not like the guards, more like a grey. It had two red patches where the heart would be.

I start to reach for it, but he hangs it up. "We've got to get you cleaned. Lay back down." And yet, I'm still naked.

He takes a sponge, the first normal looking thing I've seen here and scrubs it all over my body. He gets my neck and chest, then my arms, legs, and hips. I try to fight it at first, the water burns but it comes out to be a perfect warmth.

"Why are you cleaning me?"

"So you can't bring any bacteria in with you. If you are chosen to go to the Hive, we do not want you bring parasites with you."

"I'm not an animal."

"No! Of course not." He smiles, and keeps scrubbing. I really don't like this man.

He's fake. Mean. And thinks he's better than me. Big mistake. "Sir, I have something to tell you."


"This!" I yell at his face. My fist is a purple ball of lights, and I knock square in his face. He falls to the floor, that's when I kick him and shove the sponge in his mouth. Silent screams for help. I smirk and look up.

A little helper stares at me sharply. "You want some of this too?"

"No!" She presses a button and two guards come back in. "There she is!"

The walk up to me, I'm still naked. I give a frown at that. These could be creepers and here I am standing nude. They grab each of my arms and I scream. "Let go of me!"

A zap in the back of my head. Eyes shut, everything black.


I jolt my head up and look around. Huh? I'm outside. Just sitting down, in the grass, under a tree that's providing me with lots of shade. I like it here. Love it actually.

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