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Just great. Speaking of the devil. She knows I ditched her, and now she knows I hate her. "Hey Lucy." Nerissa says trying to instantly change subjects.

"Hello Nerissa. Back to you," She stares dead into my eyes, "So you hate me?"

"Look, I'm sorry."

"I don't want your apologies. I just thought you should know I have a very stro -" She cuts off mid sentence.


"Oh nothing."

"Say it!" I shout at her.

"Its time to go to bed. Everyone, curfew starts in three minutes. You will be severely punished if you are not in your rooms, with lights off, and preparing for bed within in the next moment. Oh, and Haley?"

"You know my real name?"

"Yeah. I do. Even though you hate me, you still need to be present when I tell you to. Be ready tomorrow, after breakfast meet me here. We'll head to your test from there. Got it?" She turns on her heels and walks out.

I swear I thought I was going to kill her. I think I still have to, she knows my name. My real name. But how would I kill her? Make a simple slip up of the knife near here precious little necklaces?

It'd be great to at least inflict some pain on her. Take out some of my rage, you know?

We wait until the next elevator comes, for everyone knows I wouldn't stand being on the same elevator with her unless I try to hurt her. Maybe we should've gotten on it with her. Stab her in the back with a blade I would've stolen from the training center.

These people are my friends. They wouldn't tell anyone it was me!

Now I envy I didn't get on the same one as her. Even snapped her neck, something Dad showed me how to do in case someone tries to hurt me.

Finally the elevator stops, we're in the halls once again. "Goodnight everyone?" Nerissa says.

"Yeah. Our dorms are that way. So, Goodnight." Gavin says.

"Night." I add in, hugging Calvin and kissing Gavin. We then depart from one another.

I wait for Nerissa to say something, but she never does. It's up to me to start the conversation. Which is hard for me, because I'm such an awkward person. But being with Nerissa makes me want to talk a bit more.

"How do you stand that girl? Lucy."

"What do you mean?" She looks at me funnily while we walk.

"She's just so annoying. You actually want to be her friend?"

"I'm not sure, really. I've always kind of wondered why I am around her."

"Yeah. She gets under my skin! So badly!"

"I think we should  -"

"Kill her?" I ask cutting her off. Can't help but let a grin come over my face.

"No. I was thinking more of, talking it out." She gives a weary smile, probably thinking I have some issues or that I'm insane. I don't mind that, they are both true.

"What's to talk about?"

"Nothing really. But you've been here one day, and you already want to kill her!"

"Shush! We're by some dorms. We don't want any look-e-loo's listening."

"Sorry, but why do you want to kill her?"

"You know. Kill her before she kills us," I pause for dramatic effect, "She reads your mind every time she touches you. Even if she pokes you, she's got an all exclusive pass to your thoughts. Every thought, idea, sentence, plan," I carry that out, though she wont know what it means, "She sees all."

"Just make sure she doesn't touch you?"

"Yeah. But I don't like the feeling of her being able to see everything in my mind." I make a side frown, "I know killing her isn't the best option, but what else should we do?"

"Talk to her?"

"About wh -"

"Curfew is now starting. Those not in their assigned dorms will be taken and punished." The woman's voice says again. We're about three halls from our dorms. Out of nowhere, Nerissa starts sprinting. Not knowing what kind of "punishment," they are talking about, I run after too.

Somehow, Nerissa runs so very fast. And even being behind her, I see an increase in my speed too. I get it now, it's simple.

Nerissa controls the elements. Air is an element. She's using the air in the hallways, and turning them into wind. So it's like she's running on air or wind, which in fact pushes all of us forward.


I sound like an idiot though.

"Hey! You there. Stop!" A shouting man says behind us. Nerissa, stops and so do I. "You should be in bed." It's a guard.

He walks towards us slowly. Nerissa nor I move. We stand there like a deer in headlights. "What do we do?" I grit through my teeth.

My hands are shaking, not because of hysteria, but because they are a blinding purple. I hold them up, right at the guards face. "Put your hands behind your back!"

I shake my head no, and wait from him to walk closer. He steps forward, loading his gun. "Haley! What are you doing? Let's run!" Nerissa shouts from behind me.

"No. It's time I did something useful with this."

He takes one step towards me, a huge explosion, purple shards everywhere, and a bleeding man on the floor.

The man blasted through the window, because I hit him with a blast of purple shards. He landed outside the facility. The alarms pound out, must be censored windows.

I think to run, but Nerissa looks at the man outside in the grass. "We can't just leave his body here."

"I bet guards are on their way! Let's just ditch his body!" She doesn't run, even though I made a great point. Instead she stands at the window and closes her soft eyes.

Her hands turn green taking the term, "green thumb" to a whole new level. She holds them to the man's dead body outside. The patch of green around him starts glowing. The grass grows tall, then wraps around each part of his dead body. Some of it soaks the blood up to no existence.

The body is gone within the next second. Now, that was cool.

"Wait, Nerissa! All we're doing is ditching curfew. Why the rush? We killed someone. over curfew?"

"I'll explain when we get to the dorms."

We cut another corner and I see our room. She slides in her pin pad key, I practically jump into the room. She shuts the lights off, closes the windows and sits on her bed. I do the same.

"We could've been in serious trouble if we hadn't, you know." She says looking down to her hands. She sits with her logs crossed, obviously holding back tears.

"What's wrong?" I ask with my voice very high pitched, something I do to sound more... pitiful.

"It's just. When I was young, I never though that I would have to do something like that. We killed someone. And then just ditched his body. Don't you feel the slightest bit guilty of that? I hesitated out there. I almost brought him back to life."

"You can bring people back to life?"

"Not the point." She says wiping her eyes of tears.

"Sorry, continue?"

She nods, "When we killed him, this... guilt came over me."

"Everyone gets guilty?"

"But, do you? Did you get guilty when you killed him?" Silence follows when she says that. My mind, stopped to ponder a bit of the situation. Eventually, the right words come to my lips.

"Would you rather that man be dead, or us." I tell the words sink in. Leaving it at that, I turn over, and bury myself in pillows. Drifting off into slumber.

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