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     "I apologize Cadet Hughes." He says to me. "I hope you can forgive me."

     "Yes." I just go along with whatever he is saying, "I do. Be grateful though."

     "I most certainly am."

     "Good. Have a good day." I walk over to the elevator, still not having a card key. I find one sitting to the right of me. I just about grab it when he grabs my shoulder, making me face him.

     "I have a question for you."

     I smile a not very convincing smile.

     Let me get this straight, I have somehow turned into a different person. That injection? It as that! Boy, I hope this wears off very fast. "Ask away." I say swallowing nervously.

     "Do you approve of the plan sent out?" He waits for answer, but I just stand there. Acting like he should continue talking, "You know. Alpha Niner 604."

     "Oh, I was never informed?" I say, but it comes out more like a question.

     "Of course not. Let me explain." He explains, but I wish he hadn't. This agency, now I know called GOS. Standing for Gifted Operation Society. It sounds like a sanctuary for people with Gifts or whatever. But that is deathly wrong.

     Since there is only a handful of people like me in the world. Gavin, me, and another fifteen spread all around America. Those are only the free ones, ones that haven't been found by this hell hole.

     This place is only a branch of the real building. That's high in New York I am told. What they do there is take children with gifts, take their DNA examine them and then inject them into other people.

     Some are successful, sometimes they have a dead body on their hands. I'm scared now, for they are probably after me and Gavin next. To get our DNA.

     They have a search team all around the state. And for me and Gavin to be safe, we need to leave Florida. Permanently. How many have they killed? How many are on the list? I am next, surely. So is Gavin, his could be used as a lethal weapon. What I don't get is why exactly are they trying to hurt people with Gifts and spreading to normal people.

     A loud bang from all the way above ground shakes us out of conversation. "Excuse me, I must go check this out." He opens the elevator and hands the key to me.

     He's gone, so I look around. My outfit is equipped with several pockets. I take the brightest and oddest colored tubes and shove them in.

     I take a look over some files and see my name isn't there. "Damn." I let out, I never ever say bad words but today I have had it. Someone is about to lose an eye. Even though my name is not in this pile I hide them in my outfit too.

     Somehow, about six manila files can fit in. The pockets on these things. Better than some of the purses in my closet.

     I grab the key and take the elevator up. Once stopped I exit, I'm looking outside. A bunch of people were eating, but an angered Gavin is bringing unwanted heat. No kidding either.

     He's burning tables and food. other soldiers are trying to run or kill him. 

     Someone running towards me accidently trips and stumbles at my feet. It's a male soldier. I help him up, for he seems badly injured.

     Me and his hand touch and instantly a spark happens.

     Not that sappy "sparks fly when we touch" cheap romance stuff. But an actual spark and a zap happened. My hands are a lot bigger now, they're a tad bit hairy and slightly darker.

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