Home Alone

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For hours we just talked and played video games, I loved these guys so much; they were like my brothers, so there was never an awkward moment around them. But today I just sat back and watched them blow zombies’ brains out with ray guns on Call Of Duty,

“Hey Em want a go?” Rian asked waving the controller at me,

“No thanks, I’m good.” I laughed giving him a thumbs-up. Alex came out of the kitchen and sat next to me,

“Why aren’t you playing? Usually you jump at the chance to show off how good you are at these games.”

“True, but I think you mean how fucking legendary I am! I’m just not in the mood today.” He just laughed at my remarked, elbowing me in the arm

“Hey you guys want to watch a movie instead?” Rian asked, everyone said yes and started to set everything up,

“So what shou-“ Zack began to ask but was cut off by Jack grabbing something from behind him and throwing it onto the coffee table,

“Home Alone.” He said sternly, everyone just learnt to agree to watch Home Alone, otherwise Jack would complain for hours on end. Jack always went on and on about how Home Alone was the best movie ever made, and he was right, it was my favorite movie of all time. I put a pillow on Alex’s lap, resting my head on it while stretching my legs out over Jack,

“Do you mind?” Jack asked poking at my legs,

“Does it look like I do?” I replied with a wink.


As Emily rested her head on the pillow she placed in my lap, a smile just grew across my face. Though the movie I just rubbed her arm, for no reason, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time, you know, so she was comfortable.

Halfway through the movie I felt Emily’s breathing steady, she was asleep, and gosh she was adorable when she slept, in a sisterly way of course…

Once the movie finished Rian left quickly, most likely to go home and see Cass, they we’re inseparable.

“So Em how many times is that n-“ Jack began to say but I cut him off,

“Shh! She’s asleep.” 

“You two getting cozy over in the corner ay?” he asked giving me this weird look,

“Fuck off man.” Zack looked over at us with a smile on his face,

“Yo you two stop arguing and mind taking her up to bed, please?”

“Finnnne but you’re carrying her fat ass Alex.” Jack added jumping off the couch. I gently slid Emily off my lap then picking her up in a bridal carry, slowly making my way up the stairs and placing her onto her bed.

“I can’t believe she still has Spiderman bed sheets.” Jack muttered shaking his head,

“Haha, it’s cute, she’s like Wendy from Peter Pan, doesn’t want to grow-up.” I added quietly. I turned my head to see Jack staring at her wall,

“What are you looking at?” I walked over and stood next to him, her whole wall was covered in posters and pictures, 90% All Time Low, Jack and I just turned to each other and laughed. But one picture caught my eye; on her dresser there was a picture of her and me at the first All Time Low gig.

“Come on, we should head home.” Jack motioned for the door,

“Y-yeah of course.”

On the way home it was silent, I was dropping Jack home on the way.

“Cya fat ass.” I yelled from the car as he reached the front door, he just gave me a glare as I drove away. I don’t know why but I couldn’t get Emily out of my head.

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