Tell Me Truthfully

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We were back on the bus ready to go to sleep after another sold-out show, everyone staggered into their bunks drawing the curtains shut. I wasn’t tired as always and I was really hoping Alex wasn’t either. I waited twenty minutes making sure that everyone was asleep, I was about to call Alex’s name but then it started pouring down with rain, well that spoilt our plans. I felt my phone buzz next to me,

“I know it’s raining so no walks, but can I come down and chill in your bunk?” –Alex. I kicked the roof of my buck signalling that he could come down; I heard some movement from above me he was on his way. He pulled back the curtain revealing him wrapped in his Batman blanket, I gave him a ‘really?’ look, he just silently mouthed “What?”.

“What should we do seeing as we can’t go for a walk?” I asked resting my face in my hand,

“Um…” Alex hummed “How about we just ask each other questions we have to answer truthfully?”

“You’re starting to sound like a teenage girl but let’s do that.”

Alex started the question and answer game (?)

“Favourite animal?”

“Cats or turtles.”

He giggled a little at my answers but cringing at the word ‘cats’, Alex was not a cat person!

“Favourite colour?” let’s just say it was the only question I could think of at the time,


“First kiss?”

“You…” I sighed, “You remember that group tennis game we had and Rian didn’t show up? Yeah well when we won and you kissed my cheek that was my first. Then also our first real kiss in the car, was also my first…” A lop-sided smile appeared on his face.

“Harry Potter or Hunger Games?”

“HARRY POTTER ALL THE WAY!” I giggled at how much he adored Harry Potter,

“Fuck, Marry, Kill. Me, Andrew Garfield and Johnny Depp.”

“Fuck Andrew, marry you and kill Johnny.”

“You’d marry me over Andrew Garfield?”

“Any day.” I admitted truthfully.

“If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be?”

“I would say Keira Knightly, but she’s getting old and I’ve changed my mind.”

“So who’d it be?”

“You…” He answered shyly, biting his lip. It went silent for a moment.

By now we bundled together in Alex’s Batman blanket in the corner of the bunks, we had thought of every question to ask each other from pets to baby names, we literally knew almost everything about each other.

~Last Day Of Tour~

The tour had finally come to an end, a day that I didn’t want to come. I’d miss the guys, miss seeing them 24/7, miss Alex and my late night cuddle sessions. The only things I was happy about was sleeping in my own bed and not having to be so secretive with Alex.

We unpacked the bus, putting our bags into our cars then saying our goodbyes even though they’d all be back on tour with each other in a month. Zack and I got into his car, and began to head home. Alex was taking Jack home instead of us.

As soon as we got home I threw my bags at the front door and went up to my room flopping onto my bed, shortly falling asleep. I had the cutest dream, that Alex and I got married, then had kids, a girl then a boy. We were the perfect family. I woke up with a huge smile on my face even though it was a dream. I checked my phone 10am, I guess I should get up, showered, got dressed and headed downstairs. There was a note on the counter,

“Hey Em

I would’ve told you this in person but you slept in like always,

Anyway I’ve gone to Ben’s for the weekend, behave yourself and I’ll see you on Tuesday.

-Zack, (I left it in the kitchen seeing as you’re always in here)”  


 I laughed at the letter, how old did he think I was? But he was right I pretty much lived in the kitchen, not cooking but searching for food. Now I had 3 days home alone yes! Being the rebellious person I am, I kicked it off by making toast, I know right; we got a bad ass over here. I plopped myself onto the couch taking the last bite of my toast, I heard my phone buzz next to me,

“First day off tour and I already miss you :( x” Oh my god Alex is the cutest human alive.

“Zack’s gone for 3 days. It’s dangerous for a girl like me to be in such a big house… Alone…” I texted back,

“I’ll be over in 10.” He quickly texted back,

“My hero C;” 

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