Are You Awake?

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  • Dedicated to My Lil' South African, Alison

Zack’s POV

I can’t believe that Alison was coming to the show tonight, I was so worried, and what if I stuff up, what if I fall over? Oh god no. I tossed and turned all night, I was just so nervous! I woke up really early in the morning and headed into the front lounge,

“Morning.” I heard a voice coo from behind,

“Shit! Emily you scared me!” I yelled, having a heart attack as I turned round, “What are you doing up so early?”

“I dunno, just woke up so I thought I’d chill in here. You look tired man.” She said sounding concerned,

“To be honest I barely slept-“

“Nervous about Alison tonight?” She interrupted finishing my sentence,

“H-how’d you know?”

“I’m a girl, I can tell these things. Want some advice?” I nodded,

“Be yourself, as cheesy as it sounds, just do it. Okay?”

“Okay thanks Em,” I thanked as she looked back down at her phone, “Oh and Em, could you, uh, help me pick out what to wear tonight…?” I mumbled feeling a bit stupid asking my sister for fashion advice,

“YES! Woo!” She cheered; aha she’s a strange one.

Emily’s POV

I picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt for Zack, not too casual, not too formal, I made him try them on and show me.

“So?” He asked giving me an awkward spin,

“Damn I’m good.” I laughed giving him a thumbs up, he gave me a hug then got changed back into the clothes he had on before.

Everyone was now in the front lounge, well everyone except Alex,

“Where’s Alex?” Rian asked looking round the room,

“Probably asleep as always.” Jeff laughed,

“I’ll go wake him.” Rian offered,

“He’ll punch you in the face man, he’s not a morning person!” Jack snickered,

“I’ll do it then,” I suggested, “I mean because he wouldn’t dare punch me…”

“Go ahead then.” Rian gestured towards the bunks.

I pulled back the curtain to Alex’s bunk, he was fast asleep, his hair all over the place, he looked so cute,

“Wakey Wakey Lexy!” I hummed poking at his stomach,

“Go away Jack.” He protested rolling away from me,

“Well that’s insulting!” I gasped. His eyes flew open,

“Oh god, Emily, I’m sorry!”

“Hmm I don’t know if I can forgive you for calling me Jack.” I groaned crossing my arms over my chest,

“Awh lets be honest here, you can’t stay mad at me. You love me too much.” He argued, pulling me into his bunk, wrapping me in his arms,

“You can’t get away with it that easily Gaskarth.” I tried to squirm out of his arms but he only pulled me in tighter,

“Oh really?” He asked sounding a little sassy, kissing me on the neck; I let out a quiet squeal, “Say you forgive me and I’ll stop!” he added kissing me on the neck over and over again.

“Fine, I forgive you. Just stop you fucker!” I giggled, finally squirming out of his grip, “Now get your fatass up!” I yelled so everyone could hear so they didn’t think I was being soft on Alex.

I went and sat back down with the guys, them seemed to notice nothing, good.

“We’ve been All Time Low, thank you and goodnight!” Alex yelled into the mic throwing his arms into the air then walking off stage with the rest of the guys. Everyone huddled onto the bus because the meet and greet had been cancelled due to private property or something. Zack was the last one to get onto to the bus, followed by Alison. She was gorgeous! She has dirty blonde hair sat just below her shoulders, a fringe that rested against her eyebrows and big deep green eyes.

“Hey guys, this is Alison.” He introduced her to everyone, “And finally this is my little sister Emily.”

“Hi.” She said in an accent I couldn’t quite put my finger on,

“Hey, I’ve heard a lot about you!” I answered, probably embarrassing Zack. For the next few hours Alison hung out in the bus with us, the two of us spent the whole time talking and getting to know each other,

“Where are you from Alison? I can tell you’ve got an accent but I can’t put my finger on what accent it is.” I asked with a little giggle,

“I’m from South Africa, and I know, my accent sounds a little weird, it’s because my dad’s British and my mum is from South Africa.”

“Oh wow cool, I’ve never met a South African before!” I chirped.

We all said our goodbyes to Alison as she left the bus,

“Zacky has a girrrrrlllfriennnd!” Jack chimed poking him in the arm repeatedly,

“No she’s, she’s just a friend.” Zack mumbled,

“I friend you want to fuck!” Jack yelled childishly as Zack began to chase him. I made my way into my bunk, curling up into a ball, Alex was already in his. Everyone else slowly got into their bunks drifting off to sleep, meanwhile I was still awake,

“Alex you awake?” I whispered, I didn’t expect him to answer; he’d probably be fast asleep by now.

“Nope, I’m dead to the world.” He answered sarcastically,

“Whatever loser. I can’t sleep and I’m cold.” I complained,

“I can’t either. Want to, um, join me in my bunk maybe?” He asked nervously. I didn’t answer; I just silently climbed out of my bunk and crawled into Alex’s below it.

“I’ll take that as a yes then?” he chuckled. I nuzzled into his chest as he wrapped the blanket he had around the two of us. “Better?”

“Mhmm” I hummed, closing my eyes and falling asleep to the sound of Alex’s heartbeat.

Alex’s POV

“Alex you awake?” I heard a voice whisper from above me, it must be Emily,

“Nope, I’m dead to the world,” I answered sarcastically, laughing a little at my own remark,

 “Whatever loser. I can’t sleep and I’m cold.” She nagged, suddenly my heart kicked in and so I suggested that she should come and snuggle with me. She didn’t answer, good one you freaked her out weirdo! I saw the curtain open revealing Emily; she crawled in next to me,

“I’ll take that as a yes then?” she shuffled in closer nuzzling into my chest, I pulled the blanket out and stretched it out over the two of us causing it to pull us even closer, “Better?” I asked, she replied with a quiet hum drifting off to sleep. I stayed awake a little longer, watching her sleep as she breathed steadily making little noises every few minutes. I kissed her on the neck as a tiny smile appeared on her face. I was so lucky to have her in my life.

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