When In Paris

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I could hear muttering and giggles as I woke up, I didn’t open my eyes I just listened to what the people were saying,

“Awh look at her, she sleeps like a cat!” The first person said, Rian

“I gotta Instagram this!” The other person said, who was quite obviously Jack. I then heard a camera shutter, that bitch took a photo of me sleeping! I shot up, glaring at him,

“Oh shit, go, go, go!” He yelled pushing Rian into the bunk area.

I got up off the couch and stretched, then my phone went off on the table,

Instagram: “@JackAllTimeLow Hehe look at @EmilyMerrick asleep on the couch, what a loser!”

Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with him.

The bus pulled to a holt, I hadn’t kept track of where we’d been or where we are, I spent most of my time on the bus,

“PARRRIIIIISSSS BBBAAAAABYYY!” Jack yelled running into the lounge, well I guess we’re in Paris.

I’d never been to Paris or even Europe, but luckily we had a day off today so I could go round and site-see. Seeing as all the guys had been here many times before I’d just go alone. I walked over to my bunk and packed my small backpack, lastly picking up my camera and heading out the bus,

“Where are you off to?” Rian asked stepping in front of me,

“Site seeing.” I chirped, I sounded like an over-excited tourist,

“Ooo cool, have fun and be careful not to get lost.” He laughed, tapping me on the shoulder then walking back towards the bus. I had only taken a few more steps when someone came up behind me, draping their arm around my shoulder,

“Where are we going?” Alex asked,

“Well I was going to go site-see, what about you?”

“Fancy that, I was about to as well!” He laughed, sliding his arm off my shoulder and grabbing my hand, “Common!” he added pulling me along.

“And here we have the Eifel Tower, the main feature of Paris, and the final stop of our tour.” He said in a stupid sounding ‘French accent’, we had been walking around Paris for a few hours now, with Alex giving me a little history on each landmark.

“How much do I owe you for this fine tour?” I asked, resting my arms on his shoulders,

“Oh I don’t know.” He slid his hands up to my upper back, then pulling me closer to him. I had to stand on my tiptoes so that we were face to face,

“How about this.” I questioned, pressing my lips against his. We stood there, in front of the Eifel Tower, passionately kissing not worrying about who saw us.

“Was that enough?” I asked leaning back, flat on my feet,

“For now.” He winked,

“N’awwwwwwh!” someone squealed, Alex and I spun round to see Jack and Rian standing opposite us, “Uh oh” Jack muttered putting his phone back into his pocket,

“Shit guys, what are you doing here!?” I yelled, laughing a little,

“Jack wanted food, but then he spotted you two and dragged me along to follow you.” Rian confessed,

“Rian you fucker, don’t dob me in!” Jack whined hitting Rian in the back of the head,

“Oi!” He wailed rubbing the back of his head then smacking Jack in the head. I couldn’t help but laugh at them bickering.

“Speaking of food, want to go get some lunch?” Alex laughed, hugging my side,

“Uh yeah, I’m starving!” We began to walk away but Jack spotted us,

“Hey where are you going!”

“Gon’ get food!” I answered in a southern-like accent, “Want to come?”

“YES!” He yelled. He then jumped on Rian’s back, “Hi-ho Ri-Ri!” He whistled, acting like a cowboy. Rian let out a sigh and began to walk over to us.

We found a small café and sat down in a booth, Jack pushed Alex out the way and sat down besides me, I just gave Alex a shrug as he sat down next to Rian opposite us. Halfway through lunch Rian got a phone call and took it outside, then returned a few minutes later,

“Guess who’s joining us on tour next week!” He bubbled with joy,

“Jack’s mom?” Alex laughed; Jack just shot him a glare in reply,

“Cassadee!” Rian finally answered,

“No way!” I gasped, giving Rian a high-five over the table.

“Speaking of couples, look at this picture.” Jack changed the subject passing me his phone; I looked down and saw a picture of Alex and I kissing in font of the Eifel Tower.

“N’awh cute!” I giggled passing the phone to Alex

“Where’d you get that?” Alex asked passing Jack back his phone

“I took it.” He answered proudly, slipping it into his shorts,

“Perv.” I laughed hitting his arm with the back of my hand,

“Weakling.” He chuckled,

“One day I will kick your ass.” I said, trying to sound threatening

“In your dreams.” He rolled his eyes.

On the walk back to the bus Jack and Alex were chasing each other, so Rian and I walked back together,

“How’s Cass been?” I asked

“Great, she forces me to keep her updated and is so excited to see you again.”

“I’m excited to see her too, I finally get a girl to hang with,” I smiled, “instead of those losers.” I laughed looking up at Jack and Alex, who were now wrestling. Rian laughed and gave me a side hug,

“You’re dating a four year old.”

“Unfortunately.” I laughed 

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