Lover Boy

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As we pulled up to the garage where the van was parked I began to get butterflies, this is going to be the first time I’d seen Alex since the other night. I went round to the boot to grab my bags,

“Let me get that for you.” Zack offered grabbing his bags and mine,

“Showing off are we?” I asked closing the boot then joining the guys outside the bus,

“Emily, hey!” I heard someone yell from behind me, turned round to see Rian,

“Hey Rian!” I yelled back giving him a hug,

“Prepared for over a month with a bus full of guys?” he grunted, slinging his arm over my shoulders,

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I sighed sarcastically.

I walked up the stairs into the bus; it was massive and was almost like a tiny rectangular apartment,

“Hey…” I heard a voice say quietly from behind me, I turned to see Alex rubbing the back of his neck, as if he was nervous,

“Oh hey ‘Lex” I replied happily so he wouldn’t feel so nervous,

“So about the other night-“ He began was cut-off by Jack storming in,

“HEEEEY- Oh sorry lover boy did I interrupt something?”

“Oh nah man, don’t worry, just saying hi to Em…” he said nervously heading to his bunk.

A few hours later we were on our way to the first venue, Jack and I were in the front lounge having a thumb war while everyone else did their own thing,

“Has anyone seen Alex?” Flyzik asked franticly checking is watch, “We didn’t leave him behind did we?” 

“As much as we wanted to no, I think he’s asleep in his bUUnk!” he yelled while saying bunk because I won the thumb war for the third time in a row,

“Suck it Barakat!” I yelled sticking my tongue out at him.

Alex’s POV

I was going to tell Emily how I felt but stupid Jack got in the way, tonight, tonight I will, no distractions. I’d been lying in my bunk since then, thinking of what to say, I could here Jack and Emily bickering in the front lounge.

“As much as we wanted to no, I think he’s asleep in his bUUnk!” Jack squealed,

“Suck it Barakat!” Emily yelled back, I slid out of my bunk and silently leant on the doorframe of the front lounge,

“Oh look who’s awake!” Jack complained, Emily spun round and gave me a cheeky grin then sat back down and I joined them. For ten minutes Flyzik babbled on about dates, times and all the shit, I totally zoned out, I just sat there staring at the ground twirling my hair around my fingers even though I knew it pissed off the band.

Emily’s POV

I glanced over to see Alex completely zoned out twirling his bed hair, he looked so adorable, but I quickly looked back at Flyzik before anyone noticed. Later on that night the whole band and crew went out for dinner, well except me, wasn’t that hungry so I curled up on the couch with a blanket and watched Batman. A few minutes into the movie I heard the door open, oh great everyone’s back,

“That was quick.” I said not looking away from the movie, I felt someone sit down beside me, it was Alex,

“Oh hey, where’s everyone else?”

“Still eating then going out for drinks, I said I was tired so I came back here…” He said anxiously,

“Okay then.” I replied turning back to the movie,

“And I kinda wanted to talk to you…” He said softly,

“Oh okay.” I paused the movie and shuffled round so I was facing him, “What do you wanna talk about?”

“Us…” He said quietly, “Emily we’ve know each other for years right?” I nodded, “Well ever since I met you I knew we’d be best friends for a long time,” Oh god he just wanted to be friends, I knew it, oh no. “We’re really close, and I mean really, we know everything about each other, you’re like my little sister.” I could feel a lump in my throat, he was going to break my heart, I wish I never kissed him!

“But recently, well since we met, I kinda liked you, more than a sister or a friend, and the other night when we kissed, well, I realized how much you mean to me and I never want to lose you… So what I’m saying is, um, I love you…” He finished, pushing his hand through his hair, looking down. My heart began to beat a million miles an hour and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I moved closer to Alex grabbing his hands in mine,

“I love you too Alex, I always have…” I whispered, he looked up at me,

“Really…?” He asked, he looked as if he was about to cry,

“Mmhmm.” I hummed. He pushed the few strands of hair that were in my face behind my ear gently before leaning in and kissing me tenderly. Putting his hands on my waist he pulled me in closer so that I was on his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck not breaking the kiss. We slowly pulled away for a breath resting our foreheads together; I could feel his hot breath against my face, we both smiled looking into each other’s eyes.

“Emily Merrick, would you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?” He asked quietly panting,

“Of course Alexander Gaskarth.” I answered kissing him.

We decided to watch the end of Batman together, Alex grabbed the blanket wrapping us both in it, I nuzzled in to his shoulder as he snaked his arm around my waist hugging it tightly. Within a couple of minutes I’d fallen asleep, I was the happiest I’d even been and I never wanted it to end. 

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