These Mistakes I've Made

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I walked into the venue, it was empty, I couldn’t find anyone, I looked round no one. I heard a loud bang come from side stage, I was too scared to say anything, I just stood there until the figure came out, it was Evan

“Oh hey Emily.” He laughed awkwardly,

“Hey Evan, where is everyone?”

“Yeah they’re in an interview down the road.”

“Oh okay.” It went quiet for a moment, “Anyway, whatcha doing?”

“Getting for the show tonight.”

“Can I help?” I smiled, he still looked so awkward, I guess that was just him,

“Oh y-yeah sure, if you want.” I ran up the aisle and jumped onto the stage, I linked arms with him,


I helped Evan prepare everything and he showed me how everything worked. While he was arranging chords and plugging them in, I grabbed a handful of them and ran onto the stage,

“What are you doing?” He laughed,

“If you want them, come and get it.” I tried to hold in the laughter, “Na, na, na, na.” I shook the chords in front of my face while shaking my hips. A cheeky smirk grew across his face, he started chasing me around the stage as I squealed, then tackling me to the floor. He slowly looked up at me, before I could stop what was happening, he leant in and kissed me. I quickly pulled away and stood up,

“W-what are you doing?” I yelled, still in shock,


“I’m in a relationship, with Alex, your boss!” I yelled again not letting him speak,

“I’m s-sorry, i-it’s just…”

“Just what?!”

“I’ve liked you since I met you, and, well I let my feelings get ahead of me.” I felt a little sorry for him, I squatted back down next to him,

“I’m sorry I got angry, but I don’t feel the same way, I hope we can forget this and still be friends?” He looked really disappointed, but he had to know,

“Yeah.” He mumbled,

“I-I should go.” I stood up and walked out the venue, I felt sick in my stomach, I should have stopped. Did I lead him on and that’s why he kissed me? Was I going to tell Alex? I just walked further down the street and I just couldn’t handle it, I fell to the ground in tears, my head fell into my hands and I pulled my knees up to my chest. I felt like a horrible person.

I didn’t know how long I’d been sitting in the alley but my phone started to buzz, I checked the caller ID, Cassadee was calling me, I took a deep breath and answered it,


“Thank goodness you’re still alive! Where in god’s name are you?!”

“I-I’m down the street from the venue.” I sniffed, it now sounded quite obvious now that I was crying,

“Emily? Are you okay?”

“No… Can you come and pick me up?”

“I’ll be there right away.” She said quickly before hanging up.

It was only a few minutes before Cassadee came running down the street yelling my name,

“Back here.” I muttered just loud enough for her to hear,

“There you are.” She said softly, sitting down next to me, “what happened?”

“I went into the venue looking her everyone, but no one was there, then Evan came out and I helped him set up and…” I took a deep breath, “We started having fin and he tackled me to the ground to get the chords off me, then he…” I tried so hard to hold the tears back, “He kissed me and told me he liked me. I pulled away before anything else could happen. Now I feel like I’ve cheated on Alex, like he’ll hate me and I feel like a horrible person.” I let the tears fall as Cassadee pulled me into a hug.

“Awh baby. He wont hate you, if you explain what happened he’ll understand.”

“No, no, I feel so bad and I hurt Evan, and I’ll hurt Alex by telling him.”

“Sweetie it’s Alex, he’ll understand, he loves you too much to hate you ever. I’m not saying to tell him right this moment, but soon, when you’re ready.” Cass was right, but I was so scared to tell Alex. “Now stand up, wipe away those tears and let’s go. We can just have a girl’s night, you and me.” She stood up holding her hand out to help me up.

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