Coming Clean

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“Emmmmily I’m home!” Zack was finally home,

“And?” I asked sarcastically from the top of the stairs,

“Did you miss me?”

“Not really.” I sighed,

“Liar.” He laughed running up the stairs engulfing me in a hug,

“Fine I missed you.” I giggled hugging him back. No matter how long Zack was away, 3 days or 3 months, he always would come home and give me a hug. As I pulled out of the hug I bumped my hand on Zack’s arm, which caused me to quietly say ow.

“What? You okay?” Zack asked franticly scanning my body,

“Yeah I just bumped my, uh…” I didn’t finish; my eyes just glanced down towards my hand along with Zack’s,

“You got a tattoo!” He gasped holding my hand up closer to his face,

“Yeah Amber and I did yesterday.” I said uneasily,

“Welcome to the club!” He laughed releasing my hand; wow I thought he would give me a lecture on tattoos and how people would react.

“Anyway whatcha get up to while I was gone? The house isn’t burned to the ground, that’s a good sight.” He chuckled as we sat down in the lounge room,

“Caught up with Amber, watched every Harry Potter.”

“Cool, anything else?”

“Actually yes… We need to talk…” sounding a little unsure, Zack seemed in a good mood, it was time to get something off my chest; it was time to tell him about Alex.

“Zack, you know that night I went and got dinner with Alex yeah?” I began,

“Yeah…” he answered in a concerned tone,

“Well after dinner when Alex pulled up on the curb of the house, we sort of kissed, not just a kiss on the cheek a full-on kiss. Then when you invited me on tour I didn’t know what was happening between Lex and I so I pretended it didn’t happen. And that night when everyone went to dinner and I stayed on the bus then he came home early, we talked, he confessed to me his feelings and asked me to be his girlfriend, and of course I said yes.” Zack showed no emotion, “But we were worried how everyone would take it, so we kept it a secret all tour. Jack found out after hearing us talk about it one morning and I accidently let it slip with Amber. And this weekend while you were gone, I invited Alex over, he stayed for 2 nights, nothing happened I promise.” I lied, I didn’t want to lay all this on Zack at this time, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, at first I didn’t know myself what was happening, but now I do, I’m in love with Alex and we’re together, so that’s why I’m telling you now…” I finished looking up at Zack, who looked speechless,

“Zack say something…” I said quietly after he had said nothing, I know Zack said he approves Alex and all but I was still worried,

“That’s a lot to take in, but I’m happy you’re happy, I know how much you’ve liked Alex for years and I’m glad you two are together. But if he ever breaks your heart, I will break his face alright?” He said sternly pulling me into a hug,

“Of course Zack.”

 After that Zack and I went off and did our own thing, I decided to call Alex and tell him about the conversation,

“Yo.” He answered,

“Hey Lex.”

“Oh hey Em, what’s up?”

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