Girl Therapy

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Emily’s POV

The guys underestimate me and they’re so gullible, they think I’d fall asleep in my favorite movie? No way! No one would ever think about waking little old me up would they? Aha. Throughout the movie I felt Alex rubbing my arm, it made my heart beat faster.

 “So Em how many times is that n-“ Jack began to say but Alex interrupted,

“Shh! She’s asleep.”

“You two getting cozy over in the corner ay?” Jack asked, god he’s a dirty minded man,

“Fuck off man.” Alex replied in a serious tone,

“Yo you two stop arguing and mind taking her up to bed, please?” I heard Zack ask, seriously, you could carry me easier then these two idiots combined!

“Finnnne but you’re carrying her fat ass Alex.” Jack added, says you, I thought to myself. I felt Alex slide my head off his lap then slipped his arms underneath me pulling me up towards his chest.

When Alex put me down on my bed I heard Jack mutter,

“I can’t believe she still has Spiderman bed sheets.” Oh have a problem with my choice of bed linen?

“Haha, it’s cute, she’s like Wendy from Peter Pan, doesn’t want to grow-up.” Alex quietly added, oh my god he was such a cutie!

“What are you looking at?” I heard Alex ask from the other side of my room, oh no, they’re probably looking at my wall, shit.

“Come on, we should head home.” Jack said quietly,

“Y-yeah of course.” Alex mumbled in reply. Well fuck, it’s going to be awkward next time I see them.

I was rudely awakened at 5am by Zack banging and crashing around downstairs, he was going for his daily surf, but he needed to learn to leave the house quietly! I thought I might as well get up and shower. I got out, got dressed into sweat pants and a black shirt then checked my phone, I had a message from my friend Amber,

“Yo bitch, want to go out shopping? Meet you outside in 20.” Typical Amber, I guess I had no choice,

“Sure why not cya soon” I sighed at the fact that I’d have to get dressed to outside standards, so I chucked on some skinny jeans and my boner shirt Jack got me. I went downstairs to have breakfast, unlike Zack I actually ate food, he pretty much lived on protein shakes and all that shit so the kitchen was always packed with it. I managed to find some eggs and bread to make some type of sandwich. I heard a car honk outside, must be Amber; I grabbed my bag and left Zack a note saying I’d be out.

I could hear Amber’s music from the front door, she was listening to Bruno Mars. I opened the passenger side door and jumped in,

“Loud enough?” I asked

“Maybe.” She answered sarcastically, stroking her chin. Amber & I were really alike, almost like sisters; we were both sarcastic and quite hilarious. We drove into the city and stopped in at Starbucks.

“So how’s the recording going?” Amber was a rising star in the music industry, she was currently recording her first album with Hopeless Records,

“Great! My drummer is fairly good looking.” She answered as a cheeky smirk grew across her face,

“And I was wondering if you wanted to come in and help me record some guitar and bass?”

“Oh my god yeah!” I shrieked throwing my arms into the air; we just started laughing about how stupid I must of looked.

For the next few hours we just wondered round the shops, Amber bought a new bag and shoes, I just bought a fuck tone of food. We went to Forever 21, where Amber tried on half the store, while she was in the change room I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, it was from Alex?

“Hey Em, want hang-out tonight? Tacos on me! :D”  Alex knew my favorite food was Mexican? I just kept starring at my phone with a huge cheesy grin my face; I didn’t even notice Amber come out the change room,

“Ooo what have we got here?” She asked reaching for my phone,

“Oh, uh, nothing!” I muttered hiding my phone away, but she continued to grab it, pulling it out of my hands,

“From Alex? OH MY GOD ARE YOU TWO FINALLY DATING?!” She yelled at the top of her lungs,

“For god sake no!” I replied awkwardly, I could feel myself blushing a little. Amber knew I had a crush on Alex since middle school, but got her hopes up too easily.

“So are you gonna go? Tacos and a hot guy is hard to miss.” She was right, they were a good mix,

“Fine.” I answered, texting Alex back,

“Of course, I’d never turn down food! Oh yeah or you I guess ;)” He was quick to reply,

“Awesome, I’ll pick you up @ 5! x” I let out a girly squeal, did that ‘x’ mean something? No I’m just over reacting.

Amber drove me home, we both had a smile on our faces the whole way, I think she was more excited than me.

“TELL ME HOW IT GOES!” She yelled from the car as I opened the front door,

“I’ll think about it.” I said in a taunting tone as I closed the door behind me.

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