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Emily's POV

 I had been lying on this bed in the dark listening to Zack snore for an hour and a half now; I wasn’t getting to sleep anytime soon. I looked over at the clock, 12:57am, might as well stay awake till sunrise; I’ve done it as long as I can remember, being an insomniac isn’t all that bad. I let out a long sigh. I felt someone crawl into the bed next to me,

“Can’t sleep again?” Alex asked giving me a hug,

“As always.” I nodded

“Zack’s snoring?”

“No, insomnia.”

“Oh…” That was all he said in reply,

“I feel you, one insomniac to another.” He added as he let out a quiet laugh, I didn’t know Alex was an insomniac, but hey you learn something new everyday. I rested my head on Alex’s arm, looking up at the ceiling.

“Wanna go for a walk?” He asked turning to look at me,

“Yeah that’d be good.” We both quietly got out of bed sneaking past Zack, making sure to grab a key card off the table and heading out the door. We walked out the lobby doors into the cold night; I let out a shiver as a freezing breeze hit me, sending a chill down my spine,


“No, I’m on fucking vibrate mode.” I answered sarcastically as my teeth chattered together,

 “God you’re an idiot.” He laughed, unzipping his Glamour Kills hoodie he had on, draping it over my shoulders,

“Awh thanks, but what about you, wont you get cold?” I asked slipping my arms through the jumper and putting on the hood, the sleeves went right down past my wrists

“Emily, I’m a man, and men don’t get cold!” he said in the manliest way he could putting both his hands on his hips.

“Dumbass.” I laughed pushing him.

We walked down the deserted night streets, Alex’s arm slung over my shoulders,

“Alex,” I began to say but was worried to finish,


“Uh, don’t worry, it was nothing.” I muttered turning my head away, he stopped walking and took his arm off my shoulder, grabbing my hand, turning my head back towards him,

“What Emily? You can ask or tell me anything.” I knew I had to tell him now,

“What do you see in me? I mean like why did you choose me over all the other girls you know, like Lisa…” He gave me a puzzled look,

“Emily, you’re literally the most gorgeous person I’ve ever met, you’re funny, adorable, gosh damn sexy I mean common look at you! And I’ve known you for so long, we know each other better than anyone. Without you I would’ve never of been in a band, never would’ve been able to perform that first gig and most importantly met the love of my life…” he finished, I felt tears welling up in my eyes,

“Really?” I asked as tears fell down my face,

“Really.” He answered sternly, using his thumbs to wipe the tears out of my eyes.

“I love you so much Alexander William Gaskarth.” I sniffed hugging him tightly,

“I love you more Emily Jade Merrick.”

After that speech the rest of the way we walked hand-in-hand, talking about old memories. I stopped walking alongside Alex, standing still on the sidewalk,

“What?” He laughed looking at me, letting go of my hand,

“My legs huuurt.” I whined flopping my arms down my side

“Want me to carry you?”

“Maybeeee…” I giggled as a small cheeky smile popped onto my face,

“Fine, common then.” He laughed again, bending down so that I could hop onto his back. I jumped onto his back tightly securing my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He put his arms underneath my legs, holding his hands together on his stomach.  We both started laughing as he made plane noises, swerving across the sidewalk.  By now it was almost 2am so we started to head back to the hotel,

“We should do this more often!” I giggled resting my head on his shoulder,

“We should! Wanna make it a nightly thing if we both can’t sleep?” he asked excitedly,

“I’d like that.” I answered kissing his cheek.

As we reached the room Alex slid me off this back carefully then soundlessly opening the door,

“Night.” We both whispered as we got into our own beds. I curled myself up in the quilt and quickly drifted off to sleep. 

I woke-up to the sound of the morning news,

“Look who’s finally awake.” Zack laughed shaking his head,

“Whatever morning person.” I groaned getting up and sitting next to Zack on the couch,

“Wait is that Alex’s hoodie?” He asked squinting at the jumper I had on,

“Oh, so it is.” I had to make up a reason why I was wearing it, “I woke up in the middle of the night cold, and so I picked up something that felt like a jumper on the floor thinking it was mine…”

“Alright then, Alex has gone out to grab some breakfast for us, he should be back soon. If you want to shower go now.” I accepted his offer, grabbing some clothes and then taking a shower. I got out, straightened my hair and putting a maroon beanie over it. I also put on my black distressed jeans and a grey top with the shoulders cut out. I really wanted to keep Alex’s hoodie on but people would notice, it was so warm and smelt like him but I folded it up nicely and put it on his bed.

Alex came back shortly with hash browns and we all sat on the couch just eating them. Zack went of to search his bags for ketchup to put on his leaving Alex and I alone; this became a regular occurrence between us. We made light conversation about how each other slept knowing Zack would be back at any moment,

“Yeah Zack slept like a log though!” I joked and we both started laughing,

“Oi you two.” He interrupted our laughter, but a smile appeared on his face, he couldn’t stay angry at either of us, even we joked about his snoring.

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