Pull Me In

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 The car ride back was silent again, there was something about car rides at night, and it just felt right to be quiet. Alex pulled up on the curb of Zack and my house, all the light were off meaning Zack was most likely in bed asleep,

“Thanks for tonight.” I said softly, turning to face Alex,

“No thank you.” He replied at the same volume, and once again our eyes met, he slowly moved closer grabbing my chin in between his index finger and thumb tilting my head up, my heart began to beat faster and faster. Our lips gently pressed together moving in sync with each other, Alex removed his fingers from my face, while I twisted my fingers through his auburn hair. We gradually pulled away from each other as a smile spread across both our faces, I had been waiting so long to finally kiss Alex,

“I-I should be going, it’s getting late…” I mumbled, biting my lip,

“Yeah I guess, cya soon?” he asked quietly,

“Of course.” I answered with a smile, as I turned to get out of the car I felt Alex grab my hand, turned back to see him smiling at me,

“What?” I questioned,

“It’s just-…” he stuttered, “you just look really beautiful tonight.” I felt myself go bright red, and once again we leaned in towards each other with our lips meeting in the middle.

I started making my way towards the front door on the house, unlocking the door as silently as possible, I checked the clock in the kitchen as I made my way upstairs, 1:14am. Once I reached my room I chucked on my pajamas and slid into bed, I just kept replaying the kiss in my head. What did this make us now? Were we a couple? Was it just the heat of the moment? What if he doesn’t like me in the way I like him? I began to get anxious, but shrugged it off and fell asleep.

Alex’s POV 

As I drove away from Emily & Zack’s house I felt butterflies in my stomach, I didn’t know what to do after this, I mean yeah I like Emily but I’m not sure if the feelings are mutual. Like if someone’s leaning in to kiss you, you kinda have to kiss back… don’t you?

I kept asking myself questions I couldn't answer, finally coming to the conclusion that I was head-over-heels for Emily, my best friend’s little sister, and I had to tell her no matter what. 

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