Liar, Liar

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Emily’s POV

I woke up to find myself in Alex’s bunk with his arms wrapped tightly around me as he snored lightly, I rolled round to face him causing him to stir and wake up,

“Morning.” He yawned, squeezing me,

“Morning Alex.” I smiled, nuzzling back into his chest,

“How’d you sleep?” he asked kissing my head,

“Best I’ve ever slept.” I muttered into his chest,

“God you’re adorable, even when you’ve literally just woken up.”

“Liar.” I protested pushing him slightly,

“Am not!” He argued back. I pulled out of his grip, moving myself so that I was now sitting on his waist and pinning his arms down.

“Admit it you are.” I whispered, resting my forehead against his,

“I will not admit to something I’m not.” He continued to argue,

“Fine then.” I trailed kisses up his neck to behind his ear where his skull tattoo was; he let out a moan. I got off him and climbed out the bunk,

“This debate isn’t over!” he called as I began to walk away,

“Awh Lexy, I’m not letting you kiss me again until you admit you’re a liar.” I tutted placing my finger over my lips,

“Wait what?” He yelled in a confused tone, I just looked at him and bit my lip while shaking my head,

“Tease!” he complained,

“I try my hardest.” I said with a wink heading towards the bathroom.

I took a quick shower then got changed into a pair of sweatpants and a grey plain shirt. As I got out of the bathroom someone grabbed me from behind, snaking their arms around my waist,

“You were only joking about the no kissing thing right?” Alex asked pouting,

“No, I’m dead serious Gaskarth.” I said in a serious tone, acting angry,

“I think I can change your mind…” He whispered into my ear, his hot breathe shot a shiver down my spine; I quickly pulled out of his grip before I gave in.

“Nope, I’m sticking to my point, no kisses until you say you’re a liar!” I demanded crossing my arms, hoping he would give up and say he was a liar because he had bed hair and looked gorgeous.

“Awh please Em?” He begged walking towards me sticking his lips out looking like a fish,

“Uh, uh, uh.” I tutted, putting my finger over his lips.

“Fine then, I give up, you’re too cute and I really want to kiss you right now.” He sighed, swatting my hand away,

“Hmm not the answer I was looking for…” I shrugged, turning my head away,

“Ugh,” he exhaled pouting, “Emily, I’m a big fat liar, you were right. Now can I have a kiss?”.

I slid my fingers through his jean belt loops pulling his hips into mine, I hovered my lips over his, biting my lip. I leaned in closer to his ear and whispered,

“No.” then walking to the front lounge.

“You fucking tease!” He growled playfully.

Everyone eventually woke up, they all slept in because it was our first day off this tour. Everyone decided to stay in the bus and play video games, they were all so boring! Alex leaned over and whispered,

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