Why me?

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Lucy's POV:
I am at the guild, feeling bored and useless because only The Exceeds, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy-chan, Mira-san, Master, Jet, Droy, Elfman, Rainjinshu Tribe and Wendy know I exist now. When Lisanna came back from the "dead", she acted horrid to me but I refused to tell anyone about it. Since I didn't mention how mean she was to me, everyone thought she was the kind, innocent girl she was before she left. And by the way, it's been exactly 5 months, 2 hours, 13 minutes and 26 seconds. But, I don't mind all that much because at least now I know who my real friends are. I've also become real close to Raijinshu and I call them Ever, Freed, Bicksy and Laxy or Laxus. I also call Gajeel Metal Brain. Team Natsu has been replacing me with Lisanna because they want to "catch up". As I am lost in my thoughts, I don't notice Natsu and his team, with Lisanna my *coughcough* replacement. Natsu grins widely at me, Lisanna smirks evilly at me, Erza and Gray just give me cold glares. What did I ever do? Natsu snaps me back to reality by saying,"Yo Luce! We're kicking you out of Team Natsu because you're weak, lame and useless. All you ever do is hide behind your spirits and lie that you care about them and will fight with them. We're tired of saving your sorry ass, in fact why don't you just quit Fairy Tail already? You're way too weak and will tarnish our reputation as the number 1 guild in Fiore. We're replacing you with Lisanna because she's way stronger than you, you little shitty piece of crap. Also, you were always on the team because you reminded me of Lisanna and that's the reason behind everything I ever did for you. I never cared if you lived or died especially now since Lisanna is back. Plus, you're always complaining about your damn rent, I'm not surprised why your father hated you so bad." And...he said it all while smiling excitedly at me. My heart shattered, Natsu...never cared the least bit about me? I...loved you...Natsu. Even when you ignored me...I'd always thought...you'd come back to being with me. My bangs covered my eyes and I said softly,"If that's what you want, I'll leave, not just your team but the whole guild. Since you brought me here, you have every right to get rid of me." Natsu grinned chidishly and thanked me! My heart ached. Natsu...how could you? Gray and Erza say,"Good." And leave. However, Lisanna wasn't satisfied. She walked over to me menacingly because we were a corner and no one could see us, she used Takeover magic and turned into Mira's Satan Soul. She smirked seeing how shocked I was and said,"I stole Mira-nee's magic! I didn't use the stronger ones because I would definitely attract attention but this one is enough to kill you silently. Surprised much? I didn't do nothing in Edolas for 2 years you know. I learned what the people there do and I found out a way to steal magic without anyone realising. Mira-nee will just be a little weaker when I use her magic." T-this can't be...betraying her own sister? This is too much! I will tell my true friends even though it will hurt them, especially Elfman and Mira-san. I try to leave to tell my friends but she blocks me and sends punches and kicks at me...no, I hurt all over...will i really die like this? Will no one notice?
???'s POV:
I watch with pure hatred as I look helplessly at the one I had loved for some time. She was being tortured, by her own "friends". I wanted to go right there and kill them ALL!!! But I couldn't, I could only stay in the shadows and watch.
Laxus's POV:
That Lisanna! Damn her! She treats Lucy like trash and acts all innocent. She's different but no one knows. SHE ACTUALLY THOUGHT SHE COULD FOOL ME?!?! Little b****! I'm mad, so mad that I find myself walking unconsciously towards her. My lightning bolts get me the attention of the whole guild but I couldn't care less, all I could think of was saving Lucy from that heartless monster. Besides, it would be good for the guild to know the true Lisanna. Lisanna, being so focused on hurting Lucy, didn't notice a thing so when the guild fell silent, she just continued to attack Lucy. Good. Everyone saw. I walk over and pick her up by her hair and she seemed surprised knowing for the first time that everyone was staring at her. Wendy and Levy rushed to aid Lucy while I dragged b****sanna all the way to the old man's office. I explain everything and he seems extremely shocked, not that I wasn't when I found out though, just got used to it. Gramps finally regained his composure and said,"I'm sorry Lisanna but we cannot have you hurting other members of Fairy Tail. You are expelled." B****sanna cried, "N-no! We're nakamas, family! Why?" This time, I lost it,"WHY???YA SURE YA WANNA KNOW WHY???BECAUSE I WILL SHOW YOU WHY!!!" Then, Gramps literally had to throw us out of his office and B****anna fell to the floor, crying like a useless little baby. I snorted, if I hadn't known what she did to Lucy, I would actually have worried about her...as a nakama. I walked over to Mira who was sobbing with Elfman about her. I've made up my mind, I'm gonna check on Lucy every night. Because...I love her.
Lucy's POV:
I woke up in the guild infirmary, all bandaged up like a mummy. I cry and cry because I remember what happened to me before. Suddenly, all my real friends crash into the room. Levy-chan rushed over to scream a bunch of questions,"LU-CHAN!!!!HOW LONG HAS SHE BEEN DOING THAT? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US? DON'T YOU TRUST US?WHEN DID YOU WAKE UP? WHY WERE YOU CRYING?" Mira tried calming her down but to no avail. Gajeel rolled his eyes and said, "Shrimp, we're all worried about bunny girl ok? Try taking in the news like a normal person." I try to talk so that they dont end up quarrelling but it sounded like,"Meesh meen noing nad nin ne game gang."Everyone stared at me, confused. Laxus, however, translated me perfectly, "She said that Lisanna's been doing that since she came back." We all look at him in surprise, wondering how he had understood what I said. Then, Freed screamed about how cool Laxus was cos he knew everything. Wow...everyone else, except Gajeel who just stares, starts crying and Juvia floods the guild again. Elfman tries to cover it up by yelling,"I'M A MAN!!!I'M WON'T CRY BECAUSE THAT'S UNMANLY!!!" Yeayea, whatever you say Elfman. Suddenly, I feel a strange presence like someone is around. I decide to ignore it because I don't see anyone else. Soon, I got curious and asked," may!mat hammnened nu linana man I mun munonunouth?" Laxus said,"She asked what happened to Lisanna while she was unconscious. Well...to put it simply, she got expelled." My jaw literally dropped... they expelled her? Omg! Laxus laughed,"Close your mouth, you're attracting flies. Well, I'll be going now, come on Raijinshu, let's go on a job." I rolled my eyes, lamest excuse EVER! He obviously just didn't wanna translate anymore because it was awkward. Mira and Elfman still couldn't believe it and we're crying on each other. I feel bad for them... having their long lost little sis come back, completely different, and not the good kind of different. I tried to comfort them but without Laxus, I may as well have been mute. I ended up ripping the bandages off my body and summoning Grandine...everyone stared as a puff of blue smoke disipated...whoopsy! I FORGOT THE OTHERS WERE STILL HERE!!!
<><><><><><><><><Author's Note><><
There! Hope you like it, in this one, Natsu and Lisanna are gonna be real mean. It begins the second week after Lisanna came back from Edolas. Please comment if you spot errors, arigato gozaimas<3 Tenroujima happened but Acnologia never came ok? And, it's past the Zentopia part.

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