Nothing crucial?

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Lucy's POV:
Wow. It's nighttime! We had dinner together and I showed them to their room. Their rooms were separated by colour difference. Mira, Sorano and Levy are pale blue. Erik is dark purple and Macbeth, dark red. Richard has pale orange and Sawyer had a dull yellow. Jet and Droy got a greenish-brown sort of colour while Laxus and the Raijinshu got white. Zeref got black and the exceeds, with Gajeel and Wendy, got grey. Lyon got white too but he splashed some blue paint on it so it was white with a bit of blue paint. I have no idea where he got the paint. Juvia had dark blue and she splashed "Gray" paint on it. And by that, she meant she splashed grey paint on it. Where she got the paint, I also have no idea. Then she decorated the whole room with Gray memorabilia. 0-0 Moving on...

"Boo." Zeref whispered in my ear from behind.

"WHAT THE HELL, ZEREF?" I screamed. Is he trying to give me heart attack? He was laughing his frigging ass off. That damned creep.

"S-Sorry." He slowly stopped laughing. He didn't look too sorry. -_-

"You idiot. Go rest. You'll need it if you want to deal with 3 apprentices." I told him.

"Can I not teach them? T^T" He gave me really sad eyes that didn't move me at all.

"No. See ya!" I went to my own room on a completely different level. My Well, obviously I'm going to change the colour. I mean, it looks like Natsu's hair! I also need to get rid of my secret collection of Natsu memorabilia. Maybe I can dump it all on Igneel.
Natsu's POV:
"Damn Lis, your house is cool!" I say looking around her "Headquarters" also known as her house. Well, it only became her house after she was kicked out of Fairy Tail.

"Now, Natsu, Lucy is dead so we can go on with our plans as soon as I gather help from Alvarez and some other guilds since Fairy Tail backed out." Lisanna grinned. Why the hell does she even want to get some weapon thingy from the guild basement? How awesome can it be? And why was I not allowed to just go down and take it while I was there? And why is changing the ways of the world so important? I just don't get Lis. Maybe Gray is right? That she changed?

NO! THIS IS YOUR FIRST LOVE AND CHILDHOOD CRUSH!!! You do not doubt her. Lucy's right, I'm a baka. Wait what? No! That came out wrong!
Elfman's POV:
TODAY WAS A MANLY DAY! DRAGON SLAYING MAGIC IS MANLY!!! My Dragon is manly too! Beastie is a small but MANLY Dragon who uses a MANLY power. HE'S MAN!!!
Mirajane's POV:
Fang was cool. Fang was nice. Fang was strong. Fang had love issues. Fang was basically the perfect Dragon for me. I could totally repay her training by helping her with her love issues. ^.<
.^.Timeskip Next Day.^.
Lucy's POV:
I'm bored. Training is ongoing. Only 1 hour and a few minutes have passed in Earthland. We should wait for like, 24 days/hours. Then maybe we can start to Chillax a little. Cos how long can it take to learn Dragon Slaying Magic? (She was born to learn this magic and become Dragon Queen but she doesn't know that so she just thinks it's easy.) Lyon was bugging me a lot though. He got over Juvia, good for him she loves Gray, BUT DID HE HAVE TO FALL FOR ME??? And then there's Erik, the perverted pervert. He confessed at like midnight. I thought that was weird cos Macbeth's codename was Midnight and he told me Macbeth liked me too. I'm hoping I can wake up tomorrow and find out I was having the worst nightmare ever and Lisanna never came back. Sorry Lisanna. Anyway, I learned something important. Never let your guard down near Erik or tell him secrets. He won't keep it a secret. He told me he had "Love Rivals" (yea like Juvia) such as, Laxy, Metal Face, Zeref, Macbeth and Lyon. Who can't tell if Lyon has a crush on them? He's a freaking Juvia Genderbend. He's way too open about his feelings. But the others? Nah. Anyway, TIME WILL TELL! Wait, I'm a Control Dragon Slayer...that includes time control. Ah who cares? HOLY SH**! I just realised it's after training and they should be on their way back already. My god, how does it take to ponder over love confessions? And I only got 2 so far! If Erik wasn't pulling some sort of lame prank on me, I would be getting 4 more sooner or later. IF.

"LU-CHAN!" Levy-chan ran up to me, grinning. I'm thinking of asking Levy-chan to try Water Dragon Slaying too. But if she wants.

"Hey there, Levy-chan!" I grin. Erik strolls around like he owns the world. Which he doesn't. In fact, I sort of own this world ^.^

"Hey Blondie!" Erik grinned like nothing happened. Except now that he's confessed he also is pretty public about her love for me. Which, honestly, creeps me out. And also, I get this feeling Stella doesn't like them...

"DON'T TOUCH MY BELOVED LUCY-CHAN, SHE'S MINE!!!" Lyon yelled like the world was ending. Hahaha, no I'm not yours, Lyon. Juvia is cheering Lyon on. Thanks a lot, Juvia, really appreciate it-_-

"OH MY ERLU!" Mira was crying like I was marrying Erik or something. WHICH I WASN'T! The others were whining to the guys in their own ships. Thanks a lot, really-_-

"GO LYON, FIGHT YOUR LOVE RIVALS!!!" Juvia went into chibi cheering mode. What a great example you're setting, Juvia. I sweatdrop. Zeref, Macbeth, Laxus and Gajeel, the said "Love Rivals", had really angry dark auras. I was particularly worried about whether we would all die because Zeref was mad. He clenched his fists. His eyes kept switching between red and black, all that indecisiveness. Tsk Tsk.

"Zeref?" We all ask uncertainly. He unclenched his fists and closed his eyes for 2 minutes 31 seconds. Then he opened them and grinned.

"I'm fine!" He told us like he was not just ready to kill us. Ok, maybe Erik was right. Anyway, it's still too early to trust that perverted pervert of a criminal.

"Yeah right. Jealous much?" Erik smirked like he was above Zeref. Which he wasn't.

"You did not tell her."

"Did too!"

"CURSE YOU!" He yelled. Then I felt a strong presence. I noticed his eyes red. Fudge.

"ZEREF, CALM YOUR ASS DOWN!" I yelled. Not with the usual anger that i had in me since Fairy Tail left a thorn in my heart but with actual care and concern that literally made them all freeze. Zeref's eyes, now black again, looked at me like 'Wait...You are concerned?' Well, yes I am. Don't make me change my mind. They all froze so at first, I found it uncomfortable, but then when the first person began to get normal again, I immediately wished everyone was frozen again even though that's kinda mean.

Sorano's POV:

"MY BEAUTIFUL ZERCY!" I sobbed proudly. The others whined about their own ships while basically torturing the guys. Mira and Juvia were very calmly discussing with me our ship moments. The whole time, all Lucy did was sweatdrop through the total chaos. Oh, did I mention Lyon and Erik unwillingly joined in on our extremely calming meeting? Juvia and Mira dragged them in. So I decided to drag Zeref in too.

Then 2 irritating Dragon Roars interupted. At that moment, I knew there would be trouble.

<><><><><><>Author's Note<><><><><

Done done done! ^v^ Thanks for reading this book. I'm so happy you like it!!! >.<

I actually finished it a few days ago but I forgot to publish. Whups. Sorry.

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