Weird Life

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Lucy's POV:
I don't really get why I'm not scared of Zeref like normal people would be. In fact, I feel like I could trust him with my life...Strange. Anyway, Cobra seems to have some problem with Zeref. We go back to the table to continue where we left off. Angel says,"Anyway, Cobra is Erik, Midnight is Macbeth, Racer is Sawyer and Hoteye is Richard but you already know that, so...thats it!"
"Ooh! Can I call you by your real names?"
"WHAAAAAT?" They screamed in unison, hurting my poor ears.
"Pretty pretty please?" I pouted.
Zeref coughs,"Um...what am I supposed to do?"
"Oh yeah! I forgot about you already!" I tease him.
"Aw! Am I so forgettable?" He pouts. He looks so cute like that!!!
"Hm...We're playing 'Ask A Question', so you can ask us questions and we have to answer the truth. I asked them their real names and I wanna know your surname." I say
"I don't have one. Now, your turn. Do you have a crush?" He smirks.
" Cos a certain someone from a place I won't mention, shattered my heart just this morning so...yeah. Anyway, you should know about it Stalker."I say coldly.
"Hey Hey! I'm not a stalker, we went through this!" He pouts, awww so cute!
"Shut up, Erik. It's your turn now, Oracion Seis."I say, irritated by Erik
"WE HAVE CODENAMES BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR THOSE NAMES!"He yells again, getting me too irritated. I control his blood, making him shut up and say very calmly to him,"TOO BAD!SUCK IT UP!DO YOU GUYS WANNA ASK OR NOT!?!"
"U-um...we all want to know what happened at Fairy Tail."Angel says awkwardly. This catches me off guard, even though I knew they would wonder about that sooner or later, I hadn't thought of how to react so my brain just kept replaying what happened. Instead of answering, I fall to the floor, crying and screaming. All I can see and hear is this morning's event. Soon, when my flashback ended, my vision clouded and I whispered,"Why Natsu?" Before completely losing consiousness.
Erik's POV:
No! Lucy fell to the floor and Zeref, Macbeth and I just stare like some really stupid idiots. My heart thudded loudly. Why? I have no idea. She screamed,"NATSU!" over and over again. Why is this making my heart feel like it's been trampled all over? I hear what Macbeth thinks,"Why do I feel hurt when I hear her scream that? What could this feeling be? Why do I feel like murdering Natsu, even though I swore not harm another living creature again?" Hm...that's similar to me! I better talk to him about this later. Somehow, Zeref is blocking me out too...Wonder how. Anyway, while I was deep in thought, trying to figure things out and block out noise from my poor, sensitive ears, I remember I heard of an emotion called 'love' before. None of the Oracion Seis has felt this before... except for Richard and Sorano. But those 2 felt sibling love, how's that relate to me...unless...NO FREAKING WAY! I'VE FALLEN FOR LUCY?!? I am brought back to reality by Sorano elbowing my stomach again.
"What the devil was that for?" I ask angrily.
"Can't you see Lucy is having trouble? She even passed out and you're daydreaming! Macbeth carried her to her bed, so finish your stupid dinner and go sleep." She grumbles, equally angry. Something made me want to kill Macbeth, hearing he was the one who got to carry Lucy. Just like when I heard her cry over Natsu. this jealousy? I've also heard people get easily jealous when they're in love...
Macbeth's POV:
YAY! This is the only thing in my mind as I carry my sleeping beauty, bridal style, up to her bedroom. I have no idea why but I have a big, silly grin stuck on my face. I'm creeping myself out. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? I NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR! After putting the beautiful blonde on her bed for her to rest, I sit next to her and say,"You're too forgiving Lucy, you could get tricked." She smiles her gorgeous smile as I walk out. Once I closed the door, I forced the grin off my face but inside, I am exploding with fireworks and melting at the same time. Wait...Now that I think about it, I WAS SO FREAKING SAPPY EARLIER! OH GOD NO! I CAN'T BE...IN...LOVE?!?!?!?! HOLY NUTZ! I'M IN LOVE?????????????????? I NEED TO CONSULT A DOCTOR!!! face is burning...don't tell me I'm blushing? In front of everyone?
Sorano's POV:
Wow...Zeref, Macbeth and Erik are madly in love with Lucy already? Zeref almost went to murder Natsu for whatever he did, Erik was completely dazed and Macbeth carried her to bed and came down blushing his 'adorable' little head off. Hm...time to matchmake! Muahaha!
"Um...Sorano? Are you alright? You've got a creepy look in your eyes and you're smirking like hell." Zeref states
"Oh, am I now? I'm alright, thanks for your concern. Just thinking of something." I say, trying hard not to smirk anymore.
"If you say so. Since you guys are done eating, you should probably go to bed now because it's pretty late." He says, sitting on the couch. I think he's gonna 'rest in meditation' or something. Welp, bedtime. But first, my evil glint returns as I sneak over to Lucy's comunication lacrima. I call Fairy Tail's demon matchmaker, I hope she answers.
"Hello? Mira here.*yawn* why call me so late?"
"Hello Demon Mirajane. Lucy and I are now friends, Oracion Seis is under her care. You should know, considering a blonde who is in love with her came earlier and she told him to her 'true friends'. We would love to hear more about this morning because Lucy is too affected by it that she passed out, thinking of it, but my problem is not that. I want some matchmaking tips because Lucy has 4 secret admirers and I want to set them up." In an instant, she no longer seems sleepy, but instead, jolts right out of bed, an evil glint in her as well.
"WHO???" She screams.
"Cobra, Midnight, Zeref and the blonde fairy"
"Is he a muscular blonde with a scar on his face and clothes that don't match the current humid weather?"
Woah! How did she guess?
"His name is Laxus Dreyar. I would love to give you a biography of his life but that's gotta wait. Ok, I'll visit tomorrow to get to know Cobra-san and Midnight-san better. I might or might not bring assistants. Don't tell Lucy, I'll see you tomorrow!" She giggles before cutting off our connection. Oh yeah! This is stupid, it's sounds like Richard. Oh well, bedtime. Can't wait for Mira to come tomorrow.
<><><><><><><Author's Note><><><><
Please vote on the good or bad, Natsu or Lisanna thing! Anyone wonder what Mira's got up her sleeve? :D

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