Explanations and surprises

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Wendy's POV:
G-G-Gran...dine? I was frozen in my spot, Lucy-san just summoned Grandine? I didn't notice the others but kept staring at the blue smoke. Once it vanished, a woman with pale blue hair and a kind face ran over to Lucy-san. Sh-She smells like Grandine! But...Grandine was a dragon. She healed Lucy-san and noticed all of us staring. She looked at Lucy-san and Lucy-san said,"Sorry Grandine!" And Grandine sighed,"I suppose the Dragons do owe the humans an explanation for disappearing 7 years ago without warning." Grandine walked towards me, smiling,"Hi Wendy, I'm back."
"GRANDINE!" I cried and hugged her. Natsu-san and the rest of the guild ran in the door. When they saw Grandine, they got into battle stance so I screamed,"NO! THIS IS GRANDINE!" Grandine smiled,"Have you forgotten the power of a dragon?"
"B-But-" I started sobbing,"Please don't hurt my mom." Lucy-san walked over to me and stood there glaring at Natsu,"If you touch Grandine, Igneel will burn down this place and everyone in it. Go back Grandine, I can handle my own guild members!" Natsu stared yelling something about Igneel, but I wasn't really listening. I looked at Lucy-san, wondering how she knew our dragons so well...I mean, we did tell her but she knows them like they trained her!
Lucy's POV:
Crap! Whywhywhy! WHY!!! WHY DID I FORGET THE DRAGON SECRET! SHITSHITSHIT!!! NOW I'M DOOMED! I felt something hot and wet drip down my face...am I crying? Everyone looked at me in concern, guess I am crying. Natsu glared, still yelling at me and threatening to kill me if I didn't explain myself. Hmph! I'm through with him! I'm going home to the dragon realm, I'm sick of this so-called family of mine. "ROAR OF THE FIRE DRAGON!!!" Ok, that's it. I ate up his attack and smirked,"Shall we see who Igneel trained better?" Literally everyone's jaws dropped. "I call forth, my dragon wings!" I said calmly and sky blue wings with gold swirls grew on my back. Natsu yelled, "You're ON, B****!!!" I create a forcefield so that nothing and no one would get hurt or damaged. Everyone still hadn't peeled their goddamn jaws off the floor. I said,"Shut your mouths!!! I'm so weak you can't believe I'm the dragon princess?" Everyone looked at me in fear, shutting their full-of-shit mouths. Natsu, being the only idiot around, began,"IRON FIST OF THE FIRE DRAGON! WING SLASH OF THE FIRE DRAGON! FIRE DRAGON'S TALONS! DRAGON SLAYER SECRET ART:CRIMSON EXPLODING FLAME EDGE!DAZZLING BLAZE OF THE FIRE DRAGON! CRUSHING FANG OF THE FIRE DRAGON!FIRE DRAGON'S FLAMING ELBOW!" The guild watched in shock and horror, thinking I was a dead duck or a gone goose, yep! I read their puny little brain's which showed how much they underestimated me...plus, do i really look like a duck or goose? Anyway, I ate up his fire. Everyone looked like they were gonna faint.
1)I just ate Natsu's fire
2)I am smirking like some crazy witch
3)I'm getting ready to murder Natsu
Well...those are pretty reasonable excuses to faint for I guess...Anyway, I screamed,"Crimson lotus:Fire Dragon Iron Fist! Crimson lotus:Exploding Flame Blade! Crimson lotus:Phoenix Blade!" And...Natsu is down! Woohoo! I win! Anyway...I trained with Igneel more than he did. The guild stare...I say,"Stop staring! It's rude if you never learnt manners!" And with that, I tell master that he need not have removed Lisanna as she only wanted to get rid of me, and I was gonna quit anyway. Master freaked and started begging me to stay, together with the rest the pathetic people who ignored me...most anyway. Humph! As if I'd believe those crocodile tears ever again...Well, Master's and my true friends' tears were real anyway. At least my true friends understood my decision. I scream,"CONSIDER WHAT YOU DID AND WHAT YOU'RE NOW ASKING OF ME! Only Mira-san, Levy-chan, Gajeel-kun, The Exceeds, Raijinshu Tribe, Jet, Droy, Elfman, Juvia, Wendy-san and Master truly ever cared for me..." Even though I swore not to shed tears for these heartless creeps again, I broke down at the end. I sobbed and released all the tears I had held in for so long. Natsu lay on the ground, lifeless. No one bothered to help him, not even Wendy. Mira-san said,"How could the guild I had always believed in, do this to their own nakama?" Wendy-san cried, "Damn you all! I hate this s***ty guild that lied to me, to everyone!" Everyone temperarily stopped crying to look at innocent little Wendy who never cursed her whole life. Even I was a little shocked but with this guild, anything negative can happen. Even I've changed. Raijinshu glared but kept their mouths shut. Levy-chan screamed,"If this is the real Fairy Tail, I will join Lu-chan and leave!" Jet and Droy nodded in agreement. Gajeel said,"Salamander's gone too far this time. Plus, I made a promise to make up for what I did while in Phantom Lord and the promise is to protect Shrimp and her friends. So I'm leaving if they are." Elfman yelled, "IT'S NOT MAN TO BE MEAN!" Carla said,"I always knew, joining this stubborn and boorish guild was a mistake." Happy hugged his fish, crying,"I'm going to make you all feel genuinely sorry for what you did, even if I have to beat you all up...WITH MY FISH!" Panther Lily had transformed and said," As will I...without the fish." "Lucy-san cared for Juvia even though Juvia was mean to her, Lucy-san never complained! Juvia thinks that if Fairy Tail is truly such a terrible place, Juvia will leave too. Gray-sama, you have disappointed Juvia!" Juvia screamed. I smiled, tears still rolling down my cheeks. Master looked down,"You have disappointed me, my children. I would have thought you would know better, especially you, Natsu." Master pointed at the just awoken Natsu whom no one took any notice of. I hugged all my friends and said,"You don't have to follow me guys, I'll stay in my usual apartment so you can visit me." Then, I forcefully removed my guildmark and held up my left hand, saying,"One more thing before I leave, the person you see before you, the one whom all of you bullied, is not Lucy Heartfilia. I am The Dragon Queen." And with that, I walked out of the guild.
<><><><><><><Author's Note><><><><
There, done! Can you guys tell me whether I should make Natsu and Lisanna stay bad or become good again? My friend wants Natsu to be good...but...Lisanna?

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