The Plans...

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Sorano's POV:
I wake up with my smirk still plastered on my face. Today, Mirajane will come over to help me matchmake Lucy! Woohoo! Ok...checking time
HOLY CRAP! IT'S 4.45 A.M.! That's way too early...Even for this wonderful occasion. Oh well...I guess I'll just-OH MY GLOB! MIRAJANE'S CALLING! WE CAN PLAN LUCY'S MATCHMAKING! Ok, deep breaths. I grab Lucy lacrima and hide out under my blanket.
"Hey! Didn't expect you'd be awake like me, Angel. I wanna plan."
"Hi, I was going to plan too! And call me Sorano."
"Sure Sorano, now...what're the signs of love?"
"Zeref popped out of nowhere during dinner last night. He's apparently been stalking Lucy. He says it's 'keeping his magic under control' but we all know he was stalking her. Then, we played 'Ask A Question' and Oracion Seis asked what happened yesterday morning but Lucy couldn't answer. It's was too traumatic for her. She went into a daze before calling to the ground crying and screaming Natsu's name. Then, Zeref, being her stalker, knew what happened and was about ready to murder Natsu for whatever he did. Erik, or you know as Cobra, went into a complete daze and Macbeth, whom you know as Midnight, carried Lucy to her bed. Nothing happened but Macbeth came down with his face fully red. Lastly, this...Laxus, you mentioned, came over just after Zeref to check on Lucy while giving a real lame excuse. He said that he has had a crush on a girl who's very similar to Lucy and asked her how to get the girl to like him. He was fidgety the whole time, making it obvious he was lying."
"Ooh~~kawaii kawaii kawaii!!! Romantic Love Story! Love with all her ex-enemies!" I take it back, I'm not worse than her after all.
"What time will you come? I'll tell her some of her Fairy Tail friends are coming."
"Tell her Mira and Levy will be coming over to check on her at about 9 to 10 a.m."
"Sure, see you then! I'll plan out Erik's and Midnight's necessary info and plan out what I think should do for Zeref. You decide for that Laxus person."
"No prob, see ya!"
Muahahaha! Oh wow, that call took 45 minutes! Now...I've got lots of writing to now...*bawls* Oh well... better get on with it. After what feels like eternity, I finish writing Erik's loooooooooong biography. Wait...I wrote like mad so my hand hurts but...IT'S ONLY BEEN 5 MINUTES? Ugh, more to write!
" it morning already?" Oh shit no! She's not supposed to wake up yet! I can't finish this while she's here!
"'s 5.35 a.m., why are you up?"
"Whaaaaat? So earlyyyyyyy! Wait...Who are you?"
"Heyyyyyyy, you forgot your new friend already?"
"Oh wait...Sorano? Aw man! Yesterday wasn't just a nightmare."
"You mean having us here is a nightmare?"
"*sigh* you know I mean what happened in the morning. Anyway, why are you awake?" Aw hell nawww!!!
"I just woke up too. I checked the time and then you woke up." Oh lamest story.
"Well Sorano, wake me up when the others wake up. I wanna rest more!" And she fell back onto the bed, sleeping. Thank Kami! I write even faster, burning with so much worry that I don't even realize I'm done with all of what I was gonna write. I look at the paper to find it all filled up. hand didn't even hurt!;D Anyway, I need to hide this now. Done!'s...SERIOUSLY? 6 A.M.? I'm going back to sleep too!
Mirajane's POV:
I'm finally done with my 12 page biography+plan for Laxus×Lucy=LaLu! *squeals* Can't wait!!!*sigh* But I wish someone could help me with my problem with Freed though...*bawl* Oh's 6 a.m. I should go back to sleep.
.^.Timeskip 1 hour later.^.
AHH! I CAN'T SLEEP! I'M TOO EXCITED TO GO TO LUCY'S HOUSE TO HELP HER MATCHMAKE! That's it, I officially give up sleeping. IT'S TIME TO GET OPERATION LUCY'S HAREM STARTED!!! Oh wait a minute...RACE-SAWYER AND RICHARD ARE GONNA GET THE WAY OF MY BEAUTIFUL PLAN! I MUST CALL ANG-SORANO! Oh my gosh, I still can't get used to their real names. I'm a real bimbo. Oh well...I pick up my comunications lacrima and call Lucy's lacrima.
"Hey Mira, why'd you call? Has Laxy told you guys about Zeref and Oracion Seis? Has Freed made his move?" Oh nooooo! Lucy answered instead of An-Sorano!
"Hey Lucy, unfortunately, Freed hasn't made his move yet, but Laxus told us all while we were having a mini gathering with your real friends at home. Lisanna's moved out, you might wanna watch out for her. I called to tell you me and Levy will be coming over around 9 to 10 a.m. later ok? Introduce us to your criminals!" I hope that sounded true...
"Sure, no prob. See y'all later. Is Elfman coming with you?" *sigh* thank goodness she didn't see through my plans.
"Nope, he's going straight to the guild. The others will visit your house later at about 6 to 6.30 p.m. and we'll have a sleepover!" I squeal excitedly. It was so hard to force Bickslow, Freed and Laxus to come. Buuuut, the tip about him liking Lucy helped!*smirk*
"Whaaaaaaaaat? But my house has no more space!" She whines.
"We're bringing sleeping bags! The guys will be on the floor with the other guys and the girls will be on the floor in your room, please? Happy can't come cos of Natsu." If she says no, I'll literally die. *bawl*
"*sigh*Suit yourself, Mira. Ill see you soon." And we cut the connection. Woohoo! Waitaminute! If she's awake...WAS SHE THERE WHEN I CALLED SORANO EARLIER? No...She'd have asked about it. Hm...OH MY GAWD! IT'S 8 A.M.! HOW DID THAT TAKE SO LONG? AHH! GOTTA GET READYYYYY!
Lisanna's POV:
Grrrrrrrrrrr! Fairy Tail! Nakama this, nakama that, we're family and protect each other, blablabla! THEY KICKED ME OUT FOR A NEW WEAK LITTLE GIRLY! SOME FAMILY! Watch out Fairy Tail...I will ruin your fun and games, I will personally kill all of you...except my boyfriend, Natsu>:D No one realized we were dating, what idiots! But the rest of them are useless! They betrayed me! I detest them! Even my son, Happy! I cared for the ungrateful little runt! Natsu...Don't worry, I shall return!
><><><><><><>Author's Note<><><><>
Yo guys, vote the good/bad Natsu/Lisanna/both! Watcha think she's gonna do? Read on and wait for my slow updates. Also, should I add Lyon and Gajeel into Lucy's love life?

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