Oracion seis

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???'s POV:
Ooh! She quit the guild that we both used to admire. So...Now no one will try to kill me if I talk to her, I hope we can be friends. I shall approach her soon.
Lucy's POV:
I feel so free! I'm out of the heartless guild who treated me as a replacement! Yay! Although I will miss my true friends there...aw! Now I want them back! I should have let them quit...no! Bad Lucy, they have their own lives, you can't do that! Hmm...What should I do now? Maybe I'll visit the Dragon Realm because Grandine most definitely already told everyone about my injuries. Ok, I'll do that once I get home.
~~At home~~
I go straight to my bed room and fall flat on my bed. I lie there for about five minutes and 52 seconds before I decide to get up. I didn't intentionally count the time, it's like Cobra and his sound magic, he can't help but hear what's going on in other people's minds. Being the Dragon Queen means I have to know all Dragon-related magic, which includes Control Dragon Slaying magic, sort of forcing me know any kind of time. Anyway...I wonder how the Oracion Seis have been doing in jail...Wait, WHY DID I JUST THINK OF THE PEOPLE WHO TRIED TO KILL ME TWICE!??! Ok, calm down Lucy. You're going insane. Suddenly, my doorbell rings. I rush down and open the door to see the 7 people I least expected to see. Doranbolt, Lahaar and
.Wait for it
.Keep scrolling
ORACION SEIS!!! My first reaction was to scream:"WHAT THE F*** ARE THESE CRIMINALS WHO TRIED MURDERING ME TWICE DOING AT MY HOUSE?" But Lahaar saw what I was gonna scream and interupted,"They have been repenting on their sins, even if Erik doesn't show it. We want to see if they are worthy of being set free so we wanted to bring them to the most powerful and forgiving mage around to watch over them for a year or two. We sought help from the Number one guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail. The master believes you will be able to handle this job even though you are no longer a part of their guild. We will give you 12, 000, 000 J per month to care for them, since you have no job or money." Apparently, Oracion Seis was not informed that I had quit that place so they stared at me like I was insane. I said while pointing at Cobra,"Sure, but on one condition. You have to have to give me something to block out that creep's mind-reading because I don't need some perv listening to everything I think of." He shouted,"OI!I'M NOT A PERV!" Lahaar shut him up with a glare and Doranbolt handed me some kind of charm thing in the shape of a crown and says,"Put this charm on your rubber band, bracelet, watch, necklace or whatever and you will be able to block him out." I put it on my invisible pendant which I always wore as a symbol of the Dragons. It vanished as soon as it touched my necklace, attaching itself on. Everyone stared like, what just happened? I sigh,"I have added it onto my dragon pendant which is invisible. No one can see it other than me unless I'm in the dragon realm." Everyone's jaw dropped and I explain, again,"I am the Dragon Queen and I would have thought Fairy Tail would have told you that, I mean, they're such blabbermouths!" I roll my eyes at the end. They still stare and I lost my patience,"AM I SUPPOSED TO WATCH OVER THESE CRIMINALS WITH YOU TWO STARING LIKE IDIOTS?!?!" Lahaar quickly regained his composure and dragged Doranbolt away apologising. I glare at Oracion Seis,"Oi! Do you expect me to drag you guys in? I'm not gentle for your information." This got Angel's attention because she didn't want to get any bruises which would "affect her beauty". The boys still stared like idiots while Angel strolled in. Since I was in such a bad mood, I pulled all of them by the hair and threw them into the guest room which I used as a storage room. I said,"You guys can move all of that out into the living room to make space for your bedroom. Angel, you can come shopping with me for living necessities for them." Cobra, being arrogant and a jerk, whined,"No way am I gonna be your servant." His friends cowered behind and I walk slowly to him while Angel escaped outside to avoid the bloodshed. I can see him trembling a little. I Lucy Kick him because I am feeling merciful today, despite my bad mood. He blacked out, blood trickling down the side of his head. I sigh and heal him, telling the others to get to work and tell me if he complains any further. Then, I join Angel outside and we walk to the mall.
Angel's POV:
This is awkward, I should make friends with her since I'm going to stay with her for the next year or two but I don't know what to say! Especially since I tried killing her and her friends twice. Wait! That's it, I'll apologise!
"I'm sorry for what Oracion Seis has done, please forgive us. We were raised in the Tower Of Heaven, not taught the difference between good and bad. This caused us to fall into the darkness that surrounded us day and night. Please forgive us, there isn't a single day that we don't regret what we did and wish we could turn back time. But I would really like to be your friend." I say, bowing to her. She smiles kindly,"No problem, I forgive you. I understand how neglected you guys must have felt. I was neglected as a child when my mother died because my father accused me of her death and bullied me. I was the one who sealed the Dragons away 7 years ago. I did it by accident when my father threw the rice ball i made for him on my birthday on the floor and yelled at me but I cannot find any way to reverse what I have done. Just like you, you cannot reverse what you have done but you can live a new life, moving on from the past, but not forgetting what it taught you. I would love to be your friend." Wow, she's so forgiving. I cry and hug her. What could Fairy Tail have done to her that she can't forgive them? I mean, I tried to kill her twice but she forgave me, Fairy Tail saved her many times but did something that caused her to leave and hate them, what on earth is worse than what Oracion Seis has done to her? We continue chatting the whole way to the mall. We're really good friends now. After buying all my things, she summons some maid spirit to bring it to her bedroom. Cool, that's useful. After buying all the boy's stuff, besides underwear-because we're not pervs like Erik-we summons the maid again to put the stuff in the room that they guys were supposed to clear. I really hope they're done with the job and that Erik helped them, otherwise they're dead, especially Erik. She also asked the maid, whom I find weird because she keeps asking for punishment, to tell the guys to buy their own underwear and others if they want. Then, she passes the maid five bags with 100,000 j inside, telling her to pass it to the guys for whatever else they need. I decide to tease her by pouting,"Why don't I get 100,000 j?" She laughs,"Because you've already spent way more than that." Whoops, forgot that little detail.
Midnight's POV:
Just when we finish putting all her junk in her living room, some maid with short, pink hair appears in a puff of smoke and places furniture and clothes in the room we just cleared out. She turns to us saying our codenames are on our things and it's our codename because Lucy forgot to beat our real names out of us. Then, she poofs away again. Weird...plus, Lucy seems scarier than the last time we saw her. Also, the fact that she's letting us stay means she forgives us...right? I am brought back to reality by Richard who is yelling,"Oh yeah! This bed is so soft!" And Erik shouting while stripping his shirt,"Yeah, I thought she would give us some cheap, lame beds." Sawyer agrees while reading a note from Lucy out loud.
Her note says:
"Dear Oracion Seis's male members,
Seeing as Angel and I are not perverts like Cobra, we didn't buy your underwear. I asked Virgo to pass you some money to buy your own things.
Lucy Heartfilia"
Erik yelled,"I'M NOT A PERV! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER?" I rolled my eyes and went to the bed to sleep. But, life is unfair and I can't sleep thanks to the noise Erik is making. Suddenly, I think of something,"Hey, wasn't some Virgo person supposed to give is money to buy the things that she didn't buy?" Sawyer looked confused as well, until a puff of smoke and the pink-haired maid is back. She says, while holding out 5 bags,"My name is Virgo, and I am one of Hime's celestial spirits. Here is your money." Then, she poofed away again. We take the bags and decide to leave a note saying that we left to buy the things she didn't buy, before leaving.
.^.timeskip to after moving junk in.^.
Angel's POV:
It's now about 5 something and we skipped lunch because we had to move in all our new belongings and pack up what Lucy had put in her guest room before we came. T^T I'm starving to death. Lucy suddenly asked,"HOLY S***Z! I COMPLETELY FORGOT! What do you guys want for dinner?" I saw Erik flinch at her voice and laughed. He was about to yell when she apologised, surprising him because I forgot to tell the guys that she's forgiven us. Anyway...HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO ANSWER HER QUESTION WHEN WE DON'T KNOW WHAT KINDS OF FOOD EXIST AND WHAT NAMES THEY HAVE? I was about to faint out of worry when Macbeth simply stated,"What's food?" Wow! (Note the sarcasm) Lucy looked shocked and asked,"If you don't know what food is, what did you guys eat through your life?" Macbeth answers again,"Some weird gooey thing which we were never told what it was called." Lucy stares at us, her eyes and mouth wide open in pure shock. Erik says,"Close your mouth, you're gonna attract flies." I glare at him because he's being irritating again. Lucy decides to cook something called porridge for us. She says what Macbeth said was probably porridge so she wanted to know whether or not it is and whether or not we like her porridge which I find weird because isn't porridge just porridge? They have different tastes? How confusing. Anyway...Lucy left us in the guys' room to chat while she made dinner. (Did I mention Angel is in the same room as Lucy?) I told them what she told me after I apologised and forced Erik to apologise to her later. Soon, Lucy calls us down to try the porridge...as soon as we see it, we scream,"IT'S THAT GOO!"
><><><><><><><Author's Note><><><>
Was it interesting enough? Did anyone fall asleep reading?*sobs more than Juvia, flooding not only my home but also the rest of the planet*

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