Life goes on

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Gray's POV:
Juvia...I understand why you chose Lyon now. I'm sitting on my bed crying into my pillow which, by the way, is the Juvia body pillow she gave me. Anyway, life sucks. The one word that describes life, or at least my life, is suckish. JUVIA-CHAN! Holy shit, I'm turning into Edolas me! Or maybe Lyon or something. Bleh. *shudder* Ugh, I have this feeling Lucy's alive though. With all our friends. Well, not including Oracion Seis cuz they ain't no friends of us but I know they're all alive. Somewhere. Waitaminute! If Lucy is the Dragon Queen, it means the Dragons are alive! How did I not notice that. Ok, getting off topic. So...JUVIA!!! Yuk, I'm going insane.
Natsu's POV:
Where the hell's Happy? (Remember Happy fake died? Yeah, well Master said Lucy's friends and apparently it didn't occur to Natsu that Happy could've been there.)

"HAPPY! HAPPY, WHERE ARE YOU?" I yell. Damn, he's gone! I hear a few knocks on my door. I open the door to see...

"LISANNA!" I grin happily. (His old self. And old Lisanna here too.)

"NATSU!" She kissed me excitedly. We had a great day together just sitting around chatting. She's the best girl ever.
Master Makarov's POV:
*trying to set up the funeral rites for all the people* I'VE ONLY DONE THE FUNERAL FOR AT MOST 1 PERSON! THIS IS 3 EXCEEDS AND 16 PEOPLE!!! Even with the whole guild helping out, I'm having some doubts about the funeral happening anytime soon. Most of the guilds are helping out but sooner or later, we're either going to have spies or traitors because if Lisanna and Natsu could force my children to fall for their speech, it's only a matter of time before she does the same to others.
Cana's POV:
Whee! Drinking and drinking and drinking but it just ain't the same. No Lucy to tease, no Wendy to go red when I tease Lucy, no Happy to squeal, no Mira to yell at for more beer, no Carla complaining, no Gajeel smirking like hell in a corner, no Raijinshu Tribe hanging out, no Juvia stalking and fangirling over Gray, no Panther Lily doing random things around the guildhall, no Jet and Droy fighting and no Levy reading some random book. People are WRONG. Drowning your sorrows in alcohol is a lame idea to escape from the cruel reality of life.
Igneel's POV:
If Natsu is changing...

"What are you thinking of, Igneel?" Grandine's calm and happy voice came. Of course she's happy. She sees her child again, she trains her child again, her child isn't becoming evil and planning to end the world.

"Natsu." I sigh. She stops smiling. Well, at least she understands.

"YO IGNEEL!!!" And even more cheerful voice yells. not gonna end well. Grandine shot him a look of warning but he either didn't see or ignored her because he went right on cheerfully. Dense dragon though.

"Where's Natsu?" Metalicana asks. Grandine sighs and flies away to either avoid the blood or warn Lucy.

"He's not here!" I spat. NOT FAIR!

"Oh's why we're seeing Gajeel and Wendy!" He scratches his head. BAKA!
Zeref's POV:
I'm the most Evil and powerful mage in the world. How did I get stuck with 3 flying, talking cats?

"I WANT TO LEARN FISH MAGIC!" The blue one which was apparently Happy, said.

"For the millionth time, there's no such thing as magic related to fish." I sigh. For the past half an hour, he'd gone on and on about wanting to learn fire fish slaying magic, fish-make magic and others.

"I want to learn sky dragon slaying magic as Wendy did." Carla says. I bet she's just sick of us. She wants to join Wendy and Grandine or something.

"If you can learn sky dragon slaying magic, then I want to iron dragon slaying!" Panther Lily complains. And he wants to match Gajeel. I repeat, how did the most Evil and powerful mage alive get stuck with them?
Lyon's POV:
Oh cool, I got Frost. He's gonna teach me Ice Dragon Slaying. I'M GONNA TOP GRAY! *sparkles* But I won't ever top my beautiful Lucy-chan! She's too perfect for anyone to top. I start daydreaming.

"HELLO? LYON?" Frost roars in my face, leaving some ice on it. Thanks a lot Frost. How am I supposed to look fabulous for my Lucy-chan if I've some ice and melted ice on random parts of my body?
Erik's POV:
Cobra's really cool besides the fact that he stole my codename and he's a hopeless romantic. Which is weird but hey, less weird than training with a species believed to be extinct.

"Jenna was really beautiful ya know?" He says for the who-knows-what time.

"I DON'T CARE, COBRA! I CARE ABOUT LUCY, THE END!" It still feels weird calling him the name I'd gotten used to.

"Yeah, except poor Siletta was left out and different because Jenna was not a poison dragon and therefore, by mating with me, had a child not entirely poison, not entirely magic." He complains. Honestly, he didn't teach me much except for the secret arts and forbidden arts. Then we started chatting and will practice some more tomorrow. Jenna, his late wife, was a species of dragon different from others. Every hundred years, one of her kind was born. Some dragon who was apparently the Ultimate Dragon. Except that their species had no name. It was apparently the only downside of being born that way. Some call it the control dragon, which is by the way, what some other people are learning. Apparently, because Jenna was so cool and magical and bla bla bla, when she mated with a separate species, she'd produced a poison dragon with enhanced senses and magic. Siletta was their daughter and every part of her was deadly poisonous. And I know almost everything there is to know about Cobra and his not-so-happy family because he blabbed everything and kept repeating stuff. Boring.
Sorano's POV:
So...Lucy wants me to train with her and her mom's BFF. Stella, the Celestial Dragon, royal assistant of the Dragon Queen. I think I'm supposed to be honoured.

"So, Sorano, would you want to start by practising your Celestial Spirit Magic or just try Dragon Slaying while your Celestial Magic is still inadequate?" Sorano very politely asked me a question which had a very rude meaning behind it. Just because I tried to kill Lucy and take over the world twice and was a ex-convict doesn't mean we can't become BFF. Come on, Lady. Gimme a break!

"How bad can my Celestial Magic compared to your manners?" I feign innocence and smile gently at her. Lucy walks in at that time.

"How's it going?" She grins cheerfully. She'd apparently pretended to be a Celestial Spirit Mage because she needed to brush up on her Celestial Magic. Well, she's gotten better. Hooray. Me? Nah, I think I'll prefer checking out a different Dragon.

"Badly." I look at Stella.

"Very badly, Lucy dear. See, I just don't know how exactly to work with a rude, white-haired ex-convict who tried to kill you and take over the world, not once but twice!" She says, as though she's perfect and the world isn't. As though I should die and she should trample all over my dead body. As though she was so polite. Even though she's the exact opposite of all that.

"Now, now, I'm sure you'll warm up to each other sooner or later." Lucy smiled. We glance at each other doubtfully. Stupid jerk. Obstinate creep. Disgusting Dragon. I bet insults for me are going through her head too.
Levy's POV:
Gala is so cool! She taught me mind control, emotional control and object control. Which means I can now manipulate anything I want. Like make Gajeel fly and Mira fall in love. This will be fun. Gala was in her human form though. Apparently no one's ever seen a control dragon in their dragon form before. In her human form, she wore a long dress that ended just above the ground. It looked like the dress literally was the night sky, with it sparkling every now and then in a different area. It was dark blue and the kind where the from waist down, it spreads out real wide when the wearer spins. She had perfect wavy, black hair, darker than the shadows. She had slightly tanned skin looked totally perfect. She kinda middle-aged too. She's really friendly but deadly if you anger her. Sorta like Erza but more dramatic. Like by deadly, she doesn't beat you up, she makes you suffer a lot and by friendly, she's way more sociable than Erza. Sorry Erza. Wait, why am I thinking about her? She's one of those who betrayed Lucy.

<><><><><><><>Author's Note<><><><

Should Makarov die? Or Lisanna or Natsu or anyone besides Lucy and her admirers? I mean, it's war. You can't win without some death along the way.

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