Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (My Little monster)

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Nicknamed "Dry Ice," Shizuku is seen as emotionless and cold by her classmates. When she's tasked with delivering class printouts, she runs into Haru, who immediately decides that they're friends. Shizuku is touched by his innocence and his lack of knowledge towards human relationships.

Though known as a violent and uncontrollable monster, Haru also has a kind and gentle side. He immediately declares his love for Shizuku, but it takes much longer for her to realize and accept her own feelings towards him. Together, the two previously unsocial beings help each other learn how to care for others and make friends.

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I enjoyed watching this anime.

This is a rom-com anime and the characters have its unique role to portray. The story is about Haru, a notorious guy in school, who wished to have more friends; feared to be alone again; but had no any idea to gain one, and he met Shizuku, an emotionless girl, who only cares on her studies and of being on top, without minding having friends at all. Both of them are natural opposite, but a beautiful story blossomed as they find themselves fallin' in love to each other :)

The anime has 13 episodes and the manga is already completed. So, have fun! :)


Every time I deal with another person, I'm reminded how little control I have over my life. - Mizutani Shizuku

What's so special about studying? Every problem has an answer. How hard can it be? - Yoshida Haru

You can't feel lonely if there's no one else around. - Yamaguchi Kenji

I have someone I like. I never had the confidence and I've doubted my feelings countless of times. But, when she stays by my side and smiles with me, I feel like I can do anything. - Yoshida Haru

If you leave, I'll probably be sad. However, if there's somewhere else you'd rather be, you should admit it. Don't lose sight of what you really want. - Mizutani Shizuku

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