Chapter 6

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Jen's POV
I wasn't sure what the deal was with Luke and Katie, but I do know that she's not happy about it.
"So?" I asked as she walked into our hotel room after another date with Luke.
"This is utterly stupid Jen. He can't honestly think this is will end well. I'm leaving tomorrow!"
"I'm sorry, bae. What do you want to do?"
"I want to get through tomorrow and just get home. I need to get ready for school." She huffed as she popped down on her bed.
"Kat, you know Niall is-"
"Yes!" She snapped, "I know he's pissed. But he should have said something!"
"I'm sorry, Kat. I just think you should talk to him before we leave."
She shook her head, "I can't." She stood up from her bed. "I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."
"Alright. Good night bae."
"Good night bae."
I put my earphones in and closed my eyes.
"Okay, so I'll meet you lot in New York on Monday okay?" I looked around at the boys who were waiting in the lobby to send us off.
"When does your flight get in?" Harry asked.
"Um, I don't know yet. I'll call you when I do okay? Paul said he's got everything for the buses and trucks to get you there."
Kat was standing by the door with Luke. We didn't talk any more about her and Luke or about Niall after last night. She was trying with Luke though.
There was a tap on my shoulder, "Jen?"
I turned to see Niall, "Hey, Nialler. What's up?"
"Did you talk to her?"
I groaned, "She won't talk to me about it, Niall. You're just going to have to let it play out."
"I can't do that."
"Well are you going to tell her?"
He shook his head, "No."
"Then leave it be."
He sighed, "Okay. Have a safe trip."
"Yeah, you too."
I watched him walk back to the elevator and then step in. I can handle Katie but not Niall too.
I walked over to Harry and grabbed his shoulder, turning him around. "Haz."
"Whoa, what?"
"Handle Niall please? Okay? I feel bad for ever telling you because now they're both in moods."
Louis came up behind Harry, "Honesty, J. It was better that he heard it from Harry. You go home and get ready for rest of the tour and we'll take care of Niall."
"Okay." I said, still a little hesitant.
I walked over to Kat. "Hey, you ready?"
She nodded, "Yeah here. Take the keys and go to the car. I'll be there in a minute."
"Okay." I walked out the door but turned my head just in time to see Luke kiss Kat's cheek. It was sweet but by the look on my best friend's face this is going to be a long trip home.
We spent the first day home packing up Kat's stuff for college. The apartment was a mess as we carried things out to her car.
"Hey Jen?" Kat called from her room.
"Are you sure Will and May are set to move in while we're gone?"
"Yeah. I just talked to May this morning." I replied. My friends were going to move in while we're gone so that the apartment doesn't stand empty for a long time.
I walked into her room.
"You okay?" She asked.
I nodded.
She sighed and walked over to me, "Bae, I know you better than that. What's wrong?"
"I wish you would re-think the Luke thing."
"I'm doing what I need to do to get through this."
"And lying to Luke is the way to do that?"
She rolled her eyes, "I'm not lying to him, Jen." She started packing another bag.
"Well you're not telling the whole truth!"
"I thought we were going to drop this."
"I just don't think it's fair that you're being forced to date him, Kat. You went on one date."
"Okay, well if you're going to give me crap about Niall and Luke, then how about you tell me about Harry!"
I shot her a look, "That conversation was locked up a long time ago, Kat!"
"Well have you done anything about it?"
"Okay, then drop it, Jen! Please! I don't want to fight before we go our seperate ways."
"I don't want to fight either I just don't want you to be unhappy!"
She plopped down on her bed, "Niall should have said something first, but he missed his chance."
I sighed. "Can I ask one more question before we call it a night?" I asked.
Kat nodded, "Yeah."
"Niall or Luke? Modest! aside, who do you want to be with?"
She sighed, "Honestly? Niall. I just wish he'd man up about it."
"Okay. Goodnight."
The next morning, we were up early and finished up Kat's packing.
"Jen! Where are you?"
"Bathroom! What do you need?"
"I'll wait."
I finished up and then opened the door. Kat was holding out her water gun.
"Are you kidding me?" I rolled my eyes.
"Nope. You'll need it."
I sighed and took it. "Fine. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Are you all ready to go?"
Kat nodded, "Yeah, I just put my last box in the car."
"Alrighty." I set the water gun on the couch and followed her outside.
"This is going to be weird without you." I muttered.
She turned around, "Stop it. You'll be fine. Just text me or Skype me if you need anything. You have my schedule."
I nodded, "Okay. Good luck with your classes."
"Thanks. I'll Skype you all when you get there on Monday."
"Okay, sounds good."
We met halfway and hugged the other.
"One month." I stated.
"One month." She agreed.
"Okay" I said pushing her toward the car. "I have to go plan to deal with eight stupid boys for a month. So leave before I get sad again."
"Okay. Bye."
I was back with the boys and we're in New York. After Kat went to school, I spent the next couple days with my family.
Right now, I'll take my siblings over these eight rowdy boys.
"Luke! Mikey! Get in here! We're Skyping Kat!" I yelled down the hall.
They came bounding out of their room and into mine.
"Thank you." I walked over to the computer and clicked on Kat's name.
I sat down on the floor beside Calum and Harry.
It rang a few times and we waited for her to answer. I heard Niall sigh dramatically behind me. I shot a glare in his direction. "Hush."
I leaned forward and tried the call again.
She answered on the second ring.
"Hi Kat!" We all said.
She smiled widely, "Hi guys! How is New York?"
"Good!" Liam responded. "How is school?"
"Well, classes haven't started yet, but my roommate is nice and the food is great!"
"Well that's always a plus." Niall commented.
"That it is. So, you all ready for the concert tomorrow?"
"I think so." Mikey replied.
"We got through rehearsals in a reasonable amount of time."
"Okay, so Kat we have to ask you a question." Luke said.
Luke held up the sketches she'd given me for the 5SOS boys for the next show. "Do we have to wear these?"
Kat rolled her eyes, "Let me ask you boys something. Would you ask me this question in person?"
The four of them shook their heads.
"Okay then! I'll just pretend that you didn't ask me that."
Louis and Niall burst into laughter. I shook my head as I dropped it into my hands.
"Kat!" I said loudly. "It's day three without you and I already can't handle this."
"You got this bae. I'm gonna go. Good luck tomorrow boys."
"Bye!" We all chorused.
"Bye!" She waved and disconnected the call.
The boys started talking about random stuff. I hated being the only girl right now. I need to get to know Maddy more if I'm going to survive.
"You guys are not making my job easy for me." I muttered.
"Well some of us are trying more than others." Harry whispered beside me.
I snuck a glance at him. "You might be the only one." I responded.
He shrugged, "You're easy enough to get along with if they're listening to you."
"Thank you, Harry. You're sweet." I got up and packed up my laptop.
"Alright boys. It's time to disperse to your rooms."
"You sound like my mother." Luke stated.
I turned around and shot him a look, "I don't care. Go! I'm tired!"
They groaned and complained but left the room. All but Niall.
"Yes, Niall?"
"I, um, haven't had a chance to talk to you since you got back."
I sat down on the end of the bed and patted the seat beside me. "Sit."
He sat beside me.
"Niall, I've known since the second day we knew you that you've had a crush on Kat. But you didn't say anything. And now that she's with Luke you're acting like it's the end of the world. If you guys are meant to be then it'll happen, but you missed your first chance. Tell me you didn't know Luke was crushing on her too."
He sighed, "I knew it. I didn't think he'd do anything about it."
"Then you should have."
"I know. Did she say anything?"
I hesitated and then shook my head, "No." I lied.
He sighed again. "Okay." He stood up. "Good night Jen."
I gave him a small smile, "Good night Niall."
After Niall left I put everything away and got into bed. I plugged my phone in and fell asleep quicker than I thought I would.
The following morning, I got up early and went down to the hotel ballroom for breakfast. I was almost finished when the doors opened and Luke and Mikey walked in.
Luke looked at Mikey and Mikey left the room. As the 6-foot Aussie walked towards me I knew exactly where this conversation was going.
"Hey Jen", Luke mumbled as he sat down.
"Hey. What's up?" I took another bite of my toast.
"I want to talk about Kat for a minute."
I shook my head, "I don't."
"Please Jen. I don't know what I did wrong. She barely talks to me and when she does it's short sentences."
"She's very busy with school."
He huffed, "I understand that, but she could at least try to make an effort."
After finishing my last bite I stood up, "Luke. You put her in a tough position right before leaving for school."
"Yeah, because I thought maybe she felt an ounce of what I feel for her and she'd give it a shot."
I sighed, "How much do you like Kat?"
"A lot."
"Then maybe you should consider trying to understand her. You barely know her. There's a lot more to my best friend than a brain and a pretty face."
Luke huffed again, "You think I don't know that? Jennifer, she's not even trying!"
I ran my hands through my short hair, "She's trying the best she can, Lucas! Do not try telling me, the person who listens to her vent every night, that she's not trying! Talk to her! " I slammed a hand on the table. "And if you truely like her and know her like you say you do, you'd notice what every one else already knows."
I put my plate into the bucket and walked out of the ballroom. As I turned the corner, I ran straight into someone's chest. I knew who it was by the smell of their after-shave.
"Sorry, Harry."
I pulled away from him and met his gaze.
"It's okay, love."
"This happens a lot doesn't it?" I noticed.
He nodded, "It does. But you should know by now that I don't mind." He walked off leaving me alone in the hallway with my jaw dropped.
Did that really just happen?

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