Chapter 17

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A/N: so there is sex in the chapter. But I will put ** at the beginning and end of it. 

Kat's POV

"Hey," I answered into my phone. Jen had just called when I turned my phone back on. I had to turn it off for the descent of the flight. 

"Are you landed?" She asked. 

I nodded, "Yeah. And no need to get baggage. I'm on my way out right now."

I heard her laugh a bit, "So, what do we wanna hit first, bae?" 

"I don't know. We'll talk about when I find yo- Oh! I see you!" I could see her in the distance and I started to wave my hand in the air so she'd see me in the swarming crowd. I'm a short person. Finding me in crowds isn't usually the easiest thing in the world. 

She smiled and waved back, telling me she had, in fact, saw me. I pulled my small suitcase behind me as I scurried up to her. Then I let it drop and I wrapped my arms around her-- practically squeezing her death. Which is okay, cause she was doing it back. 

"I missed you so much!" She exclaimed. 

I laughed, "I missed you too!" 

I gave her one last tight squeeze then let to to grab my suitcase once again. As we headed out she asked what I would like to do again. 

I shrugged, "I don't know. Honestly, just relaxing at the beach or our hotel sounds amazingly fantastic right now!" 

"It does," She sighed heavily. 

She beeped for our vehicle and I noticed it was an SUV. 

I gave her a look, "I thought this was gonna be low key?" 

"Is it," She replied. 

"Not in that thing," I rolled my eyes, "Everyone will notice us rolling around in town in that."

All she did was shake her in response. Without looking, I opened the back passenger side door and tossed my suitcase in. 

"Ow!" I heard an Irish accent exclaim. My whole body went cold. Did I?.. Is he?... What? 

I looked over at Jen who was really hard trying not to give me a smirk. 

"Niall?" I squeaked. Suddenly, I was attacked to the ground. Not only by Niall, but by Harry too. 

"Damn it, you two," I groaned, feeling the slight throb in my side, "Would you get off?" I managed to push them off so I could get back up. I brushed my hands on my black ripped skinnies. That I had paired with a crop cut off black tee, which I did myself (Only showing my belly a bit), my blue plaid shirt tied around my waist, and white chucks. I had my hair pulled into a side braid while I wore my creme knit beanie on my head. 

"Okay," I let out a heavy sigh, "Now, we can do hugs." 

I smirked towards Harry and he shook his head, "Come here, Kat." We hugged and gave each other pats on the back. 

Now, I looked at Niall. I hadn't actually seen him like this for months. Oh my God. Do not cry, Katie. 

"I love you," I breathed as Niall set me down on the ground. 

Niall pulled back to look into my eyes. He didn't say anything as he leaned down to give me a kiss. A very passionate kiss. I am not complaining. He had his hand on the crook of my neck and he rested his forehead against mine, "I love you too, Kat." 

"So, beach or hotel?" Jen inserted with a clear of throat. 

We both looked at her and I replied, "Honestly, hotel. I don't want to necessarily deal with fans at the beach right now." 

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