Chapter 7

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Kat's POV

I sighed looking down at the drawings I've been working on for this week's assignments. I never thought I'd say I hate drawing, but I do. I took a break from them to check my phone. There was a text from Luke.

Lukey: Hey babe :) How's your day?

Kat: Hey :) Not too bad. Just don't wanna do my homework

Lukey: but you should :P

Kat: I know... How's today going?

Lukey: Well, Jen's only had one tiny meltdown so pretty good lol

Kat: Aw, feel so bad! But I'll be there next week! Be ready! xP

Lukey: I am! Can't wait to cuddle!

Kat: haha me neither xD

I sighed once again. I kind of wish it was Niall I'd be cuddling with when I finally visit for a couple days. I stared back at my own penciling and shadings of the person. The person who was coming out to look a lot like a certain Irishman. Fuck my life!

My roommate, Abbey, came walking in and she asked, "How is Kake Lemmings?"

I rolled my eyes, "Kake Lemmings is two people. Not just me."

"Okay..." She trailed, "Then how is Katie?"

"Honestly?" I raised a brow.

She nodded.

"Uhm.." I sighed heavily as I tossed my pencil down, "Not great. I really wanna be back with the boys."

She smirked, "A certain Aussie boy, right?"

I shrugged, "Yeah.." My first mistake I've made with any talk about my relationship with Luke. Even with the paps I've acted better.

Confusion crossed her face, "Are you and Luke okay?"

"Oh yeah," I nodded, "Never better. Just miss him."

She walked over and patted my shoulder, "It'll be okay. You're visiting next week, aren't you?"

"Yup," I popped the 'p'.
I scrambled to unlock my dorm room door. I'm late as it is. I threw my portfolio on my bed and grabbed my laptop, whipping it open. I got Skype open just in time to answer probably the third call.

"Hey," I answered breathless, "Sorry."

"Its okay," Harry replied with a smirk and wrapped his arm around Jen's shoulders.

She pushed it off. Too quickly.

I cocked a brow, "Something you need to tell me, Jen?"

"No," She snapped.

"Right..." I trailed then snapped my fingers, "So, shows?"

"Yeah, you haven't sent the boys looks yet," She stated. Almost a little worried.

My eyes went wide, "Wait, what? Are you sure? I'm positive I sent them." I began to rifle through my recent sketches then came across them. Shit.

"Damn it," I muttered, "Sorry. Just a lot of drawing going on."

"We understand," All of them chorused.

I smiled, "Thanks. Okay well I'll scan and email the looks for tonight to you, Jen. Then have Maddy fix their hair."

Jen nodded, "Okay, sounds good."

I just smiled in response.

"Hey, guys, go start rehearsing," Jen ordered.

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