Styles' Epilogue

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Jen's POV

Six months after the proposals.
"Let's just say something crappy happens and I die? What then?" I asked. We'd just returned from the hospital where my doctor warned me about a genetic heart disease that may cause problems now that I'm pregnant. It's not that I'm planning for it to be a problem, but I'd like Harry to be prepared a bit.
"Stop it, J. You're fine. Nothing "crappy" is going to happen to you."
"You don't know that."
Harry sighed, "Fine. Get dressed. I have an idea."
I finished getting ready for the day and then followed Harry out to the garage.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Just get in, love. Please."
We got into the car and Harry sped through town. I didn't recognize many of the streets we were taking.
"Shush." Harry reached over and took my hand. My other hand rested on my stomach. "We'll be there soon enough."
I watched in silence as he drove through the outskirts of town. Occasionally checking his phone and replying ever so carefully.

"Okay." Harry said after a couple of hours of silence. "You want to know what happens to me of something happens to you?"
I nodded.
"I would be far from okay. I would hurt every single day without you around to pester and love me. But i don't want to think about it, okay?"
I nodded again.
"However, if you're super worried about it, then I have a small thing you might be interested in doing. Today."
Harry nodded. "Jen, I love you with all my heart. I can't imagine living much longer without having you as my wife. So, I've texted the boys and they'll meet us at my mum's house in two hours."
The car came to a stop and I noticed a small brown and blue house. "This is it?"
He nodded. "It is."
"Is she expecting us?"
He shook his head, "No. But mum always tells me I'm welcome anytime but especially for emergencies. And this is definitely an emergency."
Harry got out and walked around to the other door. I pushed it open but he helped me out.
"Haz. I'm pregnant. Not crippled."
"You're seven months pregnant with my child. I will help you out of the car."
"Okay." I surrendered, knowing he'd win anyway. "Thank you."
"Of course."
As we walked up to the house, the front door opened and a short, dark haired women ran out.
"Hey mum." He kept a tight grip on my hand. I knew he knew I was nervous.
"How is my baby?" His mother asked when we got close.
"I'm good mum. This is Jen. Jen this is my mum Anne."
Anne looked at me and smiled. "Hello dear. How are you?"
I smiled and nodded. "I'm good. Thank you. How are you?"
"Very good! What brings you to Holmes Chapel today?"
I pointed to Harry. "Your son has a plan up his sleeve."
"Mum, can we use the church tonight?"
Anne nodded, "Yeah. I don't think anyone has anything planned. What for though?"
"What do you think?"
Anne sighed, "Harry, as sweet as that is, don't you think her family should be here?"
"Mum, it's nothing formal. Just the lads are coming down and I'll call Father Miller."
She nodded, "Alright. Let's get inside and measure you up, dear."
I gave them both confused looks, "For what?"
"Mum is going to find you something besides yoga pants and a maternity shirt to wear tonight."
"For what?"
"Harry wants you to get married. Here. Tonight."
I sighed and leaned into Harry's shoulder. "Of course he does."
Harry kissed my forehead and we walked inside.
"Hey, Jen?" Kat asked as we waited for the boys to arrive at the church.
"How severe is whatever the doctor told you?"
I shook her head, "Not terrible, but enough to make me worry about Harry."
"Bae, I'm sure you'll be fine. I was."
Kat craddled Carter. Maddy held a sleeping Abby across the room.
"I can't believe Harry dragged you out of the house for this though. Does he realize you just had twins?" I asked my best friend.
"Yeah, but I wanted to be here."
"You're not upset?"
Kat shook her head, "Not one bit."
We chuckled. "Funny how things have changed." Sam added.
"It really is." Maddy agreed. "I'm glad the two of you came along though. It was about time Narry settled down."
Sam laughed, "Absolutely. I love them but they're a lot to handle."
Maddy nodded in agreement. "So, Jen? Are you ready to be the first of us to be legally married?"
I shrugged, "I've been ready to marry Harry for awhile now."
"I'm just glad we could all be here." Kat chimed.
We nodded; no longer having to say anything for the others to understand.
Two months later.
"Alright Jen. Here is your baby boy."
The doctor placed the newborn baby in my arms. Harry sat beside me, in silence.
"Hi baby." I cooed. I looked at Harry. "He looks just like you."
Harry nodded and smiled, "I completely agree. How do you feel?"
"Much better."
After an emergency C-Section at 39 weeks and two days rest, I finally get to go home.
"Are you ready to go home? I think Kat is going to keep you company today."
I nodded. "Yeah. I'm ready."

Just like Harry said, Kat stood in the living room when I walked in.
"Hey bae." I said softly.
"Hey, how's my bae?"
I nodded. "Good. But exhausted." I carried the car seat into the living room and sat it down. "Did you bring your little ones?"
Kat nodded, "I did. I also brought help."
I heard her before I saw her.
"Is that my daughter-in-law?"
I chuckled lightly, "You brought Anne. God, you're a life saver."
Anne padded into the room with Abby on her hip. "Hello dear."
"Hi, mum."
"How's my grandson?"
I nodded. "He's good."
"What are we calling him?" Kat asked.
I gave her a look.
"I mean it. Andrew Edward is cute and I know it's a family name, but what can I nickname him? Besides Tadpole of course."
"We decided on Drew."
Kat and Anne smiled.
"Perfect." Anne stepped over and gave me a small hug. "Now, you two go rest and I'll take care of the babies."
"You're honestly amazing." I kissed my mother-in-law's cheek before grabbing Kat's hand and going upstairs.
We both plopped on the large bed in the master bedroom.
"I'm so unbelievably tired."
"I would be too if I was in a medically-induced coma after a c-section."
I shrugged, "It happens."
"How long are you two waiting to have another one?"
"Hopefully awhile."
Three years later.
I looked at Harry before the doctors could wheel me out of the room. "You would think after Drew I'd be less nervous."
Harry shook his head, "I'm not any less nervous than I was three years ago, babe. I just want you to be okay."
"I'll be fine, Harry. Just keep an eye on that one for me?" I pointed to Drew as he colored on the floor.
"Of course, baby." He leaned over and kissed my forehead and then my lips. "I love you, J."
"I love you, H."

I returned thirty minutes later with a newborn baby girl in my arms. We had decided to be surprised with the gender this time around.
"She's beautiful." Harry chimed.
Tears fell from my eyes.
"Baby? What's wrong?"
"Nothing. No, I'm just happy."
Harry crossed the room with Drew in his arms. "Me too, baby."
"Ava." I whispered. "Ava Ruth."
"I love it, J. It's perfect."
"Explain something to me, would ya?" Kat asked as we waited for the doctor. It's my last appointment before my third baby is due.
"How come on days that I need a break, the boys go to someone else's house and I have to keep the kids?"
I laughed, "I find it unfair as well. Although they never come to our place anymore." I shifted to get comfortable.
"Are you okay?" Kat asked.
"I'm done after this one. I swear to it. Did Harry tell you all the other day that I snapped on him?"
"You did?"
I nodded. "It'd been years since I'd snapped, Kat. I felt terrible. I've been absolutely awful this time around."
"I don't even know how this one happened."
I laughed, "You're tellin me!"
"Like an African savannah?" Louis questioned.
I rolled my eyes at the boys. This birth ended up being the easiest and there was no C-section.
"You guys, I'm serious."
Harry kissed my head, "Of course you are, love." He glared at the boys.
"Jen, it's very pretty." Liam chimed in.
"Yes! Absolutely!" Niall added.
Louis nodded, "It really is. I like it."
I sighed. "Okay, Haz?"
"Yea, love?"
"No more."
He nodded, "Agreed. As much as I love babies and love that you give them to me, you're a nightmare."
I smiled. "I'm so glad we can agree on something."
I smiled as I looked around the backyard of our house. Everyone was here.
Kat and Niall with their seven year old twins Carter and Abby.
Sam and Liam with five year old Carrie and three years old twins Aaron and Allyson.
Maddy and Louis running after four year old William while two year old Annie sleeps inside.
And of course, my husband, Harry, with seven year old Drew and four year old Ava. One year old Savannah is also sleeping inside.
Harry finally saw me and made his way over to me. "Hey, babe." He kissed my lips.
"Are you good?"
I nodded. "Yes. Just feeling incredibly blessed. It's everything I dreamed of."
Harry kissed me again.
"Thank you, Harry."
"For what?"
"For never giving up on me."
"I never would have lived with myself if I'd let you get away, J."
I kissed Harry's cheek. "Come on. Dinner is done."
We called everyone inside and sat down at the table. Adults on one end, and the kids fighting over the best seats on the other end.
Harry said a small thanks and everyone dug in.
Kat leaned over and got my attention. I was staring off again.
"Hey, bae."
"Are you here?"
I chuckled, "Yes, just been thinking back to when we first met Niall in that coffee shop in Chicago."
"Wow. That's quite the flashback."
I nodded. "I know, right? God, things sure have changed."
"Yeah they have. We had some great memories then, huh?"
"It's insane. When we left for that trip, I never thought you and I would be running the biggest boyband from different places and then I'd marry one of them and have kids with him." I sighed. "I can't even fathom that right now."
Kat chuckled, "I totally get ya there. But we did a damn good job, didn't we?"
I nodded. "We sure did. Even from close and faraway."

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