Chapter 13

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Kat's POV (Chap song- Scars by Colton Dixton)



Gold digger.

Tree jumper.

You don't deserve either of them.


Your love life is going one direction. Down.

Slimy grimy witch.

Spell caster.

Piece of dog shit.


Piece of trash.



As I read the words that flowed through my social medias, I began to not feel anything. Like before.

I was slipping. And fast.

I closed my laptop and tossed it across my dorm bed. I wiped away the first silent tear.

Don't cry, Katie. You're strong. Don't go to that place again. You promised yourself you wouldn't.

But the tears kept going.

My heart sunk away, into some alternate spaceless galaxy, turning into black dust. I am nothing. I'm worthless. I am every fucking word one of those users said. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve anyone.

I cried even harder. I hugged my knees to my chest. I rocked back and forth slowly. My mind fogged up of nothing. I couldn't think. I'm just an empty body.

My fingernails dug into my skin, causing some blood to appear. I let it go. I can't feel it.

Numbly, I held my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Someone croaked.

"Jen," I cried.

"Katie? Are you crying?"

I shook my head, "I-I can't feel anything. I can't."

"Kat," Her tone was fully awake now, "Try and think happy thoughts." I could hear some whispered in the background. Then another, "Kat?"


She let out a rigid breath, "Please, Kat. Happy thoughts."

I could hear some more whispers before another voice came on the line, "Kat."


"Yeah, it's me, princess." He sighed heavily, "I love you."

"I-" I tried, "I-" I cried cause I couldn't say it. I can't fucking say it!

"Please, Kat. Are you thinking happy?"

"I can't," I began rocking back and forth again, "I can't. I'm not worth it."

"Yes, you are. You are worth everything. And you deserve to be with me. Trust me on that."

I shook my head, crying even harder, "No, I'm not. I'm every word those people said."

I could hear a sniffle from the other side, "No, you are not. You are a beautiful, wonderful, successful, independent woman with a boyfriend you deserve. You aren't a single word they said. Please, just don't hurt yourself."

"I-" I choked on my horrific tears.

There was now a yell in the background, "Someone get Ashton! She won't listen to me!"

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