Chapter 10

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Jen's POV
I sat out in the car with Mark at the airport to wait for Kat. She was coming out to LA for the second show tonight and the charity ball tomorrow.
"There she is!" Mark said.
I hopped out of the car and ran over to hug her.
"Hey, you okay?" She said hugging me.
"Yes, I just missed you."
She chuckled, "Alright, well lets get to the stadium. We have a show to put on."
I let Kat go first into the dressing room so that she could surprise the boys who are still under the assumption she isn't coming until tomorrow. I snuck away from the stadium earlier. I'm not sure where they think I am.
"I hear you guys gave Jen some trouble this week." She said as she stepped into the doorway.
"Kat!" Louis exclaimed. He, Liam and Harry all bounded over to her and engulfed her in a hug. Niall smiled but stayed put. I walked around the hug fest and sat down on the couch. They all caught up with each others lives but eventually everyone left. I think I heard Maddy say she wanted to eat so of course Louis went with her. And it sounded like Liam and Harry wanted to challenge Kat in a game of ping pong. And who knows where Niall went! I think he loses himself sometimes.
I pulled out the plans for the charity ball. They were all set and I couldn't wait to get to the venue tomorrow.
We have a few shows after the ball before another short break. We're just about done with the US shows which means we plan a few for the UK and Ireland.
"Hey Jen."
I turned around on the couch to see Harry standing in the doorway.
I smiled, "Hey, Curly."
"What are you up to?" He walked into the room and sat down next to me.
"I'm trying to write out everything for the next couple shows."
Harry nodded as he took the pen from my hand and laid it on the coffee table. "Can we talk?"
I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Yeah. Of course."
"What's wrong?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Ever since you got back from Iowa you've been really distant."
I shrugged and replied, "It's nothing."
His hand wrapped around mine. "I don't believe that."
I pulled my hand out of his. "Harry, I-I can't do this." I whispered.
"You can't do what?"
"Pretend anymore."
"Then don't."
I shook my head, "Don't say that. Please don't say that." I whispered.
"Jen, please just tell me what's going on because I'm confused."
This was it. I knew the words would never come out so I took a leap of faith. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. I felt an arm loop under mine and he pulled me over. My legs straddled his lap and his hands rested on my back.
I pulled back slightly, "Um, I-I'm um, I'm sorry." I mumbled.
"No, love. Don't apologize. I've wanted to do that since you walked into that room four months ago."
"Harry." I sighed.
"We can't do this. I work for you."
He kissed me again. "Jen, please don't over-think this. I think we'd be good together."
"I don't want to risk my job, Harry."
"Nothing is going to happen. Please, love. If it will make you feel better we can keep this between us for awhile?"
I smiled and nodded, "I'd be okay with that."
"So? You'll be my girlfriend?"
I nodded and replied quietly, "Yes."
"Good." His lips found mine again. "I could get used to this."
I chuckled, "Me too."
I leaned forward and kissed him once more before moving back to where I was.
Harry wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. "You can breathe now." He whispered.
I felt his lips on my forehead, "Breathe, love."
I let out a huge sigh, "I don't like that you can read me easily."
He chuckled. "I love that I can read you, babe. That's how I knew you liked me."
"And now I'm mad you." I pulled out of his embrace. "Did you see that coming?"
"No." He pouted slightly. "How come?"
"You let me make a fool of myself for over three months!"
"Oh, but you you were adorable, J."
I sent him a glare. "Not funny."
"I'm serious Jen. You are extremely cute when you're trying to avoid me."
I rolled my eyes as I tried focusing on plans.
"Oh come on babe." Harry pleaded. "Don't be like that."
"Why? I thought it was cute." I sent him a wink.
"Ok well now that's just not fair."
I shrugged, "Seems fair to me."
Harry scooted closer to me again and kissed my cheek, "I'll see you a bit later, love."
He got up and left the room. I let out another huge breath. Oh my god. I thought to myself. That really just happened. I just kissed Harry! I knew I had a stupid grin on my face as I heard someone walk into the room but a part of me didn't really care.
I glanced over to see Maddy. "Yeah?"
"Why did Harry just walk out of here with a grin on his face that is matching the one on your face?"
I shrugged.
"Oh, c'mon! No, wait!" She gasped loudly. "He kissed you!"
"Shh! Would you be quiet!? And actually I kissed him first."
Her jaw dropped, "No way!" She hopped onto the couch. "Seriously?"
I nodded and told her what happened.
"That is so cute! Jen! I'm so happy for you!"
I smiled, "Thank you, but um, we're just keeping it to ourselves."
"I completely understand that. Louis and I have done it for a long time. It's nice to keep our time together between us and the people who matter."
I sighed. "How long do you think I'll be able to handle that though?"
"Well, I haven't known you long, but I sense a little bit of persistence. You'll be alright."
I smiled again. "Is this stupid grin ever going to go away?"
"Eventually, but for now it'll be fun to make fun of the two of you."
I rolled my eyes. "Thank you Maddy. Seriously, you're amazing."
"As are you! I'm glad Kat overheard Niall cuz this tour wouldn't be much fun without you."
"Don't become sappy on me now, Maddy!" We heard Kat say as she walked into the room.
"By the way, the boys are on their way back in here to get ready." She informed us.
I shrugged, "Okay."
She looked at me quizzically, "Okay, well usually you're out of the room by now." She looked between me and Maddy, "What did I miss?"
"She kissed him." Maddy whispered.
Kat's eyes widened. "What?" A smirk appeared on her face. "No. Way."
I rolled my eyes and the grin returned. "Okay fine! Yes, I kissed him! So what! Why are we making this a big deal? Apparently it was bound to happen! And yes, before you ask, I am happy about it! I'm fucking thrilled because now I don't have to hide the fact that I really like him!"
Kat and Maddy didn't respond; instead their eyes shifted behind me. I turned on the couch and saw Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam standing in the doorway. Suddenly Harry came bounding over to me. He held out his hands and I took them. He pulled me up and then pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss even though I knew my face was bright red from kissing him in front of everyone.
The room erupted in cheers and whistling. I pulled away and buried my head in his chest. He chuckled and it vibrated through the both of us. I let out a giggle.
"Did you just giggle?" He asked softly.
"Yes." I replied quietly.
He kissed the top of my head, "It was cute, love."
I turned around and that's when the comments poured out from the rest.
"When did this happen?" Liam asked.
"Like a half hour ago while I was whooping your ass in ping pong, Payno!" Kat said.
"What the fuck did I miss?" Louis asked as he sat down next to Maddy.
"I think it's cute." Maddy replied.
"It's about damn time!" Niall cheered.
I chuckled, "Okay, well let's keep it quiet for awhile okay?"
Harry's arms wrapped around my shoulders. "So that means no tweeting about it, okay Niall?"
Niall saluted at Harry, "Yes sir."
I sighed, "Alright. Get dressed boys you have an hour."
I tried to pull away from Harry but he wouldn't let me.
"Harry? You can let go of me now."
"Nope." He put his head in the crook of my neck. "I don't want to."
Suddenly Kat slammed a pile of clothes into his chest.
"Ugh! Damn Kat! What the fuck!?" He mumbled.
"Well, now he has to let you go." She said to me. "Besides, I need my bae right now Harry and you've got a concert. So go!"
Harry left a kiss on my cheek and ran off with Niall to change.
I looked at Kat, "What's up?"
She smirked, "The last of the boys outfits for tomorrow just arrived. Wanna go with me to check em out?"
I nodded and we ran off toward the stadium's loading area.
Finally the day of the ball.
I was up earlier than everyone else and arrived at the venue around 5:30. Katie was planning on bringing everyone else over around 6:30. But I had companies meeting me at 6am to set up.
I hadn't been at the venue long when my phone rang. I smiled at the caller ID: 'my Hazza'. He changed it after the show last night.
"Hi." I answered.
"Good morning. I'm standing outside your hotel room. Where are you?"
"I'm at the venue already."
"Why?!" He sounded concerned.
"Because it's my job to make sure everything runs smoothly. I can't do that from a hotel bed.
"Babe, you were up late. How much sleep did you get?"
"I don't think you want to hear my answer, Harry."
"Jen, please tell me you slept."
"If I did I'd be lying. It's not a big deal Harry. I'm so hyped up on adrenaline right now!"
I heard him sigh, "Ok, love. I'll see you soon."
"Alright. Bye."
"Bye, love."
I hung up and put my phone into my pocket.
I turned around and ran straight into the arms of my cousin. "Hi, Jen." I said to her. We have the same name. "How are you?"
"I'm great! Are you excited for today?"
I nodded and smiled, "Yes! Thank you so much for helping us out on such short notice!"
"You're very welcome! I hope it was okay I brought Jacob."
Her son peeked out from behind her.
"Oh, of course! In fact, I have someone he can tag along with for the day if you want."
"That'd be great!"
"Perfect! I'll let Haz know but he won't mind one bit. Come on, I'll show you everything."
"So? Who is Haz?" She nudged my arm as we walked toward the back rooms where she could put her stuff.
"Oh, well um, we're keeping it kind of quiet, but um, he's kinda my boyfriend."
Saying it out loud made all the difference inside of me. I felt on top of the world.
"Boyfriend? Wow! Have you told you parents yet?"
I shook my head. I felt terrible that I hadn't spoken with them much. I saw them a couple weeks back, but I never call them. "No. Not yet. But I go back in a week. I'll them then."
"Alright, well I'll try my best not to tell your grandparents but no guarantees."
"Deal." I chuckled.
I gave her a room in the back and she got her photography equipment ready.
I took Jacob with me and returned to the main room. The sound crew had just arrived.
"Hey Carlos," I called out, "Don't forget to set up the purple mic please!"
"Got it!"
I felt a tug on my shirt. "Cousin J?"
"Yeah, Jacob?"
"What is all of this for?"
"My friends from the band One Direction are having a charity event for sick kids."
"Really? That's pretty neat! Are you dressing up?" He asked.
I nodded, "Yeah I am. My friend Kat has a dress for me. What about you?"
"Mom brought my tux."
"That's awesome! I'll make sure to save you a dance okay?"
He smiled, "Awesome!"
We made our way over to the side door and met with each vendor as they entered. After a bit, I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind and a Starbucks Cup was put in front of me.
"Oooh!" I smiled. "Starbucks!" I grabbed the cup and turned around. "Good morning." I kissed Harry's lips.
"Good morning, love."
"Thank you for the drink. Let me guess. A hot chai tea?"
He nodded, "Yes! Kat helped me out."
"And it was a damn good thing I did because he was about to order you a venti black coffee." Kat replied from a few feet away.
My face scrunched up. "Thank you Kat for saving us all then." I took a sip. "Perfect."
"Good." Harry said. "So, how can I help?"
"Oh! Yes! Um-" I looked around the room and found Jacob talking with one of the vendors. "Come on." I took Harry's hand and we walked over to my little cousin.
"I think they should be to the right of the stage." He said to the vendor.
The vendor questioned him, "How old are you?"
"Old enough to know where flowers look best."
The vendor walked off and fixed the flowers at the edge of the stage.
"Nice going, little man!" Harry gave Jacob a high-five. "What's your name?"
"My name is Jacob. My mom Jen is taking pictures today."
Harry nodded and looked at me, "Your cousin's kid?"
I nodded, "Yeah. I figured he could hang out with you today?"
"That sounds like a plan!" He held out his hand to Jacob, "I've got a little project I need help with. You up for it?"
Jacob nodded and took Harry's hand, "Yeah!"
They walked off toward the back rooms. I smiled and returned to the vendors.
The flowers were placed on the round tables. The chairs had lace backings on them. The lights and decorations were wrapped around the room and the stage was covered in more flowers. The long buffet table was placed just right and the children's gifts were labeled and ready to go.
"Okay, everyone. Please come out to the main room." I spoke into the purple mic as I walked up onto the stage.
All of the crew and the boys and Kat and Maddy; Jen and Jacob and the boys security team. Along with the catering crew and the servers lined the walls.
"I want to just say a huge thank you to each and every one of you. I know it seems silly that we've been here since 6am and that it's only 4 in the afternoon, but you're all about to make a lot of children very happy! I want you to give yourselves a round of applause."
The room was filled with clapping and cheering.
"I want to give a special huge thank you to my cousin, Jen, for taking pictures. Each child will get an individual photo and a photo with they boys to take home."
There were more claps.
"And last but not least, Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry, without you none of this is possible."
We all clapped as the sound crew handed them their mics. They walked up on the stage with Kat and Maddy in tow. We girls stood off to the side as they spoke.
"We'll be speaking tonight as well," Louis began, "but this charity is a huge reason why we wanted to get this big in the music industry. The children's faces are worth the long hours we'll all put into this."
"The children are what matter." Harry added.
"A massive thank you from us to you all for this evening." Liam continued.
"It isn't possible without you." Niall concluded.
There was more clapping and we all returned our mics to Carlos.
I finished up telling everyone what to do before I was pulled away by Kat.
"What?" I snapped. I ripped my arm out of her grasp. I looked around and everyone was standing around.
"We need to get back to the hotel."
I shook my head, "No. I can't leave yet. Things aren't done."
She sighed and briefly left the room. I was confused. She returned quickly with Mark who was dressed in his tux.
"Lookin good, Mark!"
"Thanks, Jen. I'll take over for you and everything will be ready before you return."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Now all of you, go!"
We thanked Mark and snuck out the back door. I shot a text to Jen letting her know we were leaving and that she and Jacob should change soon.
"Hey, you okay?" Harry leaned forward from the back seat.
"Yes." I sighed, "I'm just nervous because I want everything to be perfect tonight."
"It will be, J." Liam said from beside me.
I suddenly gasped, "Liam James Payne!? How could I forget?!" My hand flew to my mouth.
He looked at me quizically. "What?"
"Your girlfriend!"
He shrugged, "What about her?"
"She's here!" I pulled out my phone and searched through my recent calls till I found the one I was looking for. I put the call on speaker.
"Hello?" The sweet British voice answered.
"Hi it's Jen."
"Hey! What's up?"
"Are you here?" I asked her.
"I am. Where are you?"
"Almost there! I'm so sorry!"
"It's alright." She paused. "I'm on speaker aren't I?"
"Yes, babe." Liam answered.
Everyone said hello.
"We'll see you soon, dear." I said.
We hung up and the car pulled up to the back of the hotel.
"Okay, boys, your outfits are in Liam's room; labeled. Please help each other okay? Call when you're done. I have to do your hair. " Kat said as the elevator reached our floor.
"And when we're all done, there'll be a limo waiting for us out back to take us back to the venue." I added.
"Where are our dresses?" Maddy asked as we seperated from the boys.
"Our room." She smirked.
Maddy and I gave each other looks. Neither of us had any idea what Kat had planned for us.
Standing outside Kat and my room, was a girl with long curled brown hair, half up, half down. She was dressed in a short light purple dress. It had a large bow tied off to the left side. Her outift was complete with silver stilettos. Sam.
"Hey girl!" I said cheerfully.
"Hi! You must be Jen."
"That I am."
We shared a hug and I introduced her to Kat. She already knew Maddy.
"I see Kat got you squared away with a dress for tonight already!" I commented.
She nodded, "It arrived this morning!"
"I didn't know when she'd get here so I sent it." Kat added.
"As long as we're all here supporting the boys." Maddy concluded.
We nodded and I looked to Kat. "So? What are we wearing?"
She had three dress bags hanging from the closet doors. She unzipped the first one.
"Maddy, this is yours. I got you a white Alice and Olivia Sachi open back gown. Over by the window are a pair of silver strappy shoes and silver accessories."
"Kat! This is beautiful!" She took the bag and accessories and headed to the bathroom, taking Sam with her to help.
I looked expectantly at Kat.
"Calm down." She unzipped another one.
I gasped, "No."
The dress was beautiful.
"This is a red, A-line shape, princess one-shoulder with an asymmetrical court train, evening gown. Over by the window I got you black flats and silver earrings."
"I-it matches." I whispered.
My best friend nodded, "Yeah. It does. It matches Harry."
"B-but we just got together yesterday."
She shrugged, "The two of you are meant to be. I told you that awhile ago."
I smiled as I hugged her.
"What is yours?" I asked, beginning to undress.
"A short strapless black dress. A-line shape, sweetheart neckline featuring pleated surpkice bodice and pleated skirt with sparkling silver jeweled accents at the waist; conplete with nude pumps and silver accessories."
"Are you trying to kill Niall?" I smirked.
She shook her head, "No. I have yet to speak with him actually."
"That is incredibly sad, Kat. He really likes you!"
"He should have thought of that before he punched Luke."
I sighed letting the conversation go. I know she doesn't want to talk about it.
I slid on the dress and it fit perfectly. "Oh my gosh, Katie! This is so pretty!"
She chuckled and stood up to help me adjust it a bit. "I'm glad you like it."
Just then, Maddy and Sam emerged from the bathroom.
"Jen! You're totally rocking the red!" Maddy commented.
"Thank you, you look gorgeous in the white."
Katie and Sam worked on our hair and make-up simultaneously. After a bit, Liam called Kat and she went over to his room to do the boys hair. She sent us preview shots of each of them. When she returned we helped her get ready.
My foot tapped anxiously seeing the venue appear into my vision. Everything looked great and was going as planned. I felt a hand envelope in mine and I glanced over to see Harry giving me a encouraging smile.
"Its gonna be okay, J. It all looks great," He soothed then leaned over to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. Good thing it's dark out and the windows are tinted black.
I smiled, "Thanks, Haz."
The SUV stopped in front of the grand venue and we all proceeded to get out. I tried not to trip over the back train of my dress. Seriously, why did Kat choose this dress? She's insane with her fashion choices sometimes. But I have to say, we all look amazing.
Just to make it easy, we all went in as pairs on the red carpet laid out. Liam and Sam, Louis and Maddy, Harry and I, then Niall and Kat. The flashes blinded me a bit but Harry's hand holding mine helped me keep steady. I hope no one thinks anything of it, at least they think it's just a friend helping out a friend.
I glanced back to look at Kat and Niall, who were obviously just smiling for the cameras. But I know deep down inside, they're happy to be walking inside together. And I know Kat coordinated their outfits to match. On purpose.
We all stopped at the backdrop for a group photo together. Then the boys got one together and us girls got one. We all procceded to go inside, where the event was. It was beautiful. Better than what I remember. Thank you Mark.
The smile stretching on my face couldn't be stopped. I felt so great inside as I watched the boys interact with the kids. Laughing, talking, and getting pictures taken. They even picked them up and would dance with them. My eyes focused on Harry though for a while. The way his smile beamed genuinely and naturally. His green eyes seemed to be more intense and sparkling. He'd run his hand through his hair every once and while. He let the children touch it and play with it.
"Hey," I heard a teasing voice beside me.
I looked over at Kat, "Hey, this turned out amazing!"
Her face brightened up more, "I know! And the boys haven't even made their surprise singing to the guests and children."
"Speaking of," I pointed a finger at her, "We need to go talk."
"We?" She cocked a brow.
I nodded, "Yeah, we're a team, remember?"
She rolled her eyes, "Right."
We made way for the stage and Carlos handed us our mics-- my purple one and Kat's green one.
"Hello, everyone!" I began, waving to the crowd. All of them chorused hellos and waves back.
"I hope everyone is having a great time," Kat stated, "And enjoying the food." She added quickly. Which made everyone laugh.
I laughed, "It is good, Kat. We just wanted to say thank you for coming."
"Thank you," Kat inserted getting some more small laughs.
"This night could not have been put together without our amazing crew members and, the one and only, One Direction. Come on up here boys!"
Kat joked, "Yeah, get your butts up here! Give em the surprise you have in store!"
Everyone erupted into whispers and some little girls screamed. A small smirk placed on my lips.
The boys were handed their mics by Carlos and they all walked up onto the small stage set up-- small for them anyways. I'd say it's quaint.
"Hello," Liam and Harry greeted with smiles.
"So, our surprise, is," Niall stated and looked at Louis.
"We're going to sing," Louis finished.
Liam added, "Solo first. Then as a group."
"Yay!" Harry cheered, making a ridiculous funny face, and threw his hand up in air.
All the kids jumped up and down excitedly, cheering, and they ran out onto the dance floor.
"Alright, I guess I will start," Liam informed, glancing at the boys.
They nodded and stepped off the stage, except Niall who was handed a guitar.
Kat pulled me back by my hand and we went towards the back of the room.
Liam chose Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. As he sang, he walked around the room and sang directly to the kids. Right at the end he walked over to Sam and kissed her cheek. It was so cute.
After he was finished, a piano track began to play and Louis stepped up.
He sang a more acoustic version of Demons by Imagine Dragons. It was well done. The kids danced along and the older ones sang with him.
When Lou was done, Harry stepped up onto the stage. Louis moved to the back of the stage and sat down at the mini grand. The instant his fingers hit the keys I knew what song Harry had chosen. I didn't know Harry even knew this song, but it was beautiful. It was one of my favorites, Lucy by Skillet. His voice filled the room as he sang the chorus. His eyes seemed to sparkle when he walked under the lights.
Kat nudged my arm. "He's whipped." She whispered.
I swatted her arm. I knew he was singing it to me even though he was interacting with the little kids on the dance floor. As he finished it, his gaze met mine. My heart swelled. I knew I had tears in my eyes but it didn't stop me from meeting him at the side of the stage. I didn't really care who saw us. He looked handsome and I couldn't stop the blushing while he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Hi beautiful. You alright?"
I nodded, "Of course."
"God, you're gorgeous."
I smiled, "And you're very handsome, Haz."
"Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly.
"You never have to ask that, babe." I whispered.
I shrugged, "Yeah, um, I don't know where that came from."
"It's alright. I like it." He leaned down and his lips brushed mine. "I almost don't want to because I know when I'm done you'll walk away."
I pressed my lips against his and then pulled away. "I'll see you later. Thank you."
As I walked back towards Kat, I heard Niall tell Harry, "That was disgustin." I rolled my eyes but Harry's response made my heart swell again. "Shut up, it was beautiful because she's beautiful."
When I reached Kat she had a smirk on her face. "That was cute."
I shrugged, "Yeah, well here's your boy so good luck."
"Shut up. We're not talking about this again."
I shrugged as Niall got up on the stage and the track started to play. I knew the song almost instantly. This Song Is About You by Olly Murs. Kat's body froze as Niall sang. I was almost worried for what could happen.

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