Chapter 18

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Jen's POV
Harry was bouncing off the walls, per say, as we drove through London. When we were here last time he went out and bought a ton of clothes and things for me and took them to his house. I never went with him because at that point I was still really unsure about the whole thing. Now however, we're in a really good place. I trust him with everything I have in me.
"Hey!" I put a hand on his arm.
"Calm down, babe."
"I'm just really excited for you to be in my house."
"Why are you so excited?"
"Because I've never brought anyone to my house."
"Really?" My heart swelled. He's never had a girl in his house.
"Yeah really." He put his arm around me and I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I was waiting for someone special. And I now I have you; my someone special. I love you."
"I love you too, Haz."
We pulled into a subdivision away from the inner city. The car paused and then drove through a large gate before coming to a complete stop.
"Are we here?" I asked.
Harry nodded and got out of the car. He walked around to my side of the car and opened the door. I took his outstretched hand and was helped out of the car.
I turned my head away from the car and gasped at the house.
"Harry. It's beautiful."
"I think modern was the word I was looking for when I designed this."
"Y-you designed this yourself and had it built?"
He nodded. "Yeah. The house that was here didn't sit well with me. I just really liked the view. I don't like to spend loads of money on earthly things, but this is one thing I'm proud of."
I smiled and leaned up to peck his cheek. "I like it."
"Good, baby. Because the inside isn't done and I'm letting you help me."
He started walking toward the house leaving me speechless.
I snapped out of it and ran to catch up to him. "What do you mean by that?"
"Exactly what you heard. I want you to help with the inside designs and decor."
"Well, why me?"
He stopped, causing me to bump into him. "Well, because you're my girlfriend, Jen. You're going to be living here this summer and honestly, I'm hoping you'll consider making this your permanent home."
I was shocked. I mean, not really, but kind of.
"You're really serious about us?"
Harry turned his whole body and faced me. "Do I really need to answer that?" He put the bags down on the porch and wrapped his arms around me. His lips found mine as my arms wrapped around his neck. I small moan escaped as his tongue entered my mouth.
I pulled away, "You really want to get carried away on the front porch?"
"Why? Do you have a better option?"
I laughed, "Not at the moment but I'm sure we can figure something better out."
I picked up the bags for him.
"Are you going to open that door or what?"
He shook his head and unlocked the front door. He pushed it open and let me walk in.
"Wow!" I took in the whole house. "Now I know why you're so keen on that front porch."
Harry shrugged, "I told you I needed help."
The whole place was white; and empty.
"There isn't anything here." I commented.
"Yeah, I know."
"Is there anything here?"
He laughed and it echoed through the house. "Of course. Come on. I'll show you around."
By show around, Harry really meant 'I'll show you my bedroom because it's the only room with furniture'.
"Now this room is nice. I like it."
"Good. I'm glad."
I eyed the purple comforter lying across the bed.
"Nice comforter." I commented.
"Nice, what?"
"Oh." I stuttered, "Um, duvet?"
He smiled, his arms wrapping around me from behind. "I knew what you meant, love. I just like hearing you struggle with the British-English lingo."
I sighed and turned myself within his grasp. "Well it's equally funny hearing you in Iowa."
He seemed to look deeply into my eyes. "I love you so much, Jen. Thank you for agreeing to stay with me."
"I wouldn't have wanted to stay anywhere else, Harry."
"You're so perfect."
"I wish I was perfect."
"Well you're perfect to me."
I sighed, "Using your own lyrics isn't fair, Haz."
"Even if it's true?" He asked.
"Especially if it's true."
He sighed, "Fine. Okay. Let's go grab some dinner and then we can stop by a furniture store on the way back home."
I smiled. "Home. That sounds nice."
"Good." He returned the smile and took my hand. "Let's go, babe."
"Harold!" I scolded him before he could plop down on another couch. "You are twenty-two years old. Please, for my sake, act like it. This man is trying to show us their newest pieces of furniture."
He leaned over and put his chin on my shoulder; his face right next to mine. "But I'm so bored."
I sighed. "Harry. You were the one who wanted to come here."
"I know, but I can think of more interesting things to do with our time."
"Yeah? Like what?"
I felt a hand on my cheek as his lips connected with mine. He suddenly pulled away. "Use your imagination, love." His voice was low and raspy.
He stood up straight and caught up to the gentleman helping us. I was left with red cheeks and my stomach fluttering. Did he really just do that in public? With me?
A few hours after we returned home from the store, I found myself on my laptop, connected to Harry's wifi, looking up couches. It was safe to say we didn't come to a joint conclusion while standing in the store as Harry practically undressed me with his eyes. I struggled to stand still and eventually just asked the gentleman for the store's brochure.
Harry and I had a pretty heated make-out session in the car at the back of the parking lot before Harry received a call from Liam.
I got dropped off at the house and Harry went to Li's.
I texted Kat but she didn't respond; as can be expected from Kat and Niall, who have spent more days apart from each other for the extent of their relationship.
I sighed aloud as I scrolled down the page. I had it narrowed down to two. I contemplated just ordering both, but they don't really match.
Just after 11pm, the front door alarm beeped.
I hopped off the bed and ran out to the hallway that overlooks the entry way downstairs. "Hey, Haz. What's up?"
"I just hoped you were still here." He said almost inaudible.
I gave him a sad smile, "Harry. You don't have anything to worry about. I'm not going anywhere."
"Well, we didn't get to finish what we started earlier. I hadn't heard from you and was beginning to wonder if you left me for someone else." He set a few bags on the floor in the entry way.
"Harry, that is an absurd thought to have. And I didn't text you because I figured you were busy."
Harry looked up at me and smiled, "You can text me anytime you want. Whether I'm busy or not, I like to know you're thinking of me."
"Well aren't you sweet. So, what's in the bags?"
"Um, let's see." He knelt on the floor and pulled things out of the bags. "Scissors, ribbon, kitchen towels, a few bottles of water, um, something for me, and oh, I got you an apron."
I laughed. "Did you now?"
"Okay, fine. I got myself an apron."
"There ya go." I chuckled as he continued.
"I also got a pack of cookies."
"That was a very successful trip to the shop then. What's the ribbon and scissors for though?"
"For you."
He nodded and picked up the two items. He took the stairs in twos and eventually stood in front of me. "I notcied it'd been awhile since you've had a ribbon in your hair. And when I passed the ribbon at the shops I couldn't help myself."
The ribbon was purple with polka dots; definitely something I'd wear.
"Harry, that's so sweet. Thank you." I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "This means a lot."
"You're welcome, love. I want you to be comfortable here."
I grinned.
"Speaking of, how did online shopping go?"
I shrugged, "I have it narrowed down to two couches but they don't match so you need to pick one or the other."
I took his hand and pulled him into the bedroom. I turned the comouter around so he could see the options.
He looked at each one, zooming in and every thing. "I like the brown one. So do you want to have the living room shades of brown."
I nodded, "Yeah that'll work."
"Okay good."
He picked up the laptop and put it on the side table. Then, in one movement he swiped everything else to the floor.
"Now, if you don't mind." He took a few steps toward me. "I'd really like to make-out with my girlfriend again."
I smirked, "I think that can be managed."
"You think she'd be okay with that?"
His arms wrapped around me and I put mine around his neck. I pressed my lips to his and pushed him back on the bed.
"Whoa." He mumbled into the kiss.
I leaned back a bit. "You surprised?"
"A bit, yes." He scoot further up on the bed and I crawled uo next to him. "I love you."
"I love you too, Harry."
His lips found mine and eventually he was hovering over me. I put a hand on his chest to stop him.
"You okay, J?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, I just, um, we have to wait three days."
"Three days? Why?"
I gave him a look.
"Oh." He sat up. "Got ya." He paused and looked at the other side of the room. "Do you have um, everything you need for that?" His eyes met mine.
I nodded, "Yeah. I packed enough. I knew it was starting soon."
"Okay, so um, what's my boundry."
"Your boundry?"
"Yeah. How far can I go before you smack me away?"
"Harry, I'm bleeding. You do realize that's what I'm talking about right?"
"Yea." He nodded. "But I want to know how far you're willing to let me go."
I laughed, "Fine. You can't touch me down there whatsoever."
"Okay." He nodded. "Deal." His lips were back on mine and his fingers crawled up my shirt.
I sat up and he pulled it over my head.
"Harry." I mumbled as his lips were on mine again.
"Jen. Shush."
I chuckled but spent the next three and a half hours making out with my boyfriend.
"I want the couch on that wall facing the television."
I instructed the furniture store movers on where I wanted everything. They brought three trucks with over two thousand dollars worth of furniture today. Harry and I might be the most indecisive couple around.
"Okay, now I want that chair next to the couch."
"Knock knock!" I turned to see Niall walking through the open front door with Kat behind him.
"Hey guys!"
"Hey bae!" Kat said and she bounded into the living room and attacked me. "What are you doing?" She asked, shocked.
"Didn't Harry tell Niall?"
"Didn't he tell me what?" Niall asked coming up behind us.
"That he didn't have any furniture in here?"
"Is that why I've never been inside here?"
I shrugged, "Probably." I looked at Kat. "He designed this house."
"Really? Wow! When?"
"Apparently shortly before we came into the picture. It was finished in just a few months. When I got here three days ago, he had a full kitchen and a full bedroom set; that was it."
"Wow. Impressive work you've done here, Mrs. Styles." She sent me a wink.
"Stop it. We all know his decor skills are limited."
"Yes." Kat sighed. "Unfortunately we know that."
"So?" Niall asked. "Where is he?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "I thought he was with you."
"You did?"
"Yup. When he left this morning, he said, and I quote, 'I'm going to Niall's, I'll be home for dinner at 7'. So I figured he was with you."
"Well, he stopped by this morning but then went to Lou's."
Kat shook her head, "Maddy didn't say anything about Harry being over there."
"No, no. Not Louis. Lou. Lou Teasdale."
Kat and I looked at each other. "You mean, your old stylist?"
Niall nodded, "Yeah. He said something about setting up for a party or something."
Kat put a hand on my arm, "Did you know about this?"
"Does it look like I did?" I asked quietly.
"I guess not."
I looked to Niall. "Call him please and ask him where he's at. But don't tell him I asked."
"Okay. I'll be right back."
Niall walked off with his phone to his ear. Kat stood next to me as I instruted the movers some more. We didn't have to say anything for her to know I was nervous, and for me to calm down just because she was there. Niall came back a few minutes later.
"He's on his way home. Kat, I think we should go."
She nodded. "Okay, I'll meet you out at the car."
Niall said goodbye and left the room. The movers were done so I sent them on their way.
I turned to Kat. "I can trust him, right?"
She nodded, "Of course you can. He probably has a good reason for not saying anything. Just let him tell you."
I nodded and gave her a hug, "Okay. Thanks for stopping by."
"Yea. Anytime. Loves you."
"Loves you too."
She left and I plopped down on the new reclining chair.
"Wow, this looks nice."
I looked behind me. Harry stood in the doorway. "Hey."
"Hey. How was your day?"
"Good. How was yours?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "It was alright."
"What'd you do today?" I asked, trying not to sound suspicious.
"I chilled with Niall for a bit. Then I went to Lou's to see Lux."
The weight lifted a bit. "How is Lux?"
"She's good. Growing fast."
"I bet."
I picked up the remote to the new flat screen mounted to the wall and turned it on.
I heard Harry sigh as he walked across the living room amd shut it off by pushing the button on the side of it.
"I was watching that."
"No you weren't. You were trying to pretend you're not confused and a bit hurt."
"I didn't tell you because well, I still can't tell you. But I will when I can."
I put the remote down and crossed my arms over my chest.
Harry suddenly laughed. "I don't think you realize how incredibly cute you look right now."
"Shut up."
He shook his head, walking toward the chair. "Goodness, you're adorable."
"I am not."
"Oh, but you are." He stood in front of the chair and held out his hands. "Come on. Stand up."
I sighed and put my hands in his. He pulled me up and his arms engulfed me. "J, there is nothing I want more in this world than you, but I want you to be able to trust me."
"I do trust you." I whispered. "But why have you been so secretive lately?"
"I can't tell you yet."
I pulled away from him, "Then you can't have me til you do."
"Oh really?" He raised a brow.
"But it's been three days."
I shrugged, "So?"
"You told me that in three days I could fuck you."
My cheeks went red. "I-I um-"
He walked towards me. "You said, in three days I could have you."
"B-but I-"
He was right in front of me. "It's been three days, J."
With my cheeks red and the heat building inside of me, I leapt forward and crashed my lips with his. He put his hands under my butt. "Jump."
I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso. He walked to the stairs as I kissed his neck. I found a sweet spot and sucked, hard.
"Fuck, J." He hissed.
I kissed all around it. "Mmm."
"Proud of that are you?" He was walking us up the stairs.
"Yes. Very much so. It looks good on you."
He groaned, "Well fine. I guess I'll have to pay you back for that then."
"Alright. Go for it."
We made it to the bed and he dropped me. He pulled off my shoes and then took his off. I sat up and found the band of his skinnies. I unbuttoned them and pulled them down. Harry stepped out of them before crawling up on the bed with me. He kissed me and his hands found the bottom of my shirt. He pulled off my shirt and camisole I had on underneath it.
"Damn, so many layers." He mumbled.
I giggled, "Says the boy with skin tight girl jeans on."
He shrugged, "You didn't seem to have trouble."
"That's because you were standing up."
"Alright shush now."
"Yes sir."
His eyes met mine. "Sir?"
"Was I not supposed to joke about that?"
"Just surprised every time you call me something new."
His fingers slipped under the band of my leggings.
"Ooh. Cold."
"No you're not."
"You're right. Can I take these off?"
I nodded. "Yes. Please."
"Anxious are we?"
"You've been teasing me for three days."
"That's because I really need you now."
"Good because I need you too."
He pulled down my leggings, my underwear coming with them. "God damn." He mumbled, pressing his mouth to mine.
He trailed his hand down to my center and wasted no time pushing two of his fingers in. My hips bucked and my hands grabbed his shirt. "Fuck. Harry."
He pumped them in and out a few times, his eyes never leaving mine.
"H-harry? I'm not going to last much longer."
"Baby, please don't let go yet."
"Then pull them out." I struggled to speak. The effect just his long fingers had on me was almost unbearable.
He pulled his fingers out. I let out a breath. Harry chuckled. "Damn, babe. Why am I surprised by the effect I have on you?"
I shook my head, "I don't know but I'm surprised too."
"Are you ready?" He asked quietly. He left kisses along my collarbone and my breasts.
"Can I, um-"
He looked up at me. "Yeah?" He knew what I meant.
I nodded. "Yes, Harry."
"Okay." He laid down next to me and I climbed on top of him. I started by kissing over his two bird tattoos and over the butterfly. I inched down toward his length. Finally I took it in my mouth and he hissed. "God damn, Jen."
Less than a minute later, Harry stopped me.
"Okay, baby."
I sat up. "Yeah?"
"Come here." He patted the space next to him. I laid down on my back and his hands pinned my arms to the side.
"Harry, I love you."
"I love you too, baby."
"Please don't forget." I whispered.
"I won't."
"You're literally just sitting there."
"I know. Give me a second."
He hopped off the bed and scrambled to his nightstand. Pulling a pack of condoms fron the drawer I realized that's what he meant the other day when said he got something for himself.
His lips on my cheek pulled me from my thoughts. "You okay?"
I nodded. "Yes."
He trailed kisses down my body.
"Harry." I whined.
"I'm sorry baby."
"Haz, please." I needed him.
He gave me no warning again as he pushed inside of me. I gasped. Then his lips were on mine. My hips bucked, causing him to go deeper.
"Fuck, baby."
He moved in and out.
"God. Haz, I won't last long. Fuck." A tear fell from my eye. He kissed it away.
"Jen, baby. I'm sorry."
"No, don't do that."
He pushed again, and I came. Seconds later, he did too.
He pulled out and discarded the condom into the trash. He laid down beside me and his arms engulfed me. His head fell into the crook of my neck. My hands grabbed onto his biceps.
"Baby, please tell me you're okay."
"Of course I am. I'm so incredibly happy right now, Haz."
"You cried. Why?"
"Because I love you so much and I've never felt so in love." I turned in his arms to face him. "I'm so in love with you Harry."
"Baby." His face nuzzled into my neck. "I'm in love with you too."
I yawned. Harry leaned up on his arm, "You can sleep, babe. I'll go make dinner."
He went to move but I pulled him back. "Let's wait a bit. I don't want you going anywhere."
He chuckled. "Alright, babe."

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