Ashton: I didn't steal it!

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You looked around your favorite store "Hot Topic" in search for something interesting. You had been at the mall all day, and already had about five bags of stuff, but you didn't care. You wanted something with style, something cool, something that was perfect for you. You turned your head from the patterned belts and looked at the shirts that were a variety of colors. A boy looking at sunglasses spoke to you, his messy brown hair covering some of his face "What about that one." He said pointing to a certain section of the shirts, his eyes still focused on what he was doing. Your eyebrows raised as you saw a particular shirt that caught your eyes. On the third row was a black shirt, it's large green font saying "Green Day" you smiled huge at the shirt. Green Day was a classic for you, one of your favorite artists to listen to. He walked closer to you which made you feel a bit uncomfortable "Do these look cool?" He asked as he put on a pair of sunglasses to ask for your opinion. You had to admit, the boy was cute- not just cute, we was hot. But a boy that good looking had to have a girlfriend, so asking him if he did would make you sound like a complete idiot. "Very." You said to him with a nod of your head. "Also, thanks for showing me the shirt. I really like it." You said thankfully to him. "I'm Ashton." He said suddenly, you stared at him "And I'm walking away." You replied. You weren't trying to be rude, the boy seemed nice, but you really didn't have the time to talk.

You grabbed the shirt and put it on your shoulder, continuing to look through the store. You looked through the other things, bobbing your head along with the song that was playing. You found a cool bracelet you liked, it's bright red trim looked interesting and it's black center would help it match with the Green Day shirt. You pulled the bracelet onto your wrist, examining it carefully. You jumped as your phone buzzed, you pulled it out of your pocket and checked it Mom. Of course it was her, she seemed to always find a way to text you at the worst times.

~I'll be running late tonight, make sure you get something while you're at the mall~

You frowned a bit, your mom seemed to always work, sometimes not being able to cook for you. Occasionally you would just eat some cereal you found left in your cupboard. But luckily you were at the mall so you could get something from the food court. You walked to the counter and handed the cashier the Green Day shirt. She stood up straighter and slowly scanned it, a bored expression on her face. She said the price "twenty two fifty." in a monotone voice. You reached in your wallet and pulled out a twenty dollar bill, and two ones. You dug in your wallet, looking for two quarters, eventually finding some. She took the money and put the shirt in a bag, she handed it to you and did a terribly fake smile "Have a nice day." She said to you. "Thanks." You said to her as you started to walk out of the store you had spent so long in. Suddenly an alarm went off, you stopped dead in your tracks as you noticed it was from this store. A few people looked over at the store and stared at you, which was super embarrassing. "Come back over here." The cashier said, actually seeming to have emotion now. You stood there for a few seconds, wondering what you did "Now!" She said in a serious and annoyed voice.

Two men- or should you say- the mall security came over to hot topic after a few minutes. One of the men, with a large brown mustache, grabbed your bicep, which made you yelp "So what did you try to steal?" He said sternly, looking you directly into your eyes. You gulped "N-nothing!" The other man, a bald one made a face at you "Look miss you're in a lot of trouble, but you're gonna be in a heck of a lot more trouble if you don't tell us what you tried to take." You shrugged "I'm serious! I didn't try to steal anything! I'm a good person! I'm an A+ student! I'd never steal anything!" Your faced turned pale as you realized something. You still had the bracelet around your wrist, you lowered your head "Dang it mom." You said to yourself. You lifted up your wrist "I was trying this on. I forgot about it, I didn't mean to take it." The security guards laughed together, a giggle coming from the girl at the counter "We've all heard that one before." The bald man said. The one with the mustache tightened his grip on your arm "You're gonna need to come with us. One, you stole. And two, your lying." You shook your head quickly "I-I really didn't! I didn't mean to!" You screamed at him, trying to pull away. The man tightened his grip even more "Stop trying to get away. You're coming with us whether you like it or not." "Oh for crying out loud!"

You, the cashier, and the security guards all looked at the boy who spoke. You spoke quietly "Ashton?" He slightly bowed, his floppy hair bouncing as he pulled up "Walking Away." He replied to you in a flirty voice. The bald guard pointed to the other side of the store telling Ashton to leave, who just crossed his arms at the man. "She's telling the truth, you know?" Ashton said to the men, a slight bit of sass his Australian voice. The other guard raised an eyebrow, bringing an angry tone "And how do you know that?" Ashton raised both his eyebrows and acted like he accomplished something "I watched her." He replied. I stared at him like a moron "You....watched her?" The guard with the mustache question confused, "You watched me?!" I shouted at him. He nodded "Yeah. But I saw what happened." The bald man rolled his eyes "Boy, this young lady right here tried to steal this bracelet. And then, she made up some lame excuse to why she did. She's in a lot of trouble. And you'll be in some too, if you don't go away right now." Ashton stood where he was, which kind of impressed you, he was lucky one of the guards didn't pull out a tazer and shock him right then and there.

  The guard spoke again "Go. Away. Now." Ashton rolled his eyes "Aren't you gonna let me explain what I saw?" The guards looked at each other, then at you, who was nodding "Let's see what he saw." I said shrugging. Ashton smiled "Thank you Walking Away." You sighed and moved your head, showing him to start talking. Ashton got it quickly and started explaining what he saw happened. "So Walking Away here was looking at some stuff in the store. And then I went up to her and said she should check out that Green Day shirt. So she did, cause she totally loved it." You rolled your eyes "And so when she liked that shirt she went to go look at bracelets to see if she could find something cool. Which is why she has that bracelet on, because she was trying it on and she liked it." The mustached guard interrupted "So she was going to walk out with that and the Green Day shirt?" Me and Ashton both shook our heads "No," he said to the man "she got a text from someone while she had it on. She looked at the text which was from someone important probably-" "My mom." You said "Which was from here mom," he said looking at you "So she realized she had to leave or something like that and forgot she had the bracelet on. So she went to buy the shirt and the cashier didn't notice it. So she started walking out and then bam, the alarms went off and you guys came and then we all started talking about how you're gonna let this lovely lady go."

  The guards looked at you "Is this true?" They bald one asked, You nodded "Yes, I swear. Can you please let me go now?" You asked sweetly.

You sat at a booth with Ashton. "(___)" you said to him, making him look up. "What?" He asked "My name," you said "It's (___)" he smiled "I like that. It suits your face, and your personality, and you altogether." You smiled "And uh....thanks for getting me out of that mess." You said, a small blush coming on your face, he leaned back "No problem. I just wanted to help, I saw what happened so I thought might as well help." You looked at him, and took a sip of your pop. "Or is it that you didn't know if I had a boyfriend so you watched me cause you thought I was cute. You kept waiting for an opportunity to ask, so when the security came you saw you had the perfect chance. You stood up for me and showed me you were brave." Ashton stared at you for a few seconds processing what you said, slowly nodding with his mouth open. "Well I don't have a boyfriend." You said, chewing on your straw, you leaned over the table "And I'm guessing you don't have a girlfriend, even though you're totally gorgeous." Ashton looked you in the eyes "Let me see your phone." He said, you stared at him "Wh-" "Just give it." You took it out of your pocket and slowly handed it to him. After a few seconds he handed it back to you "What did you do?" You asked him, examining your phone. "Gave you my number." He said, as he stood up. He walked over to you and grabbed your chin, forcing you to kiss him for at least three seconds. "So that way I can actually talk to my girlfriend." You blushed, at him "Okay." Was all you said to him, as you stood up. "I gotta go home," You told him "the malls closing." You kissed him the same way he kissed you and turned on your heels, walking away happily.

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