Ashton: Ashley from Target

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(___)= Name
(F/s)= Favorite Shoes
(F/c)= Favorite Color
(H/c)= Hair Color
(F/a)= Favorite Artist- that's not 5sos of course
(F/s)= Favorite song by picked artist
(Height)= Height...what a shocker

The automatic doors closed behind you as you stepped inside the massive store. Looking around, you noticed that it was extremely crowded today. Moms were shopping with their kids, teenagers were hanging out, and there was the occasional child whose parents were nowhere to as the kid ran around screaming their heads off.

"Well this is gonna be fun." You sighed, walking past the dollar section and towards the back of the store.

You checked through the shoes first, finding some cute (f/s)s that you decided would be good to buy. Continuing on, you went into the clothes, hoping to find something new.

"Hello there."

You looked up from the (f/c) shirt you were looking at, seeing a boy around your age standing there.

"Uh....hi?" You let out slowly. Talking to people wasn't your strong suit.

The boy grinned, glad you acknowledged him. "Anything I can help you with, miss?"

You quickly scanned him, noticing the red button up shirt and name tag. He worked there which meant he could help you, but you knew Target like the back of your hand.

"Oh, I'm fine. I know what I'm doing." You quickly explained.

The boy looked disappointed but nodded after a few seconds. "Alright then. Have a nice day."

He then turned around, slowly walking away. You had to admit, he was cute. The way he walked was even adorable, yet oddly hot at the same time.

Smiling to yourself, you looked back to the clothes you had been scanning through.


You were now checking the CDs in search of something interesting. Pushing some of your (h/c) bangs out of your face, you lowered your head to read the names of artists.

"Oh perfect!" You squealed as you lifted up a (f/a) CD.

"Good choice."

Gasping, you faced where the voice came from. "You again?"

"Yeah, me again." The same worker from before grinned at you.

You knitted your eyebrows together, checking the CD. "You really like (f/a)?"

"Sure do," he responded, rocking back and forth of his heels. "My favorite is (f/s)."

You jumped up excitedly since someone actually had the same taste in music as you. "Really? Mine too!"

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

The two of you let out a laugh. This boy was incredibly nice and was fun to have a conversation with.

"You know, I like you." The boy nonchalantly told you.

Looking up at him, you responded. "You're not so bad yourself."

"Irwin!" Someone hollered, walking towards you and the boy. "Get back to work- or each word that comes out of your mouth will be a dollar off your paycheck!"

The boy you were currently chatting with tensed, nodding multiple times. "Yes sir, sorry."

The man, who you assumed was the boss, stormed off, muttering to himself. The boy, which the man called Irwin, turned back to you with a sad expression.

"I guess I should get back to work. I'll, uh, see you around....maybe?"

Frowning, you nodded. "Sure, Irwin."

He smiled at the nickname you gave him "Alrighty then, kangaroo."

"Why a-"

"Because you jumped when I told you my favorite song," he interrupted. A moment later he added, "I also really like kangaroos."

You rolled your eyes playfully then stared at him. "Just get back to work."

He chuckled, walking backwards. "Okay okay, you can't rush perfection."

"That's why I'm rushing you." You responded, trying hard not to laugh.

You knew you were wrong though. This random employee seemed absolutely perfect. Even though you barley knew Irwin, you liked him a lot.


"Come on!" You screeched as you jumped, extending your arms. "Why am I so short?"

The object you wanted was on the very top shelf. Being only (height) (I still get comments from the first chapter about some of you guys being 4 foot something so I made life easier) it was hard for you to do certain things.

"My name for you was so fitting."

The voice filled your ears and you heard a shoe squeak as the person took a step closer. You couldn't help but grin since you knew exactly who it was.

"Irwin," you demanded, jumping again. "Can you get that for me?"

He barley had to lift his arm to grab the item. Without a word, he handed it to you, giving you a small smile.

"Wait," you realized something. "Aren't you going to get in trouble for talking to me again?"

The boy just shrugged "I'm helping you out, aren't I? My boss can't punish me for helping a customer."

Rolling your eyes playfully, you shoved him backwards. "Fine, Irwin, but if you get fired, don't blame me."

"If I get fired, then I'll be okay." He casually stated.

"And why is that?" You questioned, as you looked at the items on the shelf.

"Because I'll have more time to hang out with you."

Blushing, you looked up at him. "W-what?"

"I really like you, kangaroo. I wanna get to know you more." He told you, resting his arm on the shelf.

You fully turned your body to his, having to look up since your face was level to his chest. "Are you asking me out? Because I would love that," you quickly checked his name tag "Ashley."

"Yes, I am. And actually it's Ashton." He let out, trying hard not to laugh. "They got it wrong and were too lazy to fix it, I guess."

You giggled, smiling at Ashton's words. "My real name is (__), if you wanted to know."

Ashton shook his head and ran a hand through his curly hair. "Nah, I think I'm still gonna call you kangaroo."

"Okay then, Ashley." You nodded, earning a laugh from the boy.


Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out your cellphone. Ashton took it out of your hands and typed in his number. When he handed you your phone back, the two of you stared at one another for a few seconds.

"Screw it," Ashton huffed, placing a quick kiss on your lips.

You blushed and your eyes widened out of shock, staring at him in disbelief. Ashton smiled to himself and turned around to walk away.

"I'll call you when my shift is over, alright?"

You nodded, pulling yourself out of your surprised trance. "Okay. See you soon, Ashley."

"Bye my little kangaroo."


What is this chapter lmao

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