Calum: Soccer

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Before I begin this chapter, I would just like to say thank you. All those comments on the last chapter made me realize this story is extremely important to you guys. If it weren't for you guys I would have probably deleted this story by now. But all the people who comment and say how amazing this story is really make me happy, because in all honesty it isn't very good. I just picked my favorite band, put some words together, came up with an idea, picked one of the four cuties, and bam, new chapter!

Also, this story just reached 2k views, that's amazing. I never expected this to get as many views as its getting, but somehow it is. How is this even possible? I'm not sure. I just love you guys so much *group hug*

One last thing, and then I promise I'll get to the next chapter. I want you guys to leave suggestions at the end of this chapter. Don't just ask me to do more of one of the boys, I need real ideas if I want this story to keep going. So if you guys would be so kind and leave a comment saying an idea you have, please do! It would mean the world to me. THE WORLD!

Ok well I'm gonna get going now, and I hope someone actually leaves a comment or things will just be really awkward. Well......bye!


You walked to the soccer field you would practice at. You dropped your bag and sat down next to it. You slid off your regular shoes and pulled on your shin guards, then (f/c) knee high socks. You put on your cleats and double tied them, so they wouldn't come undone while you practiced.

You stood up and pulled your (h/c) hair into a tight pony tail, making sure it wouldn't come undone. You pulled out your water and set it next to your bag. You put your regular shoes into the bag and zipped it shut.

You walked away from your bag as you dribbled your ball to the spot you were going to practice at. You stopped the ball and placed your foot on it, you started looking around to see just how many people were near you. There weren't as much people as usual, so the likelihood of someone getting hit in the head with one of your extremely powerful kicks was low.

You placed your ball on one of the corners and stared at the goal, deciding how you wanted to kick. From your angle it would have been better to kick with your left foot, plus you could use the practice. You kicked the ball as hard as you could, sending it flying into the goal. You smiled and nodded to yourself, now beginning to jog to retrieve the ball.

You lifted the thin rope up slightly as you reached into the corner and grabbed the ball. You picked it up and got out of the net, noticing a boy practicing. Your eyes followed him as you walked, he looked tall, but that was probably just because he was far away. You continued to walk, going back to your original spot, and continued what you were doing.

You did some more kicks and tried some head butts, you had to be fully prepared for this season. You took some water breaks and breathers every once in a while, but stayed on the field. You held the ball under your foot then kicked it up. You began to juggle it, counting as you went.


You were interrupted by a ball slamming into your head. You screamed as you grabbed your head in pain. You looked up to see the boy from earlier running towards you. You now noticed his features, fluffy brunette hair, bright chocolate eyes, tan skin, and a look of pure horror on his face. Wait. A look of pure horror?

"I' so soooo sorry! Are you okay?"

You blinked, once, twice, then nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just have a massive headache now, that's all." The boy frowned "I'm really sorry." He said as he reached down and grabbed his ball. You shook your hand "It's fine really. I should have been paying attention....-" "Calum," he said as he held out his hand "Calum T. Hood." You chuckled and shook his hand. "(___) (___)" you told him.

"Oh, by the way. You've got a great kick, you've really got a chance at becoming a professional." Calum shrugged "I'm not really sure if I'm going to end up with soccer." You raised your eyebrows "How come? I saw you over there, you're really good." Calum dropped his ball and held it under his foot.

"Thanks. But I'm in a band, so I'm having trouble figuring out what I'm going to do. We suck. But gotta take a shot, you know?"

"That's cool, maybe I'll look you guys up sometime. What's your name? And are you playing any gigs any time soon? I'd love to come." Calum rubbed the back of his neck "Five seconds of summer. And we're trying to book some gigs, but it's pretty hard without a drummer. We're kind of just sticking to YouTube right now, until we find the missing puzzle piece."

"Hmm, well I might know someone," you pulled out your phone and unlocked it "What's your number? I know this one kid, he goes to my school. I don't remember his name, but I know it begins with an A. I've seen him play the drums before and he's good."

Calum raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms "How good?"

"Really good."

"Really really good. Or just really good?"

"He's better than really really good. He's great."

"Well, I'm sold." Calum took your phone and typed in his number before handing it back to you. "Oh and is your head okay (___)?"

You suddenly remembered the horrible pain in your head. It didn't hurt as bad as before, but there would definitely be a bruise. "Yeah, it's feeling better then before."

Calum nodded "Oh good. So you'll be able to play a one on one match against me?" You raised your eyebrows "You sure you want to do this. I'm really good."

"Better than drum kid?"

You shrugged "Depends. You'll just have to tell me."

Calum chuckled and ran his hand through his hair "I'll tell you when you lose."

You gave out a fake gasp and stole the ball from under his foot. You began to run towards the goalieless goal and he began to chase after you "Not fair!" He screamed as he ran faster, his laughs being heard from behind you.


Bam! Done! Okay so like I said at the beginning of the chapter. Feel free to leave any suggestions! Go ahead and be as creative as you want!

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