Michael: I don't like you, Clifford

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Michael looks really good blond <3.

Before this chapter starts, I just want to tell you all I have a new story out. It's called The Business Trip and it's a Luke Hemmings fanfic. So could you guys please check it out? Thanks!

Kind of a different type of chapter, not sure if you guys will like it. Please tell me what you think•

(___)= Name
(B/f)= Best Friend
(H/c)= Hair Color
(E/c)= Eye Color


You let out a sigh as you flipped through channels, looking for something interesting to watch. It was about three in the morning and you couldn't sleep, so you decided to watch tv and attempt to drift off.

"No. No. No. Ew, definitely no." You mumbled since you still couldn't find anything.

Sitting up, you reached over to your dresser and turned on your phone. You let out a yawn and unlocked it, going to check on your Instagram. Since it was so late barley anyone was posting, but you saw a post from your sort of friend Michael. It was a picture of his tv, a show you didn't know covering the screen.

The caption read: Late night tv with myself! 😎

You giggled "Michael, oh my god." You naturally liked the post and continued to scroll. That is, until you received a text.

Michael(2:47): Well, look who's up

You read the text and rolled your eyes, then typed a response.

You(2:48): Looks like I'm not the only one, Clifford

Michael(2:48): Wow, I love being called Clifford! :D

Michael(2:49): Sense the sarcasm

You(2:50): I can't, we're texting

Michael(2:51): So

You(2:51): So?

Michael(2:52): Why are you up?

You(2:53): Isn't it obvious?

Michael(2:54): I don't know. You'll have to explain it to me because I'm dumb

You(2:55): Not gonna argue with that

Michael(2:55): (-.-)

You(2:56): I can't sleep. That's why. So I'm just sitting here alone watching tv.

Michael(2:57): Same

Michael(2:58): I have an idea

You(2:59): Drink some warm milk and listen to Adele because her songs are boring?

Michael(3:00): Well......no

You(3:01): I think I'm actually gonna do that

Michael(3:01): No don't! :( Don't leave me please

You(3:02): Fine....what's your great idea? :|

Michael(3:03): We hang out

Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion you stared at the screen. Was he serious? It was three in the morning and he seriously wanted to hang out?

You(3:05): Seriously?

Michael(3:05): Yup

Michael(3:06): I'll drive over, bring chips and stuff, and we can watch movies while being blanket burritos

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