Michael: Christmas

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You knocked on the old wooden door of the beautifully decorated house, the snow making it even prettier. You smiled at the sight, you had helped your boyfriend Michael put up those lights last week. You had almost fallen off the roof, being your clumsy self but luckily Michael was close, and grabbed your wrist.

You were pulled out of your thoughts as the door opened, a boy with dyed red hair and bright green eyes appearing behind it. He smiled a childish smile at you, your natural instinct making you smile back. Michael stepped back "Come on in. It's nice and cozy in here." He signaled for you to come in, you quickly accepted since it was extremely cold outside and you couldn't stand to be out there for one more second.

Michael hugged you "Hey (___)" he said as he let go of you, which made you kind of sad. "Ah, don't be sad. I'll hug you in a bit, okay?" You nodded, moving some hair out of your face.

"Come on, I've got some gifts for you." Michael said signaling for you to follow him into the room. You did as he told and plopped down on the couch, placing the bag you brought beside you. Michael walked over to his beautifully decorated tree, which you had also helped with. You admired the brightly colored ornaments that were placed so perfectly on the tree. Michael finally turned around with a few boxes, striding over to you with a huge smile on his face.

Michael handed you the first gift, which was wrapped beautifully, and topped with a bright red bow. You unwrapped the gift and opened the box, revealing a (favorite/band) sweater. You smiled and turned to Michael "Thank you, I love it so much!"

You put the sweater back in the box and handed Michael one of his gifts. He opened it and gasped "Thank you!" He shouted as he pulled the Greenday shirt over his Christmas shirt. "You're such a dork." You laughed as he handed you another gift.

You two exchanged gifts for a pretty long time, getting each other exactly what the other wanted. Michael probably knew you better than anyone, so it was no surprise you got such amazing gifts.

After gifts you and Michael got comfortable on the couch and watched a marathon of Christmas movies. You snuggled under the soft blanket he got you and ate some of the cookies and other goodies neighbors got Michael's family.

Eventually the sun set and you decided it was time to leave. Michael gave you a bag to carry your gifts in and walked you home.

"Merry Christmas." Michael whispered hugging you tightly. "You too." You replied nuzzling your head into Michael's chest. Michael kissed you and turned around to leave "Oh by the way, I loved the gifts you got me." He said. "I did too, thanks Mikey."

You walked into your house and headed upstairs, carrying your gifts along with you.


I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but it's kind of last minute. I wanted to make a Christmas chapter so I didn't have much time. I'd also like to say merry Christmas to everyone! Christmas is also my favorite holiday, and not just because gifts and stuff. But spending time with family and decorating the tree. I'm really having fun this season!

Also look how cute all the boys look in those Christmas hats! They're freaking adorable I swear. And Calum crossing his eyes is so cute.

But I hope you all enjoy your holiday and once again sorry for how short this chapter is. I promise the next one will be a longer! Bye for now!

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