Michael: Surpise Party

617 20 11

(__)= Name
(F/sb)= Favorite Shoe Brand
(B/f)= Best Friend
(E/c)= Eye Color


"Hurry! He might be here soon!" You screeched, hurrying your friends along.

They all entered Michael's apartment one by one with gifts and decorations on their arms. When Luke entered, you smiled with relief, finally shutting the door.

"What are we doing here again?" Ashton, one of Michael's best friends, asked.

Even though you've explained multiple times, Ashton doesn't understand. You loved Ashton, you really did- he wasn't the brightest. One time he told you tadpoles were baby turtles.

Sighing, you dropped a box of streamers at your (f/sb) covered feet. "We're going to surprise him when he gets home."

Calum, another one of Michael's best friends, raised his eyebrows "How did you even get him out of here? He never wants to leave."

Everyone looked at you curiously at Calum's question. A sly grin came across your lips as all the eyes stared at you.

"I told him stuff was on sale at Hot Topic."

Luke, Michael's last best friend, let out a laugh. "He really fell for that?"

All you did was nod, earning laughs from some of the people in the room. Your eyes began to shift around the room, seeing what you could do.

"Okay now," you stated, earning the attention of the people who were having conversations. "We need to start decorating this place."

With that, you split people up, giving them each a certain room of the apartment. You put yourself with Luke, Ashton, Calum, and (b/f). You're the one who planned all this, might as well be with the people you know the most right?

"Michael's probably gonna have a heart attack, just saying." (B/f) stated as she hung up a 'Pin the Tale on the Pikachu' that she made herself.

You laughed at her comment "I doubt that."

Calum butted into your conversation, a huge smile covering his face. "Yeah, but he might pee his pants."

The others burst out laughing and all you did was roll your (e/c) eyes. Turning back to the doorway, you continued to put lights around it.

Luke strolled over to you, leaning against the wall. Even when you were on a ladder, Luke was eye level with you.

"You're a really good girlfriend for doing this, (___)."

Looking at Luke thankfully, you smiled. "Thanks Luke. I just hope he," you said this last part loudly so everyone else could hear. "Pee himself."

Ashton and Calum burst out laughing at this oddly, (b/f) giggling to herself. Luke grinned at you, trying to contain his laugh as his best friends were literally rolling on the floor.

"Can you guys, uh, stop dying please?" You begged.

Ashton and Calum slowly calmed down, soon they sat up. "Well that was fun." Ashton stated, standing up like nothing happened.

"Hey Luke, can you get the snacks ready?" You questioned, ignoring the other two boys.

Luke nodded, winking. "Sure thing."

Luke then walked away, you stepping off the ladder. You sat down on the couch, grabbed some balloons, and began to inflate them.


"He's coming!" (B/f) shouted, rushing through the door.

She gently closed it behind her and turned around, looking at you desperately.

"Alright, everyone. Find somewhere good to hide, I don't want to see any of you."

Everyone ducked behind something. You looked around making sure no one was visible, seeing a pair of legs sticking out from behind the couch.

"Luke, I can see you."

"Sorry." He muttered, earning chuckles from everyone. You saw his legs slide and tried not to laugh.

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

You leaned against the wall beside the door. A few more seconds passed before the door opened, Michael stepping inside.

Every single person jumped out at the same time. "Surprise!"

Michael screamed, jumping in surprise. When he calmed down, he allowed himself to smile at everyone. His green eyes shifted around the room, meeting yours.

"Did you do this?"

"Yeah," you nodded "do you like it?"

It was Michael's turn to nod and he pulled you close to him. "Thanks, babe."

Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at Michael calling you babe. You wrapped your arms around his neck, connecting your lips.

For some reason, everyone clapped and cheered. Was this like something in a movie for them?

"Yes Michael!" Claim cheered, thrusting the air. "Get some!"

You glared at Calum, while Michael burst out laugh. "Calum, shut up!"


Michael sat on the couch, the next gift in his hands. He licked his lips as he unwrapped it, revealing a box. After opening the box, he pulled out a Cobain shirt.

"Aw thanks, (b/f)!"

She smiled and Michael grabbed the next gift, opening it. Then the next one, then the next one, and the next. He got to the last gift, which was yours.

You nervously rubbed your hands together as Michael pulled it out of the gift bag. It was a small picture frame, a picture of you and Michael in it.

He grinned widely as his eyes examined the picture of the two of you. "It's from our first date."

You nodded, everyone else letting out aws. Michael got up, walking over to you, and placing his lips on yours.

"Thanks, (___)." You smiled at him, closing the gap between the two of you once again.

"Happy birthday." You whispered, intertwining your hands.


I can't believe Michael is 21. He's growing too fast......ITS TIME TO STOP.

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