Michael: The Old House

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It's October.....which means things just got Spoopy!

(H/c)= Hair color
(E/c)= Eye color


"Michael, I really don't think this is a good idea." You pestered your best friend as you walked up the yard to the old abandoned house.

"Sure it is," He laughed in response, running a hand through his black hair (it's only black cuz again it's Spoopy time) "I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

You bit your lip and rummaged through your bag in attempt to find your flashlight. "That's what they always say in movies, you know? They go 'What's the worst that could happen if we go into the old abandoned house with that creepy old man who probably murdered twenty thousand people?' And then bam! Blood, guts, and DEATH!"

Again, Michael laughed. "Oh, c'mon, (___)! We'll be fine."

Michael playfully punched your arm and you let out a groan. When the two of you reached the creaky steps of the extremely large house, you looked over at Michael.

"Ladies first." He smirked and bowed, extending his arm out towards the door.

You scrunched your nose and rolled your (e/c) eyes. Slowly, you placed your hand on the door nob and pushed forward. Instead of the door just opening, the whole thing fell out of the doorway and into the darkness of the house.

Michael let out a snicker when your eyes went wide. "This is a really bad idea." You stated as you started at the wooden door that was now laying flat.

"Just go." Michael demanded, shoving you forward and causing you to almost trip.

"Fine," you scoffed "but if I die, I'm gonna kill you."

You could feel Michael's bright eyes watch you step around the door. "You can't kill me if you're dead. Just saying."

You rolled your eyes once again at your friend's comment and looked around the first floor of the dark house. Turning your flashlight on, you saw outdated furniture, old creepy portraits, and a giant hole in the floor.

"Note to self, don't fall in that." You quietly said to yourself.

You began to walk forward and look around more. You were actually pretty interested in the house, even though you would probably be dead in a matter of minutes.

The silence in the house was making things even creepier. It's as if no one else was in the house to hear you scream.

You stopped walking and widened your eyes, realizing you never heard Michael come in behind you. "If he left me, he's dead", you angrily thought as you walked back the way you came.

When you didn't see the dark haired boy anywhere around, you got nervous. You took in a deep breath and made the stupid decision of screaming. "Michael! If you left me I swear to God I will steal your guitar and shove it up your-"

Suddenly something jumped out in front of you and tackled you. You let out a scream and threw your arms forward in an attempt to get whatever was attacking you.

"Please don't kill me!" You begged, squinting your eyes and kicking your legs crazily "I didn't want to come in here! It was my friends fault! Why me?!"

Hearing laughter, you opened one eye to see Michael on top of you. "Boo!" He smirked, holding his hands out and wiggling his fingers.

You furrowed your eyebrows angrily and sat up quickly. Shoving Michael off you, you punched his arm as hard as you could.

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