Michael: Waiting

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Look! A wild double update appeared!

Ok, well I didn't even write this chapter. My amazing friend and fellow author ImAFlashcard wrote this for me! You all should totally go follow her because she's cool.

Yeah....I'm gonna start this now!

(__)= Name


"Are you sure you're okay with it?" you asked, receiving a nod in response. "Yeah, just because Calum can be a bit demanding doesn't mean I don't like hanging out with him." You smiled and said, "Alright."

You responded to his message, saying 'since Michael is okay with it, you can join us for a bit :)', and almost instantly he responded, 'cool see you in a bit.' You looked at Michael and said, "I kinda want to wait outside for him."

"(__), it's raining again," Michael responded with a small smile, but you just shrugged and said, "It's always raining. We'll be fine." Michael shrugged, and you both got up and got shoes on.

You walked out to the front porch, and you were greeted by a blast of cold rain and strong winds. "(__), this is kind of a bad idea. We'll get hypothermia," Michael said, his voice shaking a bit.

"I don't think we'll get hypothermia, Michael. Relax a bit," you replied, and he came to stand on the porch next to you. After waiting for a few minutes, though, the rain had stopped and the wind had picked up.

"(__), it's too cold. I'm going back inside," Michael said, turning to leave. "Michael, wait," you called after him, but he was already in the house.

"Sad now," you said quietly, but remained on the front porch. You quickly began to consider going inside and grabbing your phone and checking for texts on when Calum would be here.

It got much colder as time passed, and if you weren't so stubborn you would've been inside right now either on Twitter or listening to music. However, you wanted to be on this porch when Calum arrived.

It quickly got too cold. You were shivering a lot, and willing Calum to show up as soon as he could. "A nice glass of hot cocoa would be perfect right now," you murmured, and once the thought was put into your head it was all you could think about.

Eventually your will to drink hot cocoa and be warm was stronger than your will to wait in the cold for Calum. You turned to go back inside, but you saw Michael through the glass part of the door. A blanket was draped over his back, and he held two steaming mugs.

You opened the door, and he smiled and said, "It's gotten much colder." "No kidding," you huffed, and he asked, "Can you take these for a minute?" He handed you the mugs, and then threw the blanket over your backs so that it covered both of you.

You smiled, feeling his side press up against you so that both of you fit under the blanket. "Thanks, Michael." "Anytime," he said, smiling and blushing slightly. He took his mug-presumably coffee-back, and you took a sip from the remaining one and tasted....

"How did you know I wanted hot chocolate?" you asked, and he replied, "Well, you say that you want it all the time, so I made you some." "Aww, thank you. This is actually literally the best hot chocolate I've ever had."

He smiled at the compliment, and you rested your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense up at first, but he slowly relaxed. He cautiously let his head fall onto yours, and you smiled and closed your eyes.

"This is better. Not as cold anymore," you said softly, eyes still closed, and Michael said, "I guess so. My lips are kinda cold though." 'Did he just...?' He picked his head up, and after you did the same he looked at you, blushing, and asked, "Wanna feel?"

"Better yet I'll warm them up," You mumbled quickly, following what he was saying, and you pressed your lips to his. He kissed you back slowly, as if shocked that what he'd invited had actually happened.

'Click.' You pulled back to see Calum standing on the porch, grinning, and holding up his phone. "On second thought, I should go home. I don't wanna ruin your fun~" he said cheekily, grinning.

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