Calum: Guitar Lessons

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  You stood at the door to an unknown house, a piece of paper held tightly in one hand, a guitar case in the other. "I sure hope this is the place." You mumbled as you knocked on the plain wooden door.

  After a few seconds of waiting the door finally opened. A gorgeous boy with fluffy brunette hair stood at the doorway with a confused expression. Your (e/c) eyes met his chocolate brown ones after he examined you, his eyes catching your guitar "Who are you?" He finally asked.

  You shrugged "Uh......(___)? I'm sorry, I'm probably at the wrong place." You quickly scanned the paper in your hand as you searched for a name.


Absolutely nothing.

This guy was super unprepared.

"Oh!" The boy suddenly exclaimed, even though you didn't say anything. "You must be here for guitar lessons. Wait is that today?" The boy snatched the paper out of your hand and scanned it. His face turned a light shade of pink as his eyes met yours again.

  "I'm sorry," the boy began "I forgot that was today." He admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck. You gave a slight nod "It's fine really." The boy smiled suddenly "Anyways," he held out his hand "I'm Calum."


   "I think I'm doing this wrong." "Yeah, kinda." "Oh." "Here, like this." Calum demonstrated on his guitar "See, your finger wasn't placed correctly. You need to hold it like this."

  You adjusted your hand so that it was just like Calum's "Good?" You asked as your eyes moved up to meet Calum's, who quickly scanned your hands. "Good," He said as he gave a warm smile. "Now play the note."

  Calum strummed his guitar first, then you copied. "Okay good job!" Calum smiled widely "Is that all?" You questioned as you scanned the paper next to you. Calum just gave out a chuckle "Of course not. There's way more. You still gotta learn songs and rhythm and stuff like that."

You nodded "So I'll come back tomorrow then?" "Whenever you're free is fine. Here let me give you my number so you can call me so you know I'm free too."


"So you're free today?" You asked Calum as you shifted on your bed, your (e/c) eyes locked on your guitar case. "Yeah, I've got nothing planned. So you can come if you want." "Sweet, I'll be there in like," you looked in the mirror to see your face makeup free, and hair messy "An hour probably." You heard a laugh from Calum "You're not ready at all, are you?" "Nope." "Okay, bye (___)." "Bye Calum, see you soon."

You had been taking lessons with Calum for about a month now, and he had really grown on you.

His messy brunette hair, bright brown eyes, amazing voice, fun sense of humor, kind words, he was perfect. Now thinking about it, he didn't have a girlfriend and you didn't have a boyfriend. "Maybe you should ask him out?" You thought to yourself, as you began to pull out your makeup.

  "You know what.....worth a shot. Let's do it!" You whispered as you began to put on mascara, a small smile coming across your lips.

  After getting ready and looking your very best, you grabbed your guitar case and skipped downstairs, your hair flying behind you. You slid into your best pair of shoes and admired yourself in the large downstairs mirror, making sure you looked absolutely perfect for Calum.

   "So...Calum, how about we go on a date? No no that's not good. Ummm, Calum, you me, date. No to demanding! Jeez (___) why is this so hard for you?" You pestered yourself as you drove to Calum's familiar house, unsure of how to ask him out. "Okay, okay. Calum, you're a really great guy. And I think we should date, so what do you say?" You looked into the mirror at your face, examining your features "Good enough." You mumbled after letting out a low sigh.

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