Calum: Need a lift?

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  You woke up to a gray room, hearing the sound of rain against your window. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, trying to get the nasty taste out of your mouth. As you sat up and yawned you rubbed your eyes, trying to wake yourself up. You sat on your bed for a second, thinking of what day it could be, as you pushed some of your hair out of your face. You thought to yourself "Well, I slept in yesterday. And that was........Sunday" you quickly turned to your digital clock.


You felt like you were in the scariest horror movie ever. Face to face with the killer, their cold eyes staring into your soul.

"No no no no no no" you kept saying to yourself as you pulled yourself out of the bed, not even bothering to make it. "How could I forget to set my alarm clock?" You pestered to yourself as you grabbed your clothes quickly, pulling out a pair of skinny jeans and a (r/c) t-shirt. You quickly pulled off your pjs as you grabbed your hairbrush, attempting to brush your hair while you slipped off your pants. You put on your regular clothes and quickly put on some mascara, you didn't care if you looked bad, mascara was all you needed for now. You brushed your (h/c) hair a bit more, before giving up and throwing it into a messy bun. "I could have sworn I set it." You groaned as you walked past the kitchen, refusing to eat. You grabbed one of your pairs of Vans, untying the laces as you charged at the door. "I'm leaving!" You shouted, hearing a response but ignoring it, only focused on getting to school on time.

  Rain fell on your face and exposed arms as you walked, a faster pace then usual. It was a good fifteen to twenty minute walk to school, you checked your watch "7:48.......crap!" You shouted as you picked up your pace, your book bag slowing you down a bit. "I'm never gonna make it. Maybe if I run I won't be as late." You nodded to yourself and started running as fast as you could, the Vans you had in your hands hitting your side with every step you took.

  "Honk Honk" you turned your head slightly to see a red car slowing down next to you, it's passenger window rolling down. You turned your head quickly, scared of the car. "Hey!" A male voice shouted, you didn't look behind you. "I know you hear me! Do you need a lift?" The car pulled up next to you, driving slowly. You noticed a boy in the front seat, his dark brunette hair in his face messily, and his brown eyes were locked on you, which was stupid because he was driving. You recognized the boy, you knew him from school. You stopped, almost breathless, but you spoke "Calum.......why are you offering me a ride?" He shrugged "I don't know, I saw you running and assumed you were late. So I'm gonna ask this again, do you need a lift?"

  You stared at the boy blankly for a few seconds, your (e/c) eyes shifting from him to the sidewalk ahead of you. You opened the door "Fine." You said sitting down quickly "But hurry up. I have a perfect attendance, you better not mess this up." He started driving immediately, his eyes were focused on the rode as he spoke to you "If you're late, it won't be my fault. It would be yours, so don't go blaming me." You rolled your eyes and looked down at your socks, and slid your shoes on.

   "Don't come in behind me immediately," you spoke sternly "I don't want people getting any ideas of us dating." Calum just nodded, waiting for you to get out of the car. Quickly opening the door, you ran into the school, leaving Calum to park his car. You quickly grabbed your books and ran into your classroom, getting a few strange looks from other students. Your teacher -Mrs. Woodhall- looked up from her paperwork, her eyebrows raised. Your breaths were heavy, as you used your hand to support yourself as you leaned on the doorframe. "Am I late?" You asked her nervously. Mrs Woodhall lifted her head and looked at the clock on the boring white brick wall. She turned back to you "No, but you were almost. Try to get here earlier tomorrow (___)."

   You heard someone run up behind you, their breaths heavy. Calum. His breath felt warm on your neck, which sent shivers down your spine. You felt his elbow hit your arm as he stood next to you, your face turning a dark shade of red. You looked around the classroom nervously, seeing the amused faces of other students. Since he didn't listen to your statement and came in right behind you, everyone probably thought you were dating. You turned around to face Calum and gave him a rude look, before turning away and walking to the back of the classroom to take a seat.

  You dropped into your seat and sighed loudly, some eyes still on you. You looked down embarrassed, Calum messed this up for you.  As you thought about it you messed it up more for trusting him to give you a ride, but if you didn't take his offer you would have been late. So either way, you were screwed and you knew it. You looked back up to see Calum approaching your desk, you looked to your right, the only open desk left. Great, this day was off to a terrible start.


   You were in the middle of packing your bookbag to go home when you were suddenly turned around by someone. Luckily, it was your best friend (b/f) and not Calum. (B/f) placed her hands on your shoulders, her eyes wide "Are you dating Calum?!" She asked, almost screaming. You shook your head "No, I was running late today and he gave me a ride. Does everyone think we're dating?!" You raised your eyebrows at her expectingly "Because I swear, we aren't." (B/f) nodded slowly "Everyone in your class saw him walk in behind you. And then the rumors started spreading" she snapped "like that." You moaned and covered your face "I swear to god these people." (B/f) giggled "You guys would make a cute couple though. I'd totally date Calum, not sure about you though." She nudged you playfully a smirk on her face. Your face became hot and you knew she saw you blushing, her smirk spreading. She gasped and spoke over dramatically "No!" "What?!" "You like him don't you?" You stared at (b/f) and bit your lip, maybe she was right, maybe you liked him, just a little bit. She kept her mouth open and widened her eyes "Well? Do you? If you I promise I won't tell anyone. I cross my heart!" You knew you could trust (b/f), she was the best secret keeper you knew "Maybe a little. I'm not sure." She smiled at you and dramatically shrugged "You really do like him and you know it. You should just tell him." You grabbed the rest of your stuff and put it in your book bag "I guess you're right." You said as you threw your book bag over your shoulder, gripping it tightly. "I'll see when I can talk to hi-" "(___)!"

   You looked at (b/f) an amused look on her face. You turned around to see Calum walking over to you, his face red. When he got to you you could hear (b/f) giggling behind you, she whispered in your ear "Good luck." before walking off, her flat shoes hitting the hard floor as she walked. You stared at Calum with a bored expression, he whispered but you could still hear his angry tone. "Everyone thinks we're dating. What did you do?" Your jaw nearly dropped, it was his fault for this and he was blaming you. "You're blaming me for this? You're the one who didn't listen to me. I said to give me a few minutes then walk in, but  no, you walked in directly behind me!" Calum rolled his eyes "Well maybe you shouldn't have been late," he stated as he crossed his tan arms. You shrugged and calmed down a bit "Look," Calum raised his eyebrows at you as he waited for you to continue "I'm sorry people think we're dating now. I really didn't mean for that to happen. I was just......really running late." Calum's face softened and he let out a chuckle, which made you look at him confused. "What?" You asked him as you inspected yourself "Nothing. Just. Do you need a ride home?" You stared at the boy in disbelief "A-are you serious?" You asked as your face warmed up, he nodded "They already think we're dating. So why don't we convince them even more?"


You leaned back in the seat of Calum's car, making sure you were comfortable before you buckled your seatbelt. Calum turned the keys and the car started. You glared at him when the car started moving "Buckle your seatbelt." You said to him only getting a laugh in return "So you do care about me." You blushed and punched him in the arm "You're driving me home. I just don't want my source of transportation to die." Calum rolled his eyes playfully and he spoke to you in a sarcastic tone "That's obviously the reason." You nodded and stammered "I-it is!"

When you arrived at the front of your house you glanced at Calum. "So are you gonna drive me tomorrow?" Calum gave you a questioning look "Do you want me to?" You nodded in response and leaned forward, resting your elbows on the console. "So I'll see you tomorrow morning then." You kissed Calum on the lips lightly, which shocked him and made his face turn a bright red. He turned to you "Tomorrow morning then." He said with a single nod. You opened the door and stepped out of the car and stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. You turned to Calum and waved to him, before walking up and reaching your door.

You heard him drive off as you opened the door and smiled to yourself. You knew you had to look perfect for tomorrow, and that you would text (b/f) tonight; telling her exactly what happened. You thought for a second and realized that maybe running late wasn't so bad.


  I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Calum is my boobear and I love him so much. :) I cry so much when I see him.

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